After the One Punch Man Chapter 211 comic was updated, many netizens were full of doubts about this issue of the comic, especially the performance of the hungry wolf, which is simply stronger than Boros. No matter who comes, they will be beaten in front of the hungry wolf. Dabi K

After the One Punch Man Chapter 211 comic was updated, many netizens were full of doubts about this issue of the comic, especially the performance of the hungry wolf, which was simply better than Boros . No matter who came, they would be in front of the hungry wolf. This guy can be said to be the most oppressive of all the villains. The key is that Hungry Wolf didn't pay attention to the people of Hero Association at all. Banggu, Explosion, Trembling Tornado, and Genos were all rubbed to the ground by the devil. What's even more funny is that , even Saitama couldn't stop the hungry wolf. Let's analyze it together.


was ridiculously strong, and the hungry wolf directly destroyed Genos.

The hungry wolf regarded all the S-level figures in the Hero Association as targets. If it hadn't been for the explosives to stop them, wouldn't the hungry wolf be killing everyone? The most outrageous thing is that Saitama and Blast are both present, and it is outrageous that they can let the hungry wolf destroy Genos. Also, Blast is a joke. There is not even a protection period for newcomers. Just like Centipede Immortal, it has no function other than padding. Although Genos has always been a tool man and was defeated as soon as he appeared, but now he is facing the hungry wolf. He is more ruthless than other monsters and crushed Genos' mechanical heart.

This obviously illustrates a problem. After Hungry Wolf copied Saitama's serious punch, he became truly invincible. No one could defeat him. Currently, Saitama is the only one left, but now Qiyu Jade seems to have collapsed, and now Saitama is actually beginning to doubt himself, and is also furious, like a dazed young man. Although Saitama often procrastinated and acted carelessly in the past, he was never absent at critical moments and always caught up at critical moments. Now Saitama feels powerless.


Saitama’s character is broken

Perhaps Saitama has no opponent on earth, which has caused his current fighting skills to decline. In the past, he could kill someone with one punch, but now he is helpless when facing a hungry wolf. Some netizens also said that Genos is now used to stimulate Saitama? Saitama held Genos's body in pain, and then entered a deeper level of fighting power? Is this still the Saitama we know? now needs to empathize with emotions to enhance his combat power. How is this different from the comics of Dragon Ball Super?

Of course, the current hungry wolf is completely imitating Saitama's behavior. His combat skills are all copied. But the question is, why can the hungry wolf even copy Saitama's power? This is very strange, but even if Saitama loses now, he does not lose to the hungry wolf, but loses to himself, because now Saitama is equivalent to fighting against himself in the mirror. It depends on whether Saitama can get out. Psychological shadow, directly kill the hungry wolf. After all, the hungry wolf has done many wrong things and should be taught a lesson.

Okay, that’s all for this issue. I hope you will like it. The picture comes from the Internet and has been deleted. If you like this article, please like, comment and share it. Thank you for your support. We will continue to update exciting animation content in the future. If you have different opinions, please leave a message.