The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov

2024/05/2400:48:32 erciyuan 1131

Xiaohongshu organized an online graduation exhibition for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June. It has just concluded. Bilibili ’s belated online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art. Online exhibitions of animation and illustration works are held. Bilibili Comics x 20 colleges and universities across the country have launched a once-a-year hidden partition - "Graduation Zone" .

Creative dismantling

  • Sure enough, this is Bilibili
  • animation Degree!

    It is really appropriate that Bilibili, which originally started as an animation platform, integrates and launches an online exhibition of animation works of college graduates across the country in 2022. Although it is one month behind Xiaohongshu in terms of time, “it’s never too late for a good show”!

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    This time, led by "Bilibili Comics", nearly 600 graduation projects from 20 colleges and universities were displayed. Different from the graduate works of artists and art students that Xiaohongshu focuses on, Bilibili Comics has made an unprecedented large-scale exhibition of cartoon works by graduates of the country's top Communication University, School of Animation and School of Digital Art. Large-scale online exhibition.

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    Bilibili users can not only watch these fresh graduation works with different styles for free, can also vote for their favorite new authors and works, and participate in the lottery at the same time!

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    While comic fans are feasting their eyes, they are also tasked with discovering the new generation of Chinese comics. The comment area of ​​ was full of comments such as "Sure enough, this is Bilibili", "I'm glad to see such activities, so that talented and thoughtful authors will not be completely buried, please increase your efforts!", "Help, help! The works in Help are so strong!" Wait, wait, etc.

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    B site makes full use of the animation attributes of platform users, with the mission of promoting Chinese comics and promoting newcomers. In addition to the master-level works of graduates from communication universities and animation and film schools in various provinces, there are also various styles from Lu Mei, Sichuan Mei, Guangmei, Xi'an, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and other universities. work. Comic fans in the comment area enthusiastically discussed the style and quality of each college graduate's work.

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    This time, the graduation exhibition focusing on animation works is 100% compatible with the users of station B. Bilibili Comics will also provide cooperation invitations to some outstanding graduates. Chen Yifan, the author of the currently popular work "Canghai", has been invited by Bilibili Comics to start creating his first comic strip. These popular works with unique painting styles give animation fans hope for the future of Chinese comics.

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    I believe that after 2022, a special year with “no offline graduation exhibition”, online graduation exhibitions will most likely be normalized by the platform. Online exhibitions can not only break regional barriers, allowing users to see the works of college graduates across the country in one stop, but also allow graduates from major universities to get the same exhibition opportunities. can be said to be a two-way benefit for authors and viewers. .

    In addition, Bilibili as a platform can not only help the development of the Chinese comic industry, but also maintain close contact with the new generation of creators and discover treasured authors.

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    However, the number of works of college graduates displayed on major platforms is limited after all. This year, Central Academy of Fine Arts and Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts have established independent online graduation work display platforms. allows the works of graduates from all majors to be exhibited online, allowing users to watch them for free through mobile phones or web pages. Although does not have the traffic advantage of the platform, the top art academy’s signature has its own traffic, which also attracts many users to watch online.

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    It is worth noting that after the 2022 online graduation exhibition came to an end, Xiaohongshu took advantage of the strong artistic atmosphere community that the platform has always created, and immediately held the "1/100" Hui Nantian " to promote the movie. "Southern Sky" Group Poster Creation Event" cloud exhibition. The activity linked up with multiple artists to interpret and share the poster creation events, allowing "Back to the South" to extend from the movie to the inspiration for personal creation, and deliver it to potential audiences of the movie in a more artistic and stylized form.

    believes that although the "graduation season" has passed, the form of "online exhibition" will be retained by major platforms and become a new creative display method, and the "hidden partitions" and "hidden functions" that will follow will become more and more popular. more.

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews2

    animation month.

    Bilibili, 100,000 likes +

    • Luo Dayou on June 21st × Yi Yang Qianxi told "The Story of Time" on Bilibili
    • On June 26th, Station B just held the "Treasure Up Master" Live broadcast to celebrate the 13th birthday
    • On June 30, Bilibili Comics released the online graduation art exhibition of colleges and universities

    During this period, on June 27th, Bilibili and Bad Monkey Pictures created the short film project " Big World Twist" "Egg Machine " is also officially released on the platform. is supervised by Ning Hao , Xu Lei , Zeng Zeng , Wen Shipei, and Wu Chenhui's "Big World Gacha Machine: After Tomorrow" has been launched on station B, and subsequent episodes will also be released in the next four weeks. online.

    Bilibili, like 2862

    "Big World Gacha Machine" consists of fourteen short films and four themes, which will revolve around after tomorrow, before growth, above love, and under youth. The theme of the series symbolizes the unknown content of the gashapon in the machine, which contains infinite possibilities.

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    Bilibili has previously cooperated in depth with the First Xining Youth Film Festival to promote outstanding short video Up owners and participate in the short film creation unit of the Youth Film Festival. not only discovers new talents, but also provides them with broader opportunities and creative space to integrate with the more professional film and television industry. ’s cooperation with Bad Monkey Pictures this time will allow Bilibili to continue to deepen its efforts in the direction of film and television, improve the quality of platform content, and also help the new generation of film and television creation.

    Compared with Xiaohongshu’s horizontal art community, Bilibili has been polishing its animation and film and television divisions in depth. Continuously integrate with the industry and industry and deliver fresh blood.

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    The online graduation exhibition organized by Xiaohongshu for art students in collaboration with 9 art schools in early June has just concluded. Bilibili’s long-awaited online graduation exhibition at the end of June focused on the School of Media, Animation and Digital Art, prov - DayDayNews

    As more industry giants settle in and cooperate with industry projects, Bilibili, as a communication method and bridge for young people, will need more activities in the future "Sure enough, this is Bilibili, please increase your efforts!" !

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