Love of beauty is natural, seeking beauty is king! Many people have heard that in fact, skin begins to decline at the age of 18. Due to growth and stereotypes, the ability of cells to regenerate and divide begins to decrease. However, the obvious initial aging phenomenon occurs a

It is natural to love beauty, and seeking beauty is king! Many people have heard that in fact, skin begins to decline at the age of 18. Due to growth and stereotypes, the ability of cells to regenerate and divide begins to decrease. However, the obvious initial aging phenomenon occurs after the age of 25. This shows that maintenance must be carried out in advance. For prevention, don’t wait until sagging, wrinkles, and stains appear before you feel sorry for your skin!

Facial sagging is not only a superficial problem, but also closely related to the internal state. Including muscle sagging, there are dozens of small muscles on the face. Most of the muscles are actually rarely used in our daily life. As we age, they become more and more relaxed, making our face prone to sagging.

In addition, our facial expression muscles often do some muscle movements that are harmful to beauty, such as frowning, squinting, curling lips, pouting, etc., and are more likely to breed wrinkles.

The second reason is not using sunscreen.

Photoaging is more terrifying than natural aging.

Photoaging is a type of damage caused by long-term exposure of the skin to sunlight.

Natural aging is the gradual aging of the skin with age. Skin aging that is not or less affected by external stimulation factors.

Photoaging is caused by the sun. To prevent photoaging, in addition to avoiding and reducing sun exposure and limiting the time of ultraviolet exposure, don’t forget to use sunscreen to enhance the sunscreen effect.

If you don’t want to age so quickly, you must wear sunscreen.

The third aspect is the problem of malnutrition.

Muscle health is supported by nutrition. If there is a lack of protein, iron, zinc, or vitamin deficiency, the firmness of the muscles will be affected. Of course, people with flabby bodies are also prone to flabby faces. The aging caused by muscle relaxation and sagging is difficult to solve with any cosmetic measures.

Therefore, those who are on a diet to lose weight or those who eat very little for a long time are prone to this loose condition.

The fourth reason for sluggishness is excessive fatigue and lack of sleep, which will consume additional nutrients, reduce the ability to digest and absorb, and indirectly cause malnutrition.

So, when you look in the mirror, you will find that you seem to have aged a few years. Therefore, after you are over 30 years old, do not go to bed until 12 o'clock.

Well, the above is the fashionable skin care knowledge that Manyou Skin Care shared with you today. I hope that Manyou Skin Care’s sharing today can help everyone. Welcome to leave a message in the comment area below to share.