In the blink of an eye, the day for the update of the third season of "Legend of Soldiers" is coming soon, and as usual, the official has released a new trailer, which is the eighth episode trailer. However, an interesting thing happened during this period, that is, when the offi

In the blink of an eye, the date for the update of the third season of "Legend of Soldiers" is approaching, and as usual, the official has released a new trailer, which is the eighth episode trailer. However, an interesting thing happened during this period, that is, when the official revised the previous feature film, they accidentally released the eighth feature film in advance. As a true fan, I noticed it right away, so I immediately clicked to watch it. The eighth episode can be said to be full of information, but it mainly revolves around the two popular characters Liangbing and Qiangwei. Without saying much, let’s analyze it together.


Liang Bing's addition to the show was successful, and the little clock's ability is really incredible

First of all, Liang Bing's addition to the show was successful. The character of Liang Bing can be said to be the most popular female character in "Legend of Heroes". Even the most beautiful angel Yan in the north of the galaxy cannot compare with Wu Yan. Take a look at the character clips and related discussions about this work. Got it, it’s almost all about Qiangwei and Liangbing. And it can also be said that Qiangwei and Liang Bing gave this work such high popularity, so of course the official must take advantage of it.

So although Liang Bing died last season, he still died to save Qiangwei from being sucked into the black hole, but he can still add drama if he dies. Judging from the feature film of the eighth episode, Qiangwei entered the past through the small clock left by Liang Bing, and met Liang Bing again. During the period, the two interacted and said many thoughtful words. Qiangwei also knew the truth. Liang Bing knew that she would perish if she went to the arena, but she still went because the Qiangwei she liked would definitely go to the arena, so she wouldn't It is very likely that Qiangwei will die, and between his own life and Qiangwei's life, Liang Bing chose to sacrifice himself to save Qiangwei.

From this point of view, the power of the small clock is really incredible, and it is probably imitated based on the large clock. And Qiangwei can go into the past and meet Liang Bing again through this small clock, but what she sees is only the Liang Bing of the past, because the Liang Bing of the past has always existed, but the Liang Bing of the present has fallen, and the Liang Bing of the future will be in hours. Zhong Ability can’t see it yet. But that's okay, at least Qiangwei once again saw Liang Bing, whom she had always missed.


Liang Wei’s official match has been officially recognized

Then Liang Wei’s official match has been officially recognized. In fact, everyone should be able to see this from both the trailer and the opening song of this season, but in this episode, the official clearly acknowledged it, telling the audience straightforwardly that Qiangwei Liangbing is a couple and no one can break it up. As for the Qiangwei Ge Xiaolun that many people are looking forward to, don't even think about the rekindling of old love and getting back together. Ge Xiaolun is just a kneeling character now. This is the official setting, and he is not taken seriously at all. Didn't you see that he traveled thousands of miles to Kunsa Planet and was rejected when he saw Qiangwei?

Qiangwei didn't look good on him. There was no scene of Qiangwei and Ge Xiaolun in the opening song. There was just a scene of Qiangwei and Liang Bing, and then Qiangwei missing Liang Bing. And Ge Xiaolun has become a social person. Since Qiangwei can't catch him, he will chase Angel Yan. So we saw Ge Xiaolun coming to Fraser and getting together with Angel Yan in the preview of the next episode.

Okay, that’s all for this issue. I hope you guys like it. The picture comes from the Internet and has been deleted. If you like this article, please like, comment and share it. Thank you for your support. We will continue to update exciting animation content in the future. If you have different opinions, please leave a message.