I am a Marvel movie fan. Because I like the animated characters in the film, I turned to comics, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Panther, Hulk, X-Men, Thor, Captain America, and countless familiar comic characters. , all from the hands of eighteen world-famous cartoonists in "Behind

I am a Marvel fan. Because I like the animated characters in the film, I have turned to comics. Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Panther, Hulk, X-Men, Thor, Captain America, are all familiar to me. The cartoon characters are all created by eighteen world-famous cartoonists in "Behind the Scenes - Visiting the Studio of World-Class Cartoonists".

"Behind the Scenes - Visiting the Studios of World-Class Cartoonists" Rafael Albuquerque, Lawrence Campbell, Travis Charlest, Dave Johnson, Michael William Kaluta, John Paul Leon, Sean Martinborough, Dan Panosin, Sean Phillips, Frank Quitely, Eduardo Rizzo, P. Craig Russell, Tim Sale , Bill Sinkovich, Percy Simmonds, Walter Simonson, William Simpson, J.H. Williams III. Everyone is like a thunder, a treasure, and a dream shadow in the hearts of animation fans.

took the trouble to list them one by one because they are not only super producers in the comic industry in reality, but also pioneers in the animation industry leading the future. Many of them have a legend or fairy tale as painters themselves.

No matter whether you like Marvel or not, whether you support the existence of the animation world or not, whether you understand the hard work of cartoonists behind the scenes, as long as you pay close attention to the paintings in the comics and slowly enter the story. You have to admit that animation has rewritten history.

In the digital age, life and work are becoming more and more connected, and scrolling has become a daily routine. Comics are increasingly loved by men, women, old and young. The intuitive pictures bring people a visual impact, and the concise and comprehensive text gives people the pleasure of fast food and fragmented reading. Convenient , Many people find spiritual resonance in the world of comics and make up for some of the innocence they have lost due to growth.

Whether it is the daily fun and comedy in leisure time, the comfort it gives you to relieve your fatigue, or the type of healing when you are sad, the warmth it gives you, or when you are confused, look at the life-saving blood fighting to give you. Chicken soup, The healing effect brought by comics is immediate. It is no wonder that cartoonists are highly sought after by countless fans, who are curious about their studios and even want to find out.

"Behind the Scenes - Visiting the Studios of World-Class Cartoonists" author Joel Meadows is the founder of the well-known British magazine Tripwire. He has collected precious manuscripts, real-life images and professional interviews with 18 legendary comic artists. Their studios are restored, allowing readers to be immersed in the scene, truly feel the atmosphere of creation of these artists, and listen to the creation stories of the outstanding comics and graphic novels of the past 50 years.

"Behind the Scenes - Visiting the Studio of World-Class Cartoonists" has photos of the real working environment of 18 comic artists, as well as their commonly used and favorite drawing materials, tools and software. In the form of dialogue, it faithfully records how these comic masters can maintain freshness and draw inspiration from life in their long-term artistic creation.

Any cartoonist who wants to find and form his own painting style in creation must be the beginning of a legend. Listen to how they describe the beginning of the legend. How to balance work and family is an important issue that cannot be ignored for every working person. How do these comic masters with unpredictable inspiration adjust their work rhythm and sequence to successfully complete the commissioned manuscripts?

Although the outline of the questions set is similar for every cartoonist, the answers are not the same. However, there is one thing in common for them, that is, whether to draw by hand on paper or using software on a computer. On the website, they uniformly prefer hand-painted works, because hand-painted works are warm and have low error tolerance but relatively high inspiration. Hand-drawing is indispensable for the artist's perspective and entry point into drafting, the creative process, and the burst of creativity.

In their cognition, they all subconsciously like the physical feeling of hand-drawing on paper. Only a warm hand-drawing can truly capture the hearts of readers. Another thing

have in common is their preference for music. When working, they almost always use music as an invisible work background to find inspiration and soothe themselves. Sure enough, it is no exaggeration to say that the saying "Music has no borders" is a wise saying.

The comic creation process is like an assembly line. The screenwriter sends the script, the artist draws it, the lettering artist adds speech bubbles, narration and sound effects words, so that the story can be read, and the colorist uses digital equipment to create black and white lines. Color the manuscript. At the same time, the editor works hard to make sure everyone gets their work done on time. Once all the files are gathered, they package them up and send them to the printer, and a week or two later you can have a finished copy. comic book . It turns out that this is how comic books go through a series of processes and people, and finally reach the hands of readers.

An effective cover rendering conveys the essence of the issue's story while retaining enough mystery to compel potential readers to purchase the comic and read the rest. In fact, this is the same as writing a book review.