Earlier I shared the attractive snow white and the non-attractive soft white. The concept that white cannot go wrong is self-defeating. It is not easy to match white with high-end, and you must have a method. Today I will continue to share a white color: it is not only attractive

previously shared the attractive white and the soft white that is not attractive. The concept that is white and cannot go wrong is self-defeating . It is not easy to match white with high-end. must have rules and methods .

continues to share a white color today: is not only picky, but also not versatile, but the reason for recommendation is that 80% of Chinese men are suitable for . The skin color appears clean and not greasy. The key point is that the workplace matching solution is very high-quality and It's high-end, and if you have tasteful requirements, you must read it.

The above picture from left to right is snow white, soft white, ivory white . Today’s protagonist is which is a little yellowish and ivory white .

[witty] Someone must have questions : Why do you think 80% of Chinese men are suitable? You will definitely have the answer after reading the article.

Color matching cannot be based on feelings. There is a very scientific matching principle behind it . Today I will share the principle of color matching through the outstanding matching of ivory white. The principle is universal for any color matching, so it is very valuable.

The main content of this article:

Part 1: The core principle of color matching

Part 2: Analysis of the characteristics of ivory white

Part 3: Advanced matching analysis of 5 sets of ivory white

Part 1: The core principle of color matching

1: Basic concept: hue

The most important concept to understand before understanding ivory white is hue (you will understand it after reading it for a minute, it is very valuable for matching)

For example: the above Morandi color series looks old. Yes, it seems to be covered with a layer of dust, giving it a retro feel! Looking at each color individually, it has a characteristic that it is soft and elegant, and using a tone to describe its characteristic is a soft tone. Hue is the tendency feature behind the color.

2: The core principle of color matching: The Morandi colors on

have soft tonal characteristics and unified tones, so any two colors in the Morandi color system are very comfortable and high-end when paired together.

Key points: The most important and core matching principle in color matching is tonal unity.

In other words, there are no colors in the world that cannot be matched, as long as the tones behind them are consistent!

3: What are the colors?

There are 6 major color directions, which are subdivided into 12 characteristics:

Dark color direction: deep warm, dark cold

Light color direction: light warm, light cold

Net color direction: net warm, net cold

Soft tone direction: soft warm tone, soft cold tone

Warm tone direction: warm bright tone, warm soft tone

Cold tone direction: cool bright tone, cool soft tone

There is basically no problem in matching according to the tone direction. According to the subdivided tone The combination is even more perfect.

2: Analyzing the characteristics of ivory white

understands the importance of color tone, so what color tone does ivory white have?

1: First of all, ivory white is obviously yellowish and is a warm color. (Both warm bright and warm soft tones are acceptable.) It goes well with warm colors, such as coffee, beige, orange, etc.

2: Secondly, white is a very light color with light and warm characteristics. It is very elegant when paired with the same light and warm colors, such as light coffee, khaki, gray, light green, etc.

3: Ivory white is clean and has the characteristics of net warm tones, so it goes well with pure colors, such as dark blue, etc.

The characteristics of light warm tones, warm bright tones, warm soft tones, and net warm tones mentioned above are the only ones in the entire classification One-third, , but it accounts for 80% of Chinese men, so there is a high probability that you will be suitable for this ivory white.

Now we know the color tone of ivory white, and we also know that the unity of tone is the core principle of color matching. Let’s quickly find a unified tone!

3: Advanced matching analysis of 5 sets of ivory white

Take this POLO shirt as an example. In addition to color matching, the overall matching also considers style characteristics, age, and occasion requirements. The following mainly analyzes the ideas for color selection and matches it with casual and business occasions. Demonstration, (if it is a casual occasion, you can be more bold and add more personal requirements)

is elegant and low-key when paired with lead tin color. The gray-brown leather shoes and belt create a light and light feature with soft contrast. If you are a light and warm tone For people, this combination looks very high-end.

changed into a pair of gray-green pants and socks, but the overall color tone did not change, and it is still suitable for people with light and warm tones.

After reading the above matching, look at this set, do you think is very warm? , paired with dark brown pants and shoes, gold belt buckle, and gold watch have warm tones, so has a warm color matching direction, all The details should be closer to the warm tones, making the warm tones stronger. The thicker the color, the more uniform the tone, and the overall vision is more advanced .

If you are not a person with warm tones, wearing warm tones will make you look yellow, rustic, and have thick, greasy skin.

Color tones are magical. The color that suits you will be better in terms of skin color and temperament. Colors that are not suitable for you will denigrate each other. People have no temperament and clothes look cheap.

Understanding the color tone of clothing is as important as understanding your own color tone, otherwise no matter how good the match is, it will have nothing to do with you.

This set with khaki pants has the characteristics of light warm tones, warm tones and net warm tones. It is relatively more inclusive. is not sure about the direction of his own color tone, so just go with it like this!

This set of combinations is not so light and warm as a whole, because the tonal direction is different.

Dark blue, black brown leather shoes, socks are also brown, white and blue, clear and translucent, the color of the belt echoes the shoes, the watch echoes the color of the pants, the silver dial and belt buckle are polished and have a very glossy feel, which is also a characteristic of the net, every Every detail is chosen for the overall clear contrasting net tonal characteristics, forming an overall visual unity and harmony .

If you are a person with clean tones, this set is perfect. (There is a link at the back of the article about human tones)

Experience: If you understand your own characteristics, you can achieve better results by spending the least money within your own consumption range.

Summary: It doesn’t matter whether it is versatile or not. Understanding the matching principle of unified tones is the way to solve the color matching problem.

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Men's dressing style cannot be based on feelings, follow me! Scientific dressing starts with understanding the characteristics of yourself and your clothing!

Related article links: Human tones Relatively unattractive soft white matching case analysis How to match the extreme snow white