The short and long bridge outside Gusu City is covered with misty rain and late tide. I used to have fun here when I was drinking. I was drunk and rode the moon on the river, lying down and playing the flute. When a city is written about by a poet, the city will be easier for peo

The short and long bridge outside the city of Suzhou is covered with misty rain and late tide.

Zaijiu once had fun here, lying down on the river moon while drunk and playing the flute.

When a city is written down by a poet, the city will be easier for people to remember.

When a city is infiltrated with poetry, the city becomes more beautiful.

Recently, the BJ40 national fashion skin has played the "sky color flying flower order", which is refreshing. The three national fashion skins of Ruixue, Misty Rain, and Yufeng respectively correspond to the sky colors of Suzhou and Henan. They incorporate the most representative symbols for creative drawing to create a BJ40 ancient rhyme series themed skin with poetic feelings. Among them, the "Misty Rain" skin outlines the unique humanistic picture of Suzhou that has been soaked in mist and rain for thousands of years. The beauty of the Jiangnan water town makes people yearn for it.

A Gusu city , half of Jiangnan poetry

"Jiangnan is good, and the scenery is familiar to me in the past. When the sun rises, the flowers on the river are as red as fire, and when spring comes, the river is as green as blue. Can we not remember Jiangnan?"

Poet Bai Juyi In the writing of Jiangnan, Jiangnan is A beautiful painting expresses the imagination and yearning in the hearts of many Chinese people in ancient and modern times.

In everyone’s impression, Suzhou in the south of the Yangtze River is filled with mist and rain, awnings, small bridges and flowing water, and fields of lotus leaves. The climate here is pleasant, the scenery is beautiful, it is rich and exquisite, and it is smart and gentle. "The misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River intoxicates Suzhou". The BJ40 national trend skin is named after "Misty Rain", which gives the vehicle a poetic and picturesque image of black tiles and white walls, implying that all worries, depression, and dark clouds will disappear with the mist and rain.

"Misty Rain" national trend skin, with Mist and Rain Jiangnan as the core design concept. The overall color scheme of the car body is dominated by the green gradient commonly used in Chinese ink landscape paintings, reflecting the ancient charm of Jiangnan and the painting style of ink painting. The main body of the skin painting is the Jiangnan scenery of Suzhou's classical gardens. The dense smoke hides the ancient alleys and simple houses, and the gorgeous oil-paper umbrellas float in the haze, which gracefully forms a unique charm of the Jiangnan water town. It is so beautiful that it is like a dream. drunk.

The "Misty Rain" skin gives BJ40 a layer of elegance and mystery, transforming it into another clean world and giving it a unique waterside cultural heritage. Driving the BJ40 "Misty Rain" Chinese style skin version on the city streets, it feels like you are in a painting, with beautiful scenery everywhere you look.

Watching the misty rain through the car window is like reading a Jiangnan poem.

Suzhou, with light mist and light rain, is an ink painting that will never fade for thousands of years. Hold an oil-paper umbrella and watch the scenery on the bridge, while the people watching the scenery look at you under the bridge. The clear water and dense raindrops float in the fresh, euphemistic and unobtrusive haze, just like the personality of this city. In the eyes of ancient and modern literati, Suzhou is an ancient painting with profound artistic conception and an ancient poem with timeless flavor.

The rain may be gurgling outside the car, but inside the car the mood is dim. Sit in the BJ40 car, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Suzhou, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan. Ancient pagodas, ancient temples, ancient towns, ancient trees, and ancient buildings all exude a deep, elegant, and tranquil atmosphere; Suzhou gardens are world-renowned, and countless poets have left numerous inscriptions, poems, pictures, and residences; the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal runs around the city of Suzhou By the way, Taihu , Chenghu , Caohu and other large and small lakes embrace Suzhou. Every frame is a painting, making people excited and fascinated.

Suzhou is the top pick in the world, and people who ride the wind and waves off-road

The soil and water support the people. The strong humanistic charm of Suzhou has created talented people and beautiful women as bright as stars. According to "Luyuan Conghua" records, "Dingjia was most prosperous in Suzhou in the Qing Dynasty, and the number one scholar was especially high in the list and Tan." In the 1,300-year imperial examination history from the Sui and Tang to the late Qing Dynasty, Suzhou had a total of There are 51 civil and military champions, ranking first among all prefectures in the country. It is a veritable "hometown of champions".

This characteristic of Suzhou people “sympathizes” with BJ40. BJ40 owners are a group of people who love life, are willing to work hard for a better life, and at the same time know how to enjoy life. It is precisely because of BJ40's powerful off-road performance that it can accompany car owners to try new things, go on adventures, and enjoy natural scenery.For example, the BJ40 City Hunter Edition has excellent driving comfort, making it a car that can be used in the city or wild, salty or sweet, and is very understanding of life. The owner can also transform into an "urban player" at any time, walking calmly on the city streets. alley.

It is worth mentioning that the BJ40 City Hunter Edition has recently launched a huge discount activity, with many added benefits. Car buyers can enjoy purchase tax free of charge, up to 15,000 yuan replacement subsidy , 0 interest for 3 years, and a 3,000 yuan increment. Multiple favorable policies such as purchase benefits, Qianshan version of car clothing, and free gifts for old and new users make it easy for you to become an "urban player" and enjoy urban off-roading.

In this huge country, every city has its own unique atmosphere, which is worthy of us to take a look, walk around and appreciate it. BJ40 interprets the character of each city through its skin and vividly expresses the intriguing and unique charm of the beautiful China. It allows us to see the unique "character" and feelings of each city. We have to say: Beijing® really knows how to play!