Many people are afraid of aging and want to retain their youthful appearance forever. But as we age, the aging rate of our skin will gradually accelerate. Especially women over the age of 35 will have troubles such as wrinkles, spots, and out-of-shape figures. Some people start p

2024/06/2409:01:33 fashion 1807

Many people are afraid of aging and want to retain their youthful appearance forever. But as we age, the aging rate of our skin will gradually accelerate. Especially women over the age of 35 will have troubles such as wrinkles, spots, and out-of-shape figures. Some people start p - DayDayNews

Many people are afraid of aging and want to retain their youthful appearance forever.

But as we age, the aging rate of our skin will gradually accelerate.

Especially women who are over the age of 35 will have wrinkles, spots, and out-of-shape troubles .

Some people start paying attention to maintenance at a young age; while some people worry about aging while doing things that accelerate aging.

The following are 5 bad habits that accelerate aging, come and see if you fall into them!

1. Wash your hair too frequently

Unexpectedly, washing your hair too frequently is also one of the reasons for accelerated aging.

This is because washing your hair too frequently will completely cleanse away the oil secreted by sebaceous glands , which is equivalent to the scalp and hair losing their protective film. In the process of washing your hair, the hair scales will open up. Although they will automatically close in the end, they will be damaged if you wash your hair too frequently.

Over time, the hair will become dry and split, without luster, and the whole person will look very old and unattractive .

Many people are afraid of aging and want to retain their youthful appearance forever. But as we age, the aging rate of our skin will gradually accelerate. Especially women over the age of 35 will have troubles such as wrinkles, spots, and out-of-shape figures. Some people start p - DayDayNews

2. Love sweets

Most sweets contain too much sugar . Excessive intake of added sugar will destroy the body's collagen and make the skin less elastic and promote aging.

Eating sweets appropriately can secrete dopamine , making people feel happy. However, most sweets are macromolecular sugars, which are not good for digestion and can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Eating sweets for a long time will cause cells to lose activity, causing a large amount of collagen in the body to lose , resulting in skin becoming duller and duller, making you look older than your peers.

Many people are afraid of aging and want to retain their youthful appearance forever. But as we age, the aging rate of our skin will gradually accelerate. Especially women over the age of 35 will have troubles such as wrinkles, spots, and out-of-shape figures. Some people start p - DayDayNews

3. Often stay up late

Scientists have studied that the sleep time adults need is 7-8 hours . Only when you sleep enough can you have a normal day.

However, nowadays people generally stay up late, often staying up until midnight or even staying up all night.

If a woman often stays up late, even if she pays attention to skin care, it will affect her skin condition, causing her skin to become rougher and rougher, and worsening dark circles . Over time, the skin will always become oily, break out into acne, and even develop stains, which will accelerate women's aging.

Therefore, maintaining a normal sleep time is one of the simplest ways to prevent aging.

Many people are afraid of aging and want to retain their youthful appearance forever. But as we age, the aging rate of our skin will gradually accelerate. Especially women over the age of 35 will have troubles such as wrinkles, spots, and out-of-shape figures. Some people start p - DayDayNews

4. Turn off the range hood immediately after cooking

Many people will turn off the range hood after cooking, but this seemingly frugal behavior will bring hidden dangers to health.

Kitchen fume contains harmful substances such as aldehydes, ketones, and acids. Long-term exposure may cause loss of appetite, dizziness, and nausea in mild cases. In severe cases, it may even cause headaches, chest tightness, tinnitus, and weight gain.

Not only that, oil smoke attached to the skin will affect the normal breathing of the skin. Over time, the skin will become loose, inelastic and rough.

Therefore, it is recommended that you let the range hood run for another 3-5 minutes after cooking.

Many people are afraid of aging and want to retain their youthful appearance forever. But as we age, the aging rate of our skin will gradually accelerate. Especially women over the age of 35 will have troubles such as wrinkles, spots, and out-of-shape figures. Some people start p - DayDayNews

5. Drinking too little water

Most of the cells in the human body are composed of water. The water content in children's bodies is 60-70%, and that in the elderly is 50%.

As age increases, the inherent moisture in the human body will gradually decrease. The gradual decrease of moisture in skin cells is an important reason for wrinkles on the skin after middle age.

Lack of water can cause dry and tight skin, making people look older.

Therefore, if you want to prevent aging, you must add enough water every day.

Many people are afraid of aging and want to retain their youthful appearance forever. But as we age, the aging rate of our skin will gradually accelerate. Especially women over the age of 35 will have troubles such as wrinkles, spots, and out-of-shape figures. Some people start p - DayDayNews

If you have the above 5 habits, you must correct them in time, otherwise, you will age prematurely.

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