As the black energy rises, a bloody aura also follows. "No, my sister is here!" Nuwa shouted, "You guys leave quickly!" Nuwa has a sister? After hearing this, everyone was very curious. Instead, they stood still and watched quietly how things would develop next? "She is my sister

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As the black energy rises, a bloody aura also follows.

As the black energy rises, a bloody aura also follows.

"No, my sister is here!" Nuwa shouted, "You guys leave quickly!"

Nuwa still has a sister? After hearing this, everyone was very curious. Instead, they stood still and watched quietly how things would develop next?

"She is my sister witch, she is very fierce, you stand behind me!"

Nuwa said, swinging her skirt, slowly rising in the air, blocking the crowd.

"Look!" Benbentang pointed at Nuwa's feet and said to Niuniu Lin.

"Don't point, I saw it." Niu Niu Lin whispered, "We have seen through Nu Wa's true colors, she will be angry."

Nu Wa seemed to have heard what Niu Niu Lin said, she turned around and smiled, gently Said: "I am like this, you can see it, what is there to be angry about? Don't worry, it's okay!"

It turns out that Nuwa does not have two legs, there is only a long tail under the skirt, like a snake's tail, and Like a fish tail.

"Is she a human with a snake's tail, or a human with a fish's tail?" Niu Niu Lin muttered.

"How about she be a beautiful snake or a mermaid? Isn't that more direct?" Stupid Tang Kuairen said quickly.

"Well, you're right, you hit the nail on the head." Dr. Jin confirmed Benbentang's opinion on the side.

The two of them did not expect that Dr. King could speak, so they asked with a smile: "Are you the real Dr. King, or the fake Dr. King?"

"When a fake is true, the truth is also false, and when the truth is false, the false is also true." Dr. King A mysterious smile.

"Then are you our leader, or not our leader?"

"Yes, yes, no, no."

"It's so ambiguous, we don't understand, so let's ignore it for now."

Stupid Tang He Niuniu Lin decided not to care whether Dr. Jin was true or not, and turned around to see how Nuwa would deal with the witch?

The black air became thicker and thicker, and finally condensed into a black cloud. A witch with a human face and a snake body like Nuwa gradually emerged from the cloud. The witch shouted to Nuwa: "My sister has such good things, why don't you call me sister?"

looked at the neatly arranged clay figures on the grass, breathed at them, and many clay figures flew towards them. In the air, it entered the witch's mouth. She swallowed it while spitting out her blood-red tongue, like a bright red snake tongue.

Nuwa saw this and waved her colorful cloud sleeves. The cloud sleeve was like a nine-section steel whip hitting the witch: "Watch the move, don't touch my clay figurine!"

"Hahaha!" The witch laughed wildly while continuing to devour the clay figurine, "Nuwa, wait for me After you have a good meal, I will help you make some clay figurines."

The witch shook her tail and stirred up the muddy water in the swamp. The muddy water flew into the air, suddenly becoming turbid. The witch took advantage of the chaos and continued to devour the clay figurine.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer clay figurines and that everyone's efforts were going in vain, Benbentang and Niuniu Lin were very angry. They rushed in front of Nuwa, pointed at the witch and said, "Bold witch, give us back our clay figurines!"

benbentang The courage of Stupid Tang and Niuniu Lin is indeed commendable, but how can they deal with the powerful witch with their bare hands?

Benbentang suddenly thought of his divine light camera. Although this divine light camera was not a weapon and could not cause harm to the witch, it might be able to scare her and make her stop doing evil. After all, this divine light camera comes from the distant future, and the witch knows nothing about the performance of the divine light camera.

Using the enemy's ignorance to deal with the enemy is often an effective way to deal with it.

Benbentang held up the divine light camera to the witch, turned on the machine, and turned on the dazzling lights.

When the witch saw it, she was really panicked: "This... what kind of weapon is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

She looked at the divine light camera, and saw a figure exactly like hers appeared in the lens of the divine light camera. Witch.

As fierce as she is, the witch in the camera is also fierce! No matter how she moves, the witch in the camera also moves! There was also that dazzling divine light, which stimulated her eyes and made her unable to look straight.

Seeing that the witch was in a hurry, Nuwa took the opportunity to wave her colorful cloud sleeves to separate the witch from the clay figurine.

It was really a fierce prehistoric battle between the witch and the Nuwa sisters!

Mud and water splashed and danced in the air. When it fell to the ground, it immediately transformed into wolves, insects, tigers, leopards, lions, elephants, cats and mice... They also started fighting among themselves.

Benbentang was quite surprised when he met Niuniu Lin.

What surprised Benbentang and Niuniu Lin even more was that the ground under their feet moved quickly and split into pieces in an instant, and the cracked gaps were quickly filled with the water of Daze.

"Miss Nuwa, what's going on?" Stupid Tang shouted anxiously.

"Eggs cannot be put in one basket, do you understand?" Nuwa answered Benbentang's questions while fighting the witch, while waving her colorful cloud sleeves, and saw a gap where the cloud sleeves fell. "I separate these clay figurines, and then it is not easy for the witch to find them. Even if you find the clay figurines in one place, you may not be able to find all the clay figurines. As long as there are some survivors, they will develop, and eventually Become the ruler of the earth!" "

" Oh, Miss Nuwa, we understand. If you do this, will the clay figures be spread all over the world? "

" That's right! "Then they have it! What should I do if I haven't turned into a human yet?"

Nuwa pondered for a moment, then peeled off a shiny disc from her body and threw it to Benbentang. She ordered: "Put it on the lower abdomen of each clay figurine. These clay figurines will survive."

"Yes!" Stupid Tang took the shiny disc and looked closely. It looked a bit like fish scales. He understood in his heart: Miss Nuwa is actually a mermaid. !

Before he could think too much, Benbentang began to place Miss Nuwa's scales on the clay figurine's lower abdomen.

Sure enough, as Miss Nuwa said, as soon as the scales were attached to the clay figurine, the clay figurine jumped up and down.

Benbentang saw various clay figurines, and he didn’t have time to paste them all, so he prioritized the yellow clay figurines, because Benbentang himself was of the yellow race.

Nuwa and the witch were fighting fiercely. Sometimes they flew into the air and sometimes fell to the ground. After a long period of fierce fighting, the ground under their feet became more and more scattered, turning into islands in the vast ocean, and they jumped around on each island.

Benbentang continued to stick Miss Nuwa's scales against the clay figurines, but after sticking some clay figurines, the other clay figurines became farther and farther away from them as the ground split, so he pulled Niu Niu Lin from island to island. Go post it.

At this time, they couldn't even care about Dr. King and his colleagues.

Niuniu Lin saw that Benbentang had a hard time sticking the scales on, so she had an idea and put a clay figurine with scales and another clay figurine without scales face to face. When they were separated, a miracle happened. Not only did the two All the clay figures came to life, and the falling mud fragments also turned into many little figures.

"Wow!" the two people immediately exclaimed, "Is this human beings developing themselves?"

Something even more surprising happened to the two of them. Those living clay figures with scales on them actually took the initiative to find those without scales. Two scaly clay figures hugged each other, and when they separated again, many little figures were born.

"Wow!" Benbentang and Niuniu Lin suddenly understood, "We not only witnessed the birth of human beings, but also witnessed the emergence of human love!"

It is really a historic and great moment!

They didn't even bother to put on the scales anymore. They raised the Shenguang camera to record this beautiful and touching scene!

"Super Detective Ben Ben Tang——" Niu Niu Lin suddenly said.

Benbentang didn't understand what she meant, so he turned to look at her, Niuniu Lin's face turned red.

Only then did Benbentang remember the incision they had agreed on, and he smiled and said: "The peerless beauty Niuniu Lin——"

Then the two of them said in unison: "Male and female match, the work will not be tiring. Yeah!"

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