Butterflies fly in from the fragrance of flowers. When you become more and more beautiful, people will naturally pay attention to you! When you become more and more capable, people will naturally look up to you! If you bloom, butterflies will come. Try to change yourself, remembe

Butterflies come from the fragrance of flowers. When you become more and more beautiful, people will naturally pay attention to you! When you become more and more capable, people will naturally look up to you! If you bloom, butterflies will come. Try to change yourself, remember that laziness can destroy a person, diligence can inspire a person, don't wait for the sun to go down, miss the beauty of the sunrise when the sky is full of sunset.

Skin care is as essential as eating. Develop daily habits and use time to widen the gap between you and your peers. She is aging step by step, and you are getting younger step by step. When others ask, You can say calmly: Not bad! that's it!

Xiao Du is here to share it with you. It is recommended that we women do this before going to bed. In three simple steps, your skin will become more whitening moisturized and look younger and younger! The secrets are below! Come and take a look ~

The skin on the hands and face is the best way to tell whether a person is young, so its importance is self-evident. The hands are the second face of our women. We only need to put the skin on our two faces With good skin care, you will definitely look younger than your peers.


First of all, we need to know what kind of skin needs exfoliation?

01: If your skin is rough and dull;

02: Skin care products are absorbed slowly or even not at all;

03: Frequent acne, acne , closed mouth;

04: The foundation does not adhere well, and skin care products and cosmetics rub on the face. !

If your skin has these conditions, you should exfoliate your skin regularly!

We can wash our face with warm water at night, and add the step of exfoliating the skin!

Especially our hands, we need to soak them in warm water for 10 to 20 minutes, then evenly apply scrub , rub them gently with our hands, rub the finger joints and tiger's mouth a few more times, and then clean them with water. Choose mild exfoliating products, focus on cleaning the areas where cuticles accumulate, and cleanse regularly once a month. If the stratum corneum of the skin is normal, the skin will not only have better absorption of skin care products, but also become younger and younger!

Point 2: Apply facial mask, hand mask replenish more water

Nighttime is the best time to apply facial mask! Because it is the peak period of skin metabolism and the best time for the skin to absorb nutrients and repair itself.

facial mask, I use this Estee Lauder small brown bottle facial mask, and

hand mask, I use this Chuyuanyang hand mask, this hand mask is very user-friendly in design and sticks very firmly, so you don’t have to worry about leakage. Question, you can also play with your mobile phone, type, and apply facial mask and hand mask without worrying about being bored.

Therefore, here, Xiao Du suggests that the best time to apply it is at night. After cleansing and exfoliating, when the pores are open, the attraction effect will be better!

In the sultry summer, you should apply it more frequently to replenish the skin with more moisture. Makes our skin moisturized and plump, looking younger.