The ovulation period can be said to be the golden period for skin care. At this stage, the body's hormone secretion is very sufficient, and the cells in the body are also extremely active. With the help of the power of these cells, coupled with care from the inside out, the secre

2024/05/2623:19:33 fashion 1053

Balance hormones and fully display the charm of women

The ovulation period can be said to be the golden period of skin care. At this stage, the body's hormone secretion is very sufficient, and the cells in the body are also extremely active. With the help of the power of these cells, plus the internal and external Care can effectively eliminate the melanin hidden under the dermis. This period is also the best time to obtain fair and beautiful skin. Follow the editor to read below and do the following to fully bloom your feminine charm.

The ovulation period can be said to be the golden period for skin care. At this stage, the body's hormone secretion is very sufficient, and the cells in the body are also extremely active. With the help of the power of these cells, coupled with care from the inside out, the secre - DayDayNews

Defense against the sun The ovulation period is the peak period of yellow pigment production, and the skin sometimes shows traces of spots . Therefore, in addition to basic maintenance, you must also do a good job in comprehensive sun protection, so as to reduce the production of melanin and apply care products When using massage techniques with large circles, it can effectively promote blood flow and make the skin bright and textured.

The ovulation period can be said to be the golden period for skin care. At this stage, the body's hormone secretion is very sufficient, and the cells in the body are also extremely active. With the help of the power of these cells, coupled with care from the inside out, the secre - DayDayNews

Eliminate toxins
The imbalance of hormone secretion during ovulation will lead to endocrine disorders . Not only the physical condition is poor, but the skin condition will also decline. If you have a loss of qi and blood, you can eat some red dates and red beans to replenish blood and qi, and eat more at the same time. Foods rich in dietary fiber help the intestines and stomach move and metabolize toxins in the body.

The ovulation period can be said to be the golden period for skin care. At this stage, the body's hormone secretion is very sufficient, and the cells in the body are also extremely active. With the help of the power of these cells, coupled with care from the inside out, the secre - DayDayNews

Exercise for beautiful skin

Proper exercise can increase the secretion level of complex amines in the body, help prevent menstrual cycle disorders and hormone secretion disorders, balance the hormone levels in the body, and allow women to have better Qi and blood movement during ovulation, and the skin will be more beautiful. of beauty.

The ovulation period can be said to be the golden period for skin care. At this stage, the body's hormone secretion is very sufficient, and the cells in the body are also extremely active. With the help of the power of these cells, coupled with care from the inside out, the secre - DayDayNews

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