Home is our shelter from wind and rain, a place that can give us warmth and hope. Home is also our spiritual sustenance. Therefore, everyone will carefully design the environment and layout of their home in order to be more comfortable and live a happier life.

2024/05/2014:52:33 fengshui 1394

Home is our shelter from wind and rain, a place that can give us warmth and hope. Home is also our spiritual sustenance. Therefore, everyone will carefully design the environment and layout of their home in order to be more comfortable and live a happier life.

Home is our shelter from wind and rain, a place that can give us warmth and hope. Home is also our spiritual sustenance. Therefore, everyone will carefully design the environment and layout of their home in order to be more comfortable and live a happier life. - DayDayNews

However, in real life, not every family can go smoothly. Therefore, some superstitious people attribute it to the bad feng shui in the home and have not received the protection of the gods, so they go here to seek divination and burn incense there. Kowtow to pray for family peace and wealth.

It is not entirely correct to say that Feng Shui is superstitious. A good aura can indeed make people feel much better. However, if you rely solely on Feng Shui and do not do good deeds and do things that violate laws and laws of nature, then it is superstitious. . What is Feng Shui? To a large extent, people are Feng Shui. It is good Feng Shui brought by people's aura. It is not entirely that good Feng Shui changes people.

As the saying goes, "Blessed people live in blessed places", which means that even if it is a bad place, blessed people will live in a blessed place. Life is a practice, and blessings are achieved by one's own cultivation. As the saying goes, "If there are three people in your family, you don't need to ask God to ask for help." Who do these three people refer to? Let’s take a look below.

Home is our shelter from wind and rain, a place that can give us warmth and hope. Home is also our spiritual sustenance. Therefore, everyone will carefully design the environment and layout of their home in order to be more comfortable and live a happier life. - DayDayNews

1. Moral parents

Everyone is like this. Body, skin and hair all come from their parents, and they are nurtured by them before they can go into society. . An ancient saying goes: "When parents are alive, there is still a place to come from; when parents are gone, there is only a way back." Parents gave us life. Without parents, we would not have our own existence. Those who live are parents, those who raise are parents, those who educate are parents, and parents are the treasures of the family.

Buddhists say: Cause and effect is the natural law of the operation of all things in the world. Even Buddhas and Bodhisattvas cannot change cause and effect. Whatever cause a person sows, he will definitely get the result. A good and virtuous parent will sow the seeds of karma, and future generations will receive blessings. If parents are virtuous, their descendants will also be filial and know how to be grateful. Being filial to parents will also bring blessings.

Some people burn incense here and worship Buddha there. If it is useful, it can only be said to be a kind of psychological comfort for themselves. In fact, parents are the best Buddhas. While your parents are still alive, visit them often after work. Don't say that you are busy or have no time. Don't say that you will honor them when you have money in the future. This is just an excuse. Honoring parents is not only a traditional virtue, but also a kind of gratitude. It is also the foundation and blessing for the future prosperity of the family.

Home is our shelter from wind and rain, a place that can give us warmth and hope. Home is also our spiritual sustenance. Therefore, everyone will carefully design the environment and layout of their home in order to be more comfortable and live a happier life. - DayDayNews

2. Loving Couples

Couples are men and women who form a family after they reach a certain legal age for marriage. It is precisely because of the union of husband and wife that human beings can continue and develop normally. As long as we care for each other, tolerate each other, and work together, there is no need to ask for divination.

Half of a man is a woman. To a large extent, behind a successful man there is always the other half who silently contributes. His wife is a good wife and hostess, and she is indispensable for trivial matters at home and outside the home.

The other half of a woman is also a man. To a large extent, men maintain the harmony and prosperity of the family. Men are the backbone and the vanguard. Therefore, when seeking hexagrams and divination, it is better to ask more questions about the other party and care more about the other party.

As long as husband and wife respect and care for each other, understand and help each other, reach a consensus on work and study, and work together, work, family, and career will rise like the rising sun. The love between husband and wife is the foundation of the family and the prosperity of the family. fundamental.

Home is our shelter from wind and rain, a place that can give us warmth and hope. Home is also our spiritual sustenance. Therefore, everyone will carefully design the environment and layout of their home in order to be more comfortable and live a happier life. - DayDayNews

3. Diligent and studious children

Although a child's success or failure depends on his or her own physique and quality, to a large extent it is inseparable from his parents. The moral character and personality of his parents directly affect the child's life. Therefore, half of a child's future and destiny is due to his parents, so there is no need to seek divination.

Children are the hope of adults. It is of course a good thing to study hard since childhood. Parents must supervise their children and provide them with care and guidance.As the saying goes: "A tree will not become useful if it is not pruned, and a child will not become useful if left alone." Therefore, it is important to manage children correctly. Teaching and guiding children is more practical than asking for divination.

Children like reading, which is also a kind of spiritual practice and a merit for adults. Only by reading more and understanding more about the world can we experience life better, view the world correctly, and understand the meaning of life. In this way, we can form correct values, outlook on life and world view, dare to dream and pursue, and dare to face our own life.

After reading and understanding these things, you will master a certain amount of knowledge, and you will be able to have the capital for your own survival and living and independent economic capabilities. When you grow up, you will definitely be able to revitalize your ancestral business and make your family prosperous.

Home is our shelter from wind and rain, a place that can give us warmth and hope. Home is also our spiritual sustenance. Therefore, everyone will carefully design the environment and layout of their home in order to be more comfortable and live a happier life. - DayDayNews

The saying "If there are three people like this in the family, there is no need to ask God to ask for help" is not unreasonable. Divination is just a kind of psychological comfort. Parents must be virtuous. If parents are virtuous, their children will also be filial to their parents. Being filial to parents is a kind of gratitude and a virtue. The love between husband and wife is mutual respect and tolerance. Children with beautiful sentiments and studiousness are the hope of their parents, so caring for their children is a kind of care and a responsibility. Life is a practice, and it is the best Feng Shui. The last sentence is "burning incense and worshiping gods from thousands of miles away is not as good as caring for these three people at home"!

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