What is the purpose of dreams? Nietzsche said well that in dreams "there remains a certain primitive humanity that we cannot reach directly now." We can count on the analysis of dreams to lead us to an understanding of man's ancient relics and his spiritual gifts.

2024/05/1906:40:32 fengshui 1657

What is the function of dreams?

Nietzsche said it well, in dreams "there remains some kind of primitive humanity, and we cannot get there directly now". We can count on the analysis of dreams to lead us to understand people's ancient relics and their spiritual talents. Dreams and neuroses seem to have preserved more spiritual monuments than we could have imagined, so that among the earliest and darkest sciences concerned with reconstructing the origins of man, psychoanalysis should be among the best.

Dreams are the revelation of the subconscious mind. Dreams help to decompress the spirit and are mental activities that are helpful to mental health. Record the usual dreams and see what revelations our subconscious mind gives us. Analyze what is in our subconscious mind. Our unknown desires and pressures may also contain warnings and protections from our ancestors or gods!

Psychologists say well that people can change their destiny if they can control their subconscious mind. Because the subconscious mind is hidden deep in the heart and is not noticed by others. When we know the information revealed to us by our subconscious mind, then in daily life, sometimes you may be aware of it, make important decisions and avoid unwarranted disasters.

Some people say that dreams are quickly forgotten. How could I still remember it at that time? When you wake up in the morning, maybe you still remember it. Use your mobile phone to record it, or jot it down, and then write it down when you have free time. Sometimes you can read it and see if what you have experienced is foreshadowed in your dream. Maybe you are going through difficulties right now and have doubts in your heart. Maybe you need to make a decision now and don't know what to do. It might be helpful to take a look at the dreams you recorded before.

In ancient times, there was a story about Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly. He dreamed that he turned into a butterfly, which was lifelike. After waking up, he also suspected that he was transformed into a butterfly, which triggered his exploration of the spiritual world of life and founded the Taoist school of thought that has the most profound influence in China. " Zuozhuan " also contains many story records. Many monarchs or important historical figures made important decisions based on their dreams.

What is the purpose of dreams? Nietzsche said well that in dreams

Zhuangzhou Mengdie

Duke Wen of Jin had a dream before the Battle of Chengpu. He dreamed that King Zhuang of Chu was pressing on him and sucking his brains. He was very scared. This fear is actually a subconscious expression. The Battle of Chengpu was the first battle after Duke Wen of Jin came to the throne. His opponent was the powerful King Zhuang of Chu. King Zhuang of Chu once warmly entertained Duke Wen of Jin when he was wandering around, and asked him how he could repay him. Duke Wen of Jin said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner that when we meet on the battlefield in the future, we should stay away. Therefore, Duke Wen of Jin had many concerns about this war. Zi Fu saw what was on his mind and persuaded him that it was an auspicious dream. King Zhuang of Chu pressed on him to express his surrender. Jin Wengong's worries were dispelled, he decided to fight, and won a great victory. This war established Jin Wengong's position as the hegemon of the Spring and Autumn Period. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams actually plays a very important role in personal behavior. Freud once said in " Dream Analysis " that the content of the dream is not important. What is important is how you view the dream, and your interpretation is even more important. If you can recognize your own subconscious and control it subconsciously, you can decide the direction of things. This is what psychologists call the subconscious mind that determines a person's destiny.

What is the purpose of dreams? Nietzsche said well that in dreams

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