Waterfall Feng Shui! The question from netizens is: There is a waterfall right in front of the house. Is it considered a treasure in Feng Shui? The simple understanding and answer is: there is a flowing waterfall and there is a treasure nearby, so it should be possible. The speci

Waterfall Feng Shui!

netizen’s question is: There is a waterfall right in front of the house. Is it considered a treasure in Feng Shui?

The simple understanding and answer is: there is a waterfall and there is a treasure nearby, so it should be possible. The specific location needs to be studied more deeply, and it needs to be observed on the spot. In China, it seems that only Master Mengchai has the ability to foresee things. Through divination, he can accurately identify the specific location of Feng Shui treasures without going to the scene!

Waterfall, a Chinese word, means the rapid water flowing downward from the mountain wall or river bed where it suddenly falls. From a distance, it looks like a hanging white cloth. In geology , this phenomenon is called falling water, that is, when the river flows through faults, depressions, etc., it falls vertically from high places. Relative to the duration of the river's existence, a waterfall is a temporary feature that will eventually disappear. There are several conditions for

to form a waterfall.

The first and most common cause of waterfall formation is the difference in rock types. Rivers cross the boundaries of many lithofacies. If a river flows from a hard rock bed to a softer rock bed, the softer rock bed is likely to erode faster and have steeper slopes where the two rock types connect. This occurs when a river changes direction and exposes the junction between different rocky river beds.

Niagara Falls, which forms part of the border between the United States and Canada, has a mottled dolomite roof rock on its bed, resting on a succession of softer shale and sandstone . The water of the Niagara River rolled over the dolomite rock wall and fell straight into a large pool below. The rolling and flowing river water endlessly eroded the underlying shale and emptied out the softer rock layers under the dolomite , piece by piece. The dolomites tumbled down, making the cliffs permanently steep.

Another situation is: In ancient times, a large piece of lava squeezed up from under the river bed. After the rock hardened, it formed a "wall" in the river channel, blocking the river water. The Hukou Falls of the Yellow River in China is a waterfall formed by such terrain.

The third situation is: ancient glaciers cut into the valley, forming cliffs on both sides, and waterfalls were generated on such cliffs.

A second related reason for the formation of waterfalls is that there are many strips of hard rock on the riverbed. A series of large waterfalls have appeared on the Nile River . The water of the Nile River has fully eroded the river bed, exposing the hard crystalline basement rock.

The third related reason for the formation of waterfalls is not due to the characteristics of the rock formations, but to the structure and shape of the land. For example, uplifted highland basalt can form a hard platform, and river water produces waterfalls on the edge of the hard platform . This is the case on the basalt in Northern Ireland. Looking at the larger area, the rocky surface structure of the southern half of Africa - a high plateau surrounded by steep slopes - creates waterfalls and rapids in most of the region's major rivers, including the Levins on the Congo River. The Don Falls and the Ohrabis Falls on the Orange River are geological formations of platform nature.

Generally, as the slope of the mountainous terrain increases, the number of waterfalls will increase.

River erosion and geological features are not the only factors that create waterfalls. Tectonic movements along faults bring hard and soft rocks together, creating waterfalls. The sudden drop in sea level on the riverbed increases downerosion and causes the breakpoints on the riverbed to retreat upstream. Such terrain and sharp changes in slope mark changes in the base water level of the river bed. Depending on sea level, river flow and geological features, and other factors, waterfalls develop where the fall or rapids of a river may create a breakpoint in the river bed.

Glaciation has created numerous waterfalls where valleys have been over-deepened by ice erosion and tributary valleys have been left high on the sides of steep valleys. California A Yosemite Falls carved out by glaciers fell from a hanging valley at a height of 436 meters.

Compared to the length of time of a river, a waterfall is a short-lived phenomenon that will eventually disappear.The rate of erosion depends on the height of the known waterfall, the volume of water, the type and structure of the rock, and other factors. Sometimes waterfalls recede upstream due to headwater erosion from cliffs or steep slopes. In other cases, erosion can cut down and flatten the entire stretch of river where the waterfall lies. Over time, by either or both of these means, the inevitable tendency of a river is to eliminate the waterfalls that have formed. The energy of a river always tends to give the river a relatively smooth concave longitudinal profile.

The waterfall is formed by the internal and external forces of the earth. A waterfall is a temporary feature during the life of a river and will eventually disappear depending on the height of the river, the amount of water, the type of rock and geological structure, and other factors.

Where there are waterfalls, the river will always erode upstream, trying to flatten the high places and make the river smooth. The faster the water flows, the stronger the erosion force on river channels and river banks. The flowing water continues to disintegrate the upper part of the waterfall, causing the rock formations to "break" and "fall", so the position of the waterfall gradually retreats upstream, and the height of the waterfall will decrease accordingly. In relevant cases, the position of the waterfall will recede upstream as a result of the cliff or scarp being eroded by the water; in other relevant cases, this erosion will tend to cut deeply downward, and the bevel will contain the waterfall. the entire river section. Over time, if either or both of these factors come into play, the waterfall will gradually disappear.

In fact, many large waterfalls on the earth have a clear "retreat" trend. For example, Niagara Falls has a drop of about fifty meters today. According to the rock formations, it was estimated that the previous location was downstream, and the drop might have been a hundred meters. The waterfall retreats more than one meter upstream every year, and the height difference is decreasing. At this rate, Niagara Falls will disappear completely in another 50,000 years.

Although all waterfalls will die, at the same time, over the long years, new waterfalls will be born. The geological movement of the earth caused the mountains and mesas to rise, and the strata to fracture and dislocate, all of which created conditions for the birth of new waterfalls. The beautiful and spectacular natural scenery of waterfalls will not completely disappear from the earth.

Feng Shui's articles on waterfalls mostly comment from the perspective of symbolism, and secondly express their opinions from the perspective of complexion. The waterfall above

has the artistic conception of "heaven and earth flow together"; that is, the water on the ground is flowing, and the reflection in the water is reflected on the water surface, which makes people feel that it is flowing, giving people the artistic conception of flowing up and down. If you can hit the real "heaven and earth flow together" point, there should be talented people who are famous throughout the world. People who can live a particularly long life and create extraordinary achievements will be born in such a place.

Everything in the world has two sides, and there are advantages and disadvantages. Through different channels, people always follow the idea of ​​seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages to correctly understand and rationally utilize different things.

The same is true for Feng Shui. Feng Shui's understanding of waterfalls is a temporary process. In the Yuan Dynasty, white was regarded as the noble imperial color. In the Yuan Dynasty, white was the noble color in people's minds. In later generations, purple was considered the noble color in the Ming Dynasty, and yellow was the noble color in the Qing Dynasty. After the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming and Qing dynasties, white became the iconic color for funeral activities, so people began to taboo against white. This taboo was moved into Feng Shui writings, and people began to taboo against waterfalls. , the reason is that waterfalls appear white.

The most famous waterfall poem in ancient times is: "The sun shines on the incense burner and produces purple smoke, and you can see the waterfall hanging in front of the river from a distance. The water flows straight down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls from the sky." Here, the waterfall is compared to the galaxy in the sky, which makes people feel and feel much more comfortable!

Modern people's understanding of waterfalls is mainly from the perspective of landscape.

Actually, water vapor and humidity are issues around waterfalls. Simply speaking from the perspective of waterfalls, you should be careful not to get too close to the waterfall, but not too far away. The distance and distance can only be analyzed on site. In modern times, there are hygrometers and . Don't rely on your feelings to determine what kind of humidity is most suitable for a person's constitution. Using a hygrometer, you can accurately analyze the distance from the waterfall.

The rate of erosion depends on the height of the known waterfall, the volume of water, the type and structure of the rock, and other factors. Sometimes waterfalls recede upstream due to headwater erosion from cliffs or steep slopes. In other cases, erosion can cut down and flatten the entire stretch of river where the waterfall lies. Over time, by either or both of these means, the inevitable tendency of a river is to eliminate the waterfalls that have formed. The energy of a river always tends to give the river a relatively smooth concave longitudinal profile.

The waterfall is formed by the internal and external forces of the earth. A waterfall is a temporary feature during the life of a river and will eventually disappear depending on the height of the river, the amount of water, the type of rock and geological structure, and other factors.

Where there are waterfalls, the river will always erode upstream, trying to flatten the high places and make the river smooth. The faster the water flows, the stronger the erosion force on river channels and river banks. The flowing water continues to disintegrate the upper part of the waterfall, causing the rock formations to "break" and "fall", so the position of the waterfall gradually retreats upstream, and the height of the waterfall will decrease accordingly. In relevant cases, the position of the waterfall will recede upstream as a result of the cliff or scarp being eroded by the water; in other relevant cases, this erosion will tend to cut deeply downward, and the bevel will contain the waterfall. the entire river section. Over time, if either or both of these factors come into play, the waterfall will gradually disappear.

In fact, many large waterfalls on the earth have a clear "retreat" trend. For example, Niagara Falls has a drop of about fifty meters today. According to the rock formations, it was estimated that the previous location was downstream, and the drop might have been a hundred meters. The waterfall retreats more than one meter upstream every year, and the height difference is decreasing. At this rate, Niagara Falls will disappear completely in another 50,000 years.

Although all waterfalls will die, at the same time, over the long years, new waterfalls will be born. The geological movement of the earth caused the mountains and mesas to rise, and the strata to fracture and dislocate, all of which created conditions for the birth of new waterfalls. The beautiful and spectacular natural scenery of waterfalls will not completely disappear from the earth.

Feng Shui's articles on waterfalls mostly comment from the perspective of symbolism, and secondly express their opinions from the perspective of complexion. The waterfall above

has the artistic conception of "heaven and earth flow together"; that is, the water on the ground is flowing, and the reflection in the water is reflected on the water surface, which makes people feel that it is flowing, giving people the artistic conception of flowing up and down. If you can hit the real "heaven and earth flow together" point, there should be talented people who are famous throughout the world. People who can live a particularly long life and create extraordinary achievements will be born in such a place.

Everything in the world has two sides, and there are advantages and disadvantages. Through different channels, people always follow the idea of ​​seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages to correctly understand and rationally utilize different things.

The same is true for Feng Shui. Feng Shui's understanding of waterfalls is a temporary process. In the Yuan Dynasty, white was regarded as the noble imperial color. In the Yuan Dynasty, white was the noble color in people's minds. In later generations, purple was considered the noble color in the Ming Dynasty, and yellow was the noble color in the Qing Dynasty. After the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming and Qing dynasties, white became the iconic color for funeral activities, so people began to taboo against white. This taboo was moved into Feng Shui writings, and people began to taboo against waterfalls. , the reason is that waterfalls appear white.

The most famous waterfall poem in ancient times is: "The sun shines on the incense burner and produces purple smoke, and you can see the waterfall hanging in front of the river from a distance. The water flows straight down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls from the sky." Here, the waterfall is compared to the galaxy in the sky, which makes people feel and feel much more comfortable!

Modern people's understanding of waterfalls is mainly from the perspective of landscape.

Actually, water vapor and humidity are issues around waterfalls. Simply speaking from the perspective of waterfalls, you should be careful not to get too close to the waterfall, but not too far away. The distance and distance can only be analyzed on site. In modern times, there are hygrometers and . Don't rely on your feelings to determine what kind of humidity is most suitable for a person's constitution. Using a hygrometer, you can accurately analyze the distance from the waterfall.