Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age

2021/10/1118:53:02 fashion 126

We all know that after the age of 25, women's metabolism slows down, fine lines and wrinkles are prone to appear, the complexion is dark yellow, and the chest and buttocks begin to sag.

But few people know the real culprit behind the metabolic slowdown- lack of qi and blood .

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

If you do not know how to maintain and manage yourself, it is easy to look like 40+, 50+ from 20+, 30+ in a short period of time.

Have you paid attention to those things about qi and blood? !

1. Do you understand the blood signal of the body?

Qi and blood channels The whole body meridians, the internal organs, the limbs, the five sense organs and the nine orifices, the flesh and the bones.

Qi and blood are enough to eliminate all diseases. Lack of qi and blood leads to all kinds of diseases.

For women, blood is the lifeblood.

There is a saying in Chinese medicine: Anyone who looks old must be blood stasis. All women who are sick are also deficient in qi and blood.

Insufficient qi and blood, it is easy to accelerate aging. The most intuitive performance of :

The complexion is yellow, fat on the face grows, sagging, sagging, fine lines and wrinkles follow one after another.

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

Prone to acne, spots, cold palace, weakness, and hair loss.

Many people will also experience symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety , irritability, and listlessness, and others will experience dizziness tinnitus .

Especially now in autumn and winter, the hands and feet are cold, and the quilt is not warm...

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

These physical changes and discomforts that have been ignored by you are all signs of protest and distress from the body.

2. How to replenish qi and blood for a colder age?

Autumn and winter,When the temperature drops, it is the tonic season, but if the blood is insufficient and the meridians are blocked, the tonic you think will only get half the result with half the effort, and the effect will be unsatisfactory.

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

The blood circulation of the body is decreased, the body needs more energy, and many people will feel the body stiffness.

We can practice qi and blood yoga in autumn and winter, "internally replenish qi and blood, and externally shape the body".

It is cold in autumn and winter and has a good appetite. Many friends accidentally ate themselves a few catties of meat.

The training of Qi and Blood Yoga is faster, healthier, and more thorough than simply sweating, dieting and losing weight, and drug intervention.

In fact, there are many stars of the frozen age who are beneficiaries of Qi and Blood Yoga.

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

46-year-old Lin Chi-ling, and ten-year-old Liu Yuning on the same stage, ruddy complexion, smart posture, the two performing together can be called "the combination of gods", there is no difference between them. feel.

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

53-year-old Yi Nengjing, 65-year-old Zhao Yazhi , although over half a hundred years old, she is still as beautiful as a girl.

Just like the familiar saying, when you start maintenance, your age will stay at how old.

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

Similarly, When you start practicing yoga, you will freeze to how old you are.

Third, Qi-blood Yoga is the same inside and outside.

Stop being a master of mind movement, start exercising, starting yoga is not as complicated as you think, a yoga mat can start your own yoga time.

A Qi and Blood Yoga class,Let the body feel these changes:

1. Clear the garbage in the body, massage and nourish the internal organs, make the complexion ruddy, and feel comfortable.

2. Nourishes the uterus, ovaries and other organs, promotes the circulation of qi and blood, and gently moisturizes the whole body.

3. Balance the hormone secretion in the body, make the skin delicate, rosy, shiny, and delay aging.

The best maintenance for women is to exude healthy energy from the inside out, the body's metabolic system is normal, and the heart is peaceful and comfortable.

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

The practice of yoga allows you to unlock the secrets of age-defying and to realize the fullness of body and mind.

Let’s share a group of fleshy 8-minute Qi and Blood Yoga. Through the training of Qi and blood throughout the body, this autumn and winter will make the skin more moisturized, and it can also prevent hair loss and body edema.

Quickly poke the link, the teacher will give you a more atmosphere!

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Sit up, keep your abdomen in, extend the spine naturally, flip the palm up, the thumb and forefinger fit each other, and the rest of the fingers are naturally extended.

2. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and expand your ribs to both sides.

3. Inhale and exhale through the nose; exhale and sink the ribs. Complete 3 times.

Function: adjusts breath, nourishes the lungs and relieves fatigue and anxiety.

Action 2: Sitting and blowing the tree (3 breaths)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Turn your head to the upper right side and extend the right arm upwards at the same time.Feel the stretch from the armpit to the groin.

2. Hold for 3 breaths. Change side practice.

Function: Stretches the spine, upright posture, and promotes blood supply to the head and neck.

Action 3: Sitting twist (3 breaths)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. With inhalation, stretch your arms up and keep your abdomen closed.

2. Exhale, twist the body to the right with your arm, look at your right shoulder, and feel the neck stretch.

3. Keep for 3 breaths and practice on the other side.

4. Inhale and stretch your arms; exhale and drop your arms


1) Avoid shrugging.

2) The body twists like a twist, keeping the navel pointing straight forward at all times.

Function: Massage the organs, clean the intestines, and expel dirty waste.

Action 4: Facial drainage (5 groups)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Take the index fingers of both hands and place them 2cm below the eyes and keep the abdomen closed.

2. Exhale, pull your index point toward the depression, and then pull to the middle of the clavicle to the side of the neck.

3. Complete 5 groups. It can also be done with the head up to help stretch the front side of the neck.

Note: slowly press down and then pull.

Efficacy: promotes facial lymphatic circulation , reduces swelling and rejuvenates the skin, diminishes spots and fine lines.

Action 5: Vajra back face (5 groups)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Kneel back, hook your toes, place the pillow under your hips to help your pelvis straighten up.

2. Put your thumb under the back of your head, and compare the rest of your fingers to a triangle to hold your head.

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

3. Inhale, raise your head, look up 45 degrees diagonally, and push your thumb inward at the same time,

4. Exhale, look down, and lean your head at the same time. Complete 5 sets.

Note: The head-up position has a slight force of the thumb to oppose; the back of the head pushes the hand backward when the head is lowered.

Efficacy: activates deep neck muscles, promotes blood supply, and eliminates wealth.

Action 6: Cat, Bull, Lion Roar (3 groups)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Kneel and stand with your hands as wide as your shoulders, and your legs as wide as your spine. Stretch naturally and hook the toes of your feet back.

2. Exhale, arch the back to roll the pelvis, push up the back, and stretch the spine section by section.

3. Inhale, stretch the spine, turn the pelvis forward, and at the same time stick out the tip of the tongue to make a "hai" sound.

4. Complete 5 groups.

Function: Gentle massage of the spine,Promote blood circulation, nourish the face, eliminate double chin.

Action 7: baby style relaxation (3 breaths)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Kneel forward and stretch your hips with your heels open. , Stretch the back with the eyebrows touching the ground. You can also place a pillow under the abdomen.

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

2. Hold for 3 breaths.

Function: Gentle massage on the abdomen, promote blood supply to the face, nourish the scalp and prevent hair loss.

Action 8: Simple dolphin pose (5 breaths)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Get up, stand on your knees, elbow support, interlock your fingers, and place your head on the palm.

2. Tighten the abdomen and hold for 5 breaths.

Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

3. Hook the toes back, exhale, raise your knees, or straighten your knees, and keep your back straight.

Note: Keep your back straight and avoid arching.

Efficacy: promotes blood return, nourishes the face, regulates the nervous system, and relieves anxiety.

Action 9: Dabai-style relaxation (3 breaths)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Push the hips to the heels,Hold for 3 breaths and get up slowly.

Efficacy: stretches the back, relieves back pain, and releases pressure on the spine.

action ten: lie on your back beam angle (3 breaths)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Lie on your back and place the air pillow on both knees. The side opens. Put your hands on your sides.

2. Hold for 3 breaths.

Function: stretch the hips, nourish the uterus and ovaries, nourish the skin and freeze the age

Action 11: Supine twisting (3 breaths)



1 , Bring your knees together, turn to the left, extend your right arm and land on your right shoulder, look at the tip of your right finger.

2. Hold for 3 breaths and practice on the other side.

Function: Gentle massage on the abdomen, relieve constipation and lighten spots.

action twelve: simple shoulder stand (5 breaths)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1.Pull the pillow on the lower back to support the lower back and pelvis.

2. Put your hands on both sides of your body, follow your breath, hook your feet up and straighten your legs, bend your knees slightly.

3. Hold for 5 breaths.

Function: promotes reflux of lower limbs, eliminates swelling, and soothes nerves.

Action thirteen: Cannonball style (3 breaths)


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Bend the knees, press down on the instep, and feel the extension of the front muscles of the calf.

2. Hold for 3 breaths.

Function: Massage the abdomen, relax the calf, create a sense of comfort and security.

action fourteen: corpse relaxation


Yellowish skin and sagging face? 8min qi and blood yoga, nourishing the skin and growing inversely during freezing age - DayDayNews

1. Put the pillow and knees under your knees, and straighten your legs.

2. Open your palms upwards, put them on your sides, adjust and relax.

Function: Soothes the whole body, releases pressure, promotes blood and helps sleep.

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