Original title: "Put You in My Heart" In the blink of an eye, it was half past five, and people after get off work poured out of the Eisen Building, like streams of gray-black water, divided into several tributaries, bypassing the reinforced concrete buildings, and then disappear

2024/05/2207:07:34 erciyuan 1847

Original title:

Fantasy community

A practical home for science fiction lovers

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Original title: "Put You in My Heart"

Contributions for this issue: original work/Piaopiaotu; pictures/net pictures;

Proofreading/YAN Xiansen;

The full text is about 4,000 words, and it takes about 10 minutes to read the full text

In the blink of an eye, it was half past five, and people after get off work poured out of the Eisen Building, like streams of gray-black water, divided into several tributaries, winding around Passing one reinforced concrete building , they disappeared in an instant.

Suo Yi stretched, glanced at the clock, and curled his lips disdainfully, "It's still early!" He stood up and took a can of Red Bull from the cabinet, pulled out the ring with a snap, and drank it. .

Then he opened his email and checked the work emails he received after three o'clock in the afternoon. The energy bubble of Red Bull was rolling in his stomach, and then disappeared like a stream of people after get off work.

At about half past eight, he finally stretched out, stood up from his seat, walked to the window, and dialed a phone number at the top of the list of recent contacts on his phone. The seat finally got rid of the burden of more than ten hours today, slowly rose up amidst the beeping sound of the phone, and let out a long sigh.

"Yasu? Are you free tonight?"

"Yes, yes, when will you come over?"

"Around nine-twenty."

"Okay, do you want to prepare something to eat? It's okay to have Western food tonight. No? "


Suo Yi hung up the phone, stroked the newly grown beard on his chin, and smiled with satisfaction - Yasu is really a qualified lover, simple and unpretentious, and knows what's okay. What can't be said, what can be asked for and what can't be said. We have been together for two years, and there has been no problem. Moreover - Suo Yi stroked his beard again, his strong and thick knuckles were full of strength - and Yasu's performance in bed was really good, although it was not in Suo Yi's lover catalog. The most fascinating thing is that it has its own moving parts. As for why, Suo Yi raised his eyebrows and didn't want to think too much. He has long passed the age of thinking deeply about everything, even though he is only thirty-five years old.

Suo Yi packed up his personal belongings and went straight to the underground garage. During the process, he did not forget to call his personal secretary - he would go to his office to handle the remaining matters.

Suoyi drove the latest " Land Cruiser " out of the garage, turned the steering wheel to the right, stepped on the accelerator, and headed straight to Yasu's house - he was already past the age of hesitation, and he just did what he thought of. ,It's that simple.

Yasu moaned loudly underneath her body. Her voice rose and fell with Suo Yi's strength, and her chanting with overtones was like an aria, which made Suo Yi feel relaxed and relaxed - Damn it! A few familiar notes entered Suo Yi's mind again as expected - whenever he turned Yasu's body and slammed into it, Yasu was always particularly excited, and she always made such an ecstasy sound at this time, it It was as if the first gust of spring wind blew over the frozen lake, and the slightest gentleness took advantage of the opportunity; it was also as if a warm hand passed over Suo Yi's heart, releasing the intoxicating dopamine to calm his restless heartbeat. ——This may be the reason why Suo Yi can be with Yasu for two years, although he never admits it——Yasu’s body is not that perfect. Compared with his series of previous lovers, Yasu’s breasts are not firm enough. Her legs are not slender enough, and her temperament is even a little vulgar. She makes a "cuckoo" sound when eating, like a cheerful little hen - but Suo Yi is with her, and he looks forward to a full day of work. Make love to her after work, turn off the lights, make love, and wait for the expected voice that sounds like it comes from heaven.

At six o'clock in the morning, Suo Yi got up and got dressed. Yasu was still sleeping with her eyes closed. Whether it was true or not, she was already familiar with Suo Yi's rhythm. She was a knowledgeable woman who could have a perfect relationship with him. Sex, and the strong care in life that comes from it, are very satisfying. In this world of the jungle, what more can she ask for?

Even if the lights are always turned off.

Even if he never stayed for breakfast.

He never kissed her even when the lights were on.

"Why do you need to have such delicate nerves? They are all fucking imaginary. It is enough for me to have these real things..." Yasu got drunk during a chat with her best friend. She waved her hands randomly, and Suo Yi sent him The colorful diamond bracelet sparkled on her slender wrist.

"Mr. Suo, the market analysis report of the marketing department has come out. Our 820k series currently has a market share of 42%..." The secretary paused habitually when he said this.

"Well, nice." Suo Yi poured the boiled mineral water into the teacup. There was a black tea bag, " Lipton ", which is probably the most affordable consumer product in Suo Yi's office. "What's going on over there with Fang Nuo?" Is this the case? The news from Fangnuo Company has been confirmed. They have developed a similar product, 620x, based on the 820k, and are preparing to launch it on the market next month.” I picked up the black tea cup, walked to the blind window, and took a sip. The morning sun shone through the white blinds, like the hands of the morning sun, carrying a warm fragrance. Suo Yi stood in the morning light for a long time, seeming to be thinking and missing.

The secretary kept silent knowingly. This was a tacit understanding formed over the past five years.

"Notify all localities to immediately stop selling 820k." Suo Yi left the window and sat back in his office chair.

"Mr. Suo, you are saying..."

"Yes, withdraw from the market completely."

"Isn't this just what Fang Nuo wants?..." The secretary glanced at Suo Yi and replied simply: "Yes!"

With a gentle "click", the door was closed. Suo Yi's eyes wandered from the door back to the teacup. The "Lipton" black tea was already simmering. The dark brown tea soup reflected light and shadow, and the fragrant aroma awakened some memories of another world. Suo Yi greedily took a sip of the tea fragrance, and a smile bloomed on the corners of his cold, sharp mouth. For five years, he has been accustomed to starting with "Lipton" black tea every morning. This is only for one person. ——No, it’s a quiet time for two people.

After concentrating for a moment, Suo Yi stood up again and took out a box of pure milk from the small fresh cabinet, opened the lid, added half a box to the black tea, and pulled out a box of soda crackers from the drawer, and started homemade milk tea. When we started eating - who could believe that such a cold-hearted man could keep such a secretive breakfast so simple, simple and childish!

"Oops! We've run out of 820!" Yasu flipped the 820k packaging box upside down, but not a single pellet came out. She bent down again and rummaged through the kitchen locker, but there was no sign of 820k.

Yasu immediately took off his apron, put on his coat and ran out the door - Suo Yi was coming over tonight, and getting him a dinner was always the sweetest thing for Yasu and the only thing she could take the initiative - she still remembers the winter before last She made him a dish of purple cabbage and lobster. At that time, 820 had just become popular. The dish was originally mediocre in aroma and color, but it gave off a different flavor because of the addition of 820. Suo Yi ate a lot that day and it was very delicious. . Right now, the first wave of purple cabbage as a seasonal vegetable has just come on the market, which is a great time to make this dish - of course, the almighty 820 is indispensable.

Yasu rushed downstairs, and when the light turned green at the intersection, Yasu hurriedly walked to the supermarket not far across the road, holding his wallet in one hand and taking two steps at a time.

But at this moment, the green light turned to yellow, and a fully loaded large truck hurriedly turned the corner and came this way. At that moment, the world became silent.

Yasu was lying on the crossroad covered in blood, his wallet rolled away.Underneath her beige imported sheepskin windbreaker was a dark blue home dress made of pure cotton trimmed with orchid lace that she hadn't had time to change yet. There was even a happy smile on her face, just like every wife greeting her after a long separation. It's the same as when I reunited with my beloved husband.

"I'm sorry, master, there are about 100 pixel-sized holes and cracks in the x23y72z11 part of your heart's electron-sensitive field effect transistor. It needs to be repaired. The nano-robot will perform the repair surgery for you while you are sleeping."

Crypto The Yi family is located on the basement floor of the Yuxiu Hilltop Villa. A man wearing a white mask, a white hat and a white coat spoke to Suo Yi respectfully after scanning his heart.

"Is it the same as last time?" Suo Yi frowned.

"Basically the same..." The man in white carefully considered his words, "This time the perforated pixels are slightly larger..."

"How much larger?"

"If it is 20 pixels larger, I'm afraid I have to redirect your memory. The body shape has been replaced with a new heart..." The man in white paused and continued, "If you redirect it, with the current technology, it is likely that there will be data corruption or missing data..."

"... I understand. It's all my fault. I won't do it again." Suo Yi closed his eyes for a long time and said, "Let's set the threshold this time."

"Okay, master, is it 100 pixels?" After taking a breath, the master was finally willing to relent and set the threshold, which he never expected.

"110 pixels."

"110? Master, is it too high?" The man in white still performed his duties carefully.

"..." Suo Yi stopped talking.

"Okay, master, I will put you to sleep now."

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rang.

Suo Yi impatiently rang the secretary's bell, but what came from the recording was the secretary's recording: "Mr. Suo, I'm asking for leave today, and I won't be able to return to the company until six o'clock in the evening."

Suo Yi then shouted at the door. : "Come in!" and then redirected his attention to the screen of the laptop.

With a click, the door opened, and with the sound of high heels hitting the wooden floor, a document was handed to Suo Yi's desk, followed by a sweet voice: "Mr. Suo, This is the quarterly analysis report of the data department, please read it."

Suo Yi nodded without raising his head, but his eyes moved to the pair of hands that were still on the document - they were soft, white and delicate. On the hand, the ten fingers are as slender as spring onions, and the nails are trimmed just right, with a small white edge extending out of the fingers. The nail surface is coated with a layer of transparent armor oil , reflecting the moist light. On the right hand There was a cinnabar mole the size of a red bean growing at the root of his ring finger - Suo Yi's heart skipped a beat. He raised his head and glanced over the employee's round and plump chest, where her nameplate was: Data Department, Lou Xin.

Suo Yi kissed Lou Xin's plump and beautiful breasts, and pressed Lou Xin's right hand against her cheek with one hand. The cinnabar mole at the root of her ring finger was like an energy starter, radiating warm currents through Suo Yi's The hands flow through the arms and then to every corner of the body. Suo Yi rushed like a god of war. He watched with satisfaction as his eighth lover in his thirties trembled and moaned beneath him. His repaired heart was beating "boom boom" and a longing smile appeared on his face.

This time his heart will not need to risk memory reconstruction because of Lou Xin's changes, because he has set a safety threshold, and lovers who are close to or will exceed the threshold are not within his scope of consideration, even if this will Even further away from her - but what is this compared to the risk of losing her?

After the "climax", Suo Yi once again put Lou Xin's right hand close to his chest. A familiar and distant name that had long been intertwined with his life appeared in his mind and lips: "Stella..."

Stella, Stella.

do you know? You were lying on the hospital bed. When you were dying, I selfishly imported all your remaining memories and vital signs into a ruby ​​electronic field effect transistor through memory shaping without asking for your permission, and carried this with me. Your ruby ​​transistors are embedded in my mechanical heart.

I have kept my promise: I will keep you in my heart - forever.

You are my first and last lover, your lips, your long hair as smooth as waterweed, your naughty nose, your belly with Miss You tattooed on it, your fingers and hips with red cinnabar moles, and With your docile limbs like a cat and your beautiful chants like dolphins ...

I have fulfilled my promise in a real man's way. I continue to fight in this world, moving forward courageously, fearlessly, and invincibly, because you are in my heart.


The hot-selling 820k suddenly withdrew from the market, causing many consumers to cry out and complain - their lives have become extremely unfavorable because of the disappearance of 820k. At this time, the 620x of Fangnuo Company was launched. The worried consumers had a try and emergency attitude. The first wave of 620x was quickly sold out, and the price went up and the supply exceeded the demand. Fannuo Company believed that the time had come, began mass production of 620x, and promoted it vigorously.

At this time, all the closed 820k chain stores and counters reopened overnight, with advertising slogans of "Special Offers" and large packages at ultra-low prices. This fatal temptation caused consumers who were accustomed to 820k to switch sides. , they rushed into various chain stores and transported 820k home by the dozen, and they refused to stop until they had enough 820k stored at home for a whole year.

This move by consumers caused the 620x that Fangnuo Company had just mass-produced to become unsalable overnight, and the goods piled up, which directly caused the capital chain to break and the company to go bankrupt. The famous business war example

was written into the training materials of major business schools and business groups a few years later, and was worshiped by students as a classic example.

(full text)

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