I have watched the Jueji 3 Cold-Blooded Banquet, but I don’t understand the ending.

has been looking at Critical Marks 1 and 2 from a young age. I just finished reading the new version of 123 recently. I want to briefly explain my understanding. The first set of

is: Critical Grand Trail 1 Critical Grand Trail 2 and Fengjin Road

The second set is: Volume One, fog, snow, and dust. The second volume, the sea of ​​eternal life. The third volume, the cold-blooded banquet

, is the first new version of the critical mark, strictly speaking, for the movie service. Many settings in it have been changed because of the movie, such as chess pieces, the skirt of the goddess and so on.

Secondly, the new version does not overthrow all the old ones. I even think that the prerequisite for watching the new version is to have seen the old version

, such as the end of a cold-blooded banquet. But in 3, nothing in the feng shui banned words was mentioned. However, the old version of the legend said that the silver priest was actually a prisoner. I think that under certain circumstances, the old version of Grand Mark can still be used as a reference.

For example, there is a detail in the book that the prison in which Seir was incarnate existed 17 years ago, not for the two-way imprisonment of Seir, nor for the imprisonment of Gilgamesh, but for qizero . But the new version of Jueji didn't say anything special about Qiling? In the details, there is a ghost mirror that can damage the ghost, and a Horcrux with wind attributes is obtained in the soul mound.

Terea also briefly mentioned that the Corruptor is the product of failure to create a perfect item. What product is


perfect container. Lord Zero.

Look, this is the most desperate part of the whole book. Everyone, everybody, is being held and controlled by the silver priest like a puppet.

ends with two new plans: Ghost Defense and Sleeper. It can be seen that the ghost project started after the ruins of Utul were destroyed by the prince of the earth source once all the undead, in order to supplement the new undead for the protection of Aslan.

Sleeper plan. I think the long sleeper is the silver dust. It was mentioned in the old version of Noble Trail that the body of Silver Dust is the closest to the perfect container. But why is Silver Dust the last hope?

First of all, once Fengyuan and Yaslan go to war, the Silver Priest can possess the body of Silver Dust to fight, and can also give the body of Silver Dust a new and powerful soul circuit, instantly creating countless powerful kings. In the new version of Jueji, the Xiuchuan Jizo, who has been playing soy sauce, was mentioned in the old version as the body of Yinchen.

So this is why the Silver Priest doesn't need to find Ios anymore. Terea's talent has undergone an uncontrollable and powerful mutation. Nether can break through his upper limit every minute, not only because they know too many secrets, but also because they are too powerful. In addition, the resurrection of Silver Dust also requires the talent of contemplating, but the heart also has a fleshy meat that can continuously produce Silver Dust flesh. As the owner of the emperor's blood, the silver priest does not want to conflict with him when external troubles continue. .

In addition, at the end of New Grand Mark 3, Ios has a short appearance, which also exposes his Horcrux: Dragon Scale Paint. He received a letter from Youhua before in the Far North. Here we can boldly guess that what the letter is talking about should be a plan to rescue Gilgamesh and seek help from Ios.

Finally, I said a lot of nonsense, let’s just talk about the ending. The ending of

adopts a narrative approach between the future and reality. In the future, the Indre Empire and Yaslan will go to war. The ghost defense plan collapses in front of Fengyuan's Hungry Girl Project, and the Hungry Girl destroys the entire Granerte. Whether the sleeper will appear on the scene is currently unknown. Silver Dust is dead, Lotus Spring, Qiling, and Youhua are controlled by the Silver Priest. For the time being, the new Prince of Five or Six Degrees, remember that he is standing in the camp of the Silver Priest for the time being. Chira will see the water source without resistance in the future. After strength, he will not hesitate to instigate rebellion. There are various signs in the book that all the dirty things he did were not his original wishes. Could it be that he was so stupid that he could blame Gilgamesh, Netherworld, and Theresa for the death of the three apostles? will not. Gilgamesh's absolute peak strength is very likely to chase and kill Shira and the Silver Priest.

if there is no fourth part.

If there is a fourth part, the fourth part must be a wonderful drama that we can hardly imagine.