I don’t slack off on skin care every day, and I also apply sunscreen when I go out. Even if I protect myself well, I still get spots. Why is this? To answer this question, we must first know, what kind of people are prone to get spots?

2024/06/1023:38:33 fashion 1776

I take care of my skin every day and apply sunscreen when I go out. Even though I protect myself well, I still get spots . Why is this?
If you want to answer this question, you must first know, what kind of people are prone to stains?

I don’t slack off on skin care every day, and I also apply sunscreen when I go out. Even if I protect myself well, I still get spots. Why is this? To answer this question, we must first know, what kind of people are prone to get spots? - DayDayNews

1. Outdoor workers and people who don’t know how to protect themselves from the sun. Ultraviolet rays will cause the skin's melanocytes to produce a large amount of melanin. Melanin accumulates on the surface of the skin to form spots. Sun exposure can also aggravate existing spots and cause them to spread.
2, pregnant women. Abnormal hormone secretion in the body during pregnancy makes it easy to develop chloasma .
3. People who like to stay up late. Staying up late will cause skin and endocrine disorders , and will also affect skin care and easily lead to spots.

I don’t slack off on skin care every day, and I also apply sunscreen when I go out. Even if I protect myself well, I still get spots. Why is this? To answer this question, we must first know, what kind of people are prone to get spots? - DayDayNews

4. Elderly people. Due to skin aging in the elderly, melanin accumulates to form age spots .
5, people with genetic freckles. People with genetic gene are prone to freckles on their faces.
6, people with poor metabolism. If the skin metabolism is poor, melanin cannot be easily excreted from the body, causing stains.
7. People with dry skin. Dry and dehydrated skin will lead to poor metabolism, weakened resistance, and prone to spots.

I don’t slack off on skin care every day, and I also apply sunscreen when I go out. Even if I protect myself well, I still get spots. Why is this? To answer this question, we must first know, what kind of people are prone to get spots? - DayDayNews

If you happen to have the above situation, it is not surprising to have spots. But some sisters have obviously done a good job in skin care and prevention, so why do they still get spots?
spots are closely related to melanin and skin metabolism. When the amount of melanin in the skin increases, it is easy for melanin to accumulate and form spots. Sun exposure, stress, endocrine disorders, etc. can cause an increase in the amount of melanin. If not only the amount of melanin increases, but also the skin metabolism slows down and melanin cannot be metabolized out of the skin in time, it is almost inevitable to develop spots. Therefore, sisters with spots often have the problem of slow metabolism.

I don’t slack off on skin care every day, and I also apply sunscreen when I go out. Even if I protect myself well, I still get spots. Why is this? To answer this question, we must first know, what kind of people are prone to get spots? - DayDayNews

To improve spots, we start from these two aspects: reducing the amount of melanin and improving skin metabolism. You can improve and remove stains through daily maintenance, developing good living habits, and using regular freckle removal products. Pigmentation is not a problem. It is easy to find the right way to become beautiful. Sisters who want to remove freckles can try consulting us!

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