The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air

2024/03/3100:24:32 fengshui 1619

The most influential substances on the earth are air and water. Without water, there is no synergistic force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air and water are the most harmful to people. Importantly, using the word Feng Shui to represent the environment is to tell us that the impact of the environment on people is just like air and water. It is closely related to people and affects the continuation of life and every aspect of life.

Feng Shui is related to medicine. Feng Shui adjusts the environment to achieve harmony between people and nature, while medicine is a method to achieve harmony between people and nature by adjusting people and information.

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews. Shanghai Financial Center, Japan Katana

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews

Corkscrew Building

Shanghai Financial Center is well aware of its majestic momentum, and it was designed by Japanese engineers. The original design had a sun on the top of the building, and two Japanese samurai swords on both sides. The two swords held up the sun flag, symbolizing the Japanese flag.

After strong protests from Shanghai citizens, the original design was changed. The middle sun was canceled and became today's "corkscrew". When completed, it was the tallest and most iconic building in Shanghai.

At first, Chinese people only knew that it looked good, but did not know the intention behind it. The good times did not last long, and this building soon exerted its unique Feng Shui power. The two Japanese samurai swords slashed each other left and right, causing many commercial buildings and office buildings in the surrounding area to become desolate.

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews. Shanghai Tower , Tornado Bureau

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews

Why is it said that the ancestor of Feng Shui is in China? In the face of Chinese Feng Shui, Japan is still a bit naive. For a time, Chinese Feng Shui masters gathered in Shanghai to provide advice and suggestions for this world's super city to deal with Japan's sharp swords.

Then a "mace" shaped building was built next to the "Japanese Katana Building". Basically at the same time, Shanghai's tallest building "Shanghai Tower" was born, led by the Shanghai Municipal Government.

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews. Shanghai Tower is booming.

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews

Central Building is booming.

The master who designed the Shanghai Tower is so cool and awesome! The overall shape of is a spiral tornado. Xingsha Feng Shui pays attention to the shape. It is like a powerful "tornado" that instantly sucks the entire Bund evil spirit into the sky.

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews

The turbine-shaped roof

offers a panoramic view of the mountains. Standing on the roof of the Shanghai Tower, you can have a panoramic view of the entire century-old Shanghai. The roof design is scientific and reasonable and in line with modern trends. Rainwater can be collected to provide energy for the building’s cooling system.

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews. CCTV Building, Suave Bureau

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews

The CCTV building has a unique and innovative shape, resembling a big butt with its butt raised, and is also one of the most discussed urban architectural feng shui.

Not far across from it, looking in a straight line, is the People's Daily Building. Viewed from the center of the building, the Daily Building is right in the middle of the CCTV Building.

The Daily Building was originally a triangular shape, but when viewed from the center line of the CCTV Building, you can see just the side, resembling a human organ.

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews

Looking from the central axis, the whole complex is even more impressive.

has a unique shape and conspicuous location. The design of the building itself has attracted a lot of attention. Just after the building was completed, another fire suddenly broke out, and soon after that, many beautiful anchors were exposed. Therefore, it is easier for people to associate these events with this unique style of building.

5. Hong Kong Feng Shui Defense Battle

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews

Hong Kong was colonized by the British in the early days, and the largest bank at that time was HSBC. . After Hong Kong returned to in 1997, the Central Bank entered Hong Kong. The saying that latecomers take the lead is fully reflected here.

Bank of China is built opposite "HSBC".The shape is designed as a three-sided knife. The entire building is made of tempered glass walls. The tallest and sharpest blade faces the HSBC Bank.

Since Bank of China came here, HSBC performance has been declining. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I asked a famous Feng Shui master from the Hong Kong government to design two cannons on the roof of the building, aiming them at the Bank of China.

This was the world-famous battle to defend Hong Kong's Feng Shui. Later, a Hong Kong-based building was built between Bank of China and HSBC to reconcile.

6. Cai Feng Egg Holding Bureau

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews

bird egg incubator, wealth will roll in

Since there is a bird cage, there will naturally be bird eggs. This bird's egg is located in front of the Grand Lisboa Casino. The "bird's egg" is surrounded by jagged triangular leaves 360 degrees. It looks like both a bird egg and a pearl. The design of such a big bird egg here has two feng shui effects.

In the Five Elements, things with sharp corners belong to fire. The fire is exactly the pattern of Stanley Ho 's prosperous game, and the prosperous fire restrains the opposite Wynn Casino. The two eggs mean hatching, which indicates a steady stream of wealth; opposite is Calabi Governor's Bridge , which also means the sea dragon attracts wealth.

Those who are attentive will find that the Lisboa Casino is being renovated 365 days a year, whether it is the toilet or the wall. The Cantonese pronunciation of "decoration" is the same as "Zhuangshou", which means harvest all year round.

7. Shenzhen Kingkey 100, Tianjiang Waterfall Bureau

The substances on earth that most affect people are air and water. Without water, there is no coagulation force, and without air, there is no vitality. If you don’t drink water, you can only live in the wind, and if you don’t breathe air, you can only live for a few minutes. Air  - DayDayNews

Kingkey 100 is currently the second tallest building in Shenzhen, and its architectural style is unique. From the front, it looks like a waterfall falling from the sky, and from the side, it looks like two sharp swords. Kingkey 100 has a total of 100 floors, which means the number one in the perfect number of 100. It is 441.8 meters high and is homophonic to "everything must happen" .

There is a musical fountain in the center of the entrance of the building, which is turned on every afternoon. The gate is designed in the shape of a shark opening its mouth to suck money, and the arch of the gate is rhombus-shaped and jagged, like shark teeth.

The blue dragon on the left is the Bank of China Building , the white tiger on the right is the low grand theater, and the red bird in front is the Agricultural Bank of China. It is true that wealth is surrounded by wealth, and wealth is rolling into 's arms. .

Nowadays, most residential buildings are high-rise buildings. If they are surrounded by high-rise buildings or small high-rise buildings, it is fine. However, if there is only one floor in a row or a block of buildings, it will feel like it stands out from the crowd. The Feng Shui of such high-rise residences is not good. Well, in Feng Shui, this is called "lonely peak and solitary beauty". The evil spirits around it will bear the brunt of rushing towards this high-rise building. Such a residential environment is not good for the mental health of the residents.

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