No matter how old you are, you must have heard this song. It is said that it successfully turned a popular song into a children's song. I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you and you persist through despair and refuse to cry... T

2024/05/2300:32:33 erciyuan 1595

No matter how old you are, you must have heard this song. It is said that it successfully turned a popular song into a children's song. I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you and you persist through despair and refuse to cry... T - DayDayNews

No matter how old you are, you must have heard this song.

It is said that it successfully turned a popular song into a children's song.

I love you walking alone in a dark alley

I love the way you don’t kneel

I love you who have persisted through despair

I refuse to cry


The hoarse treble part makes people panic, but it is the reality of adults. Portrait.

A fresh graduate in his twenties looked tired after a day of job hunting.

was singing "Lonely Warrior" in the park at night, but he never thought that it would become a "password". The singing of several children passing by was full of emotion without any skills, and the tacit understanding was perfect.

No matter how old you are, you must have heard this song. It is said that it successfully turned a popular song into a children's song. I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you and you persist through despair and refuse to cry... T - DayDayNews

In July, when the job search was not going smoothly, the young man smiled for the first time. "Childhood is so good, carefree and free to sing." N years ago they burned the midnight oil to get a high score on the paper; N years later they burned the midnight oil to impress their employer with a resume.

The same piece of paper, under the intersection of time and space, is worth a thousand dollars.

For more than 10 million young people like him, this July will be a busy July. Resumes will flow to countless companies, and then, they will wait for their mobile phones to ring.

After ten years of studying hard, the competition outside the ivory tower is actually far more intense than imagined. It requires the independence of being alone and the fearlessness to move forward. The so-called lone brave man is roughly the same.

No matter how old you are, you must have heard this song. It is said that it successfully turned a popular song into a children's song. I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you and you persist through despair and refuse to cry... T - DayDayNews

Everyone in society is a lonely brave person. It doesn't matter your age, when your mood is up, your songs will become popular.

Popular hit songs all have one thing in common, which is to capture people's emotions. Farther away, "Little Apple" was first called the Divine Comedy. Its sense of joy made it popular in the square dance world. More recently, Leng Yanhuo of " Mohe Dance Hall " moved people's yearning for love relationships with the story of the lyrics.

As a result, the well-dressed aunts will dance magically to the songs of "Little Apple", and the men with stories will smoke in a daze to the songs of "Mohe Ballroom".

No matter how old you are, you must have heard this song. It is said that it successfully turned a popular song into a children's song. I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you and you persist through despair and refuse to cry... T - DayDayNews

lone brave man, it is because of the intensified competition. Regardless of whether you admit it or not, without hard work and struggle, we seem to be based in the current real world. The so-called lying flat is just a minority among the minority. The capital of lying flat is not something that anyone can say.

CCTV News commented on "The Lonely Brave": ""The Lonely Brave" sings about ordinary people struggling for life, comforting every ordinary person who is struggling. Whether it is construction workers, sanitation workers, anti-narcotics police, Firefighters, e-sports players, and thousands of people who are shining in the dark all feel hope and courage. "Fight? Fight! With the humblest dream, I will cry in the dark." And roaring, who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes?"... sings in the form of shouting, even if the sound is broken, it does not hinder the self-intoxicating momentum.

The greater the pressure, the more you have to roar, the more you roar, the more you show your true nature.

No matter how old you are, you must have heard this song. It is said that it successfully turned a popular song into a children's song. I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you and you persist through despair and refuse to cry... T - DayDayNews

People are curious about why a popular song inexplicably enters the world of children's songs? A child in the third grade of primary school said, "My favorite part is 'Who said the one who stands in the light is a hero' in "The Solitary Warrior". It reminds me of Ultraman in battle. I also want to be like Ultraman." Monsters can be defeated.”

Become a hero and defeat monsters! Who doesn’t have such beautiful wishes in childhood? For job seekers and entrepreneurs, for every ordinary person, the so-called lonely brave man, just for a few taels of silver and soup for three meals.

No matter how old you are, you must have heard this song. It is said that it successfully turned a popular song into a children's song. I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you and you persist through despair and refuse to cry... T - DayDayNews

20-year-old young people are wandering at the crossroads looking for life goals; middle-aged people in their thirties and forties live on one side, with older people at the top and younger people at the bottom, and are forced to become greasy men; at the age of fifty, they gradually lose their The motivation for struggle, facing the boring life day after day, has lost the pride of a lonely brave man.

Our days are ordinary, but life has never let us go. Performance pressure at work, interpersonal pressure, cost of food, clothing, housing and transportation, marriage and parent-child relationship maintenance pressure, academic progress and ranking pressure...

No matter how old you are, you must have heard this song. It is said that it successfully turned a popular song into a children's song. I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you and you persist through despair and refuse to cry... T - DayDayNews

The most terrifying thing is that when you lose your courage, you only gain in the end. Lonely. Or you get everything you should get, and in the end you only get loneliness.

No matter what, loneliness is the fate of the soul! May you and I both be lonely warriors.

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