34-year-old Reiza admitted to having a child in hidden marriage. Who is the father of the child? Was also picked up by netizens

34-year-old Reiza generously admitted his mother's identity on social media yesterday and released a photo of himself with her baby. What is the point of public doubt? When was Reiza married? When was Reiza pregnant? Who is Reiza Kid's father? Everyone is a question mark.

In this photo, Reyiza's mother and daughter are close to their faces. The picture is very warm and loving. Although the figure of the child's father is not seen, Reyiza, who can feel that he has become a mother, is now very happy.

and Reyiza’s official announcement did not mention any information about her husband, but only expressed his love for the child. Judging from the photos posted, Reyiza’s baby should be over half a year old. It seems that from Reiza's pregnancy to the birth of a child, and then the time when the child grows up. Z3z

also boldly admitted the fact that she had a hidden marriage and had a child in the comment area. Judging from the comment records she responded to netizens, she did not intend to disclose the specific details of her marriage and pregnancy, as well as the true identity of the child's father.

She did not confide the problem with the public about her child's father. She said that when a mother is a mother, there is only a child in his eyes. The growth of a child is very important. She is still the same and does what she wants to do.

However, under the follow-up of netizens, Reizha was also generous to share his funny stories with netizens, and some netizens calculated based on Reizha's answers that the baby was probably born during the epidemic. Reiza said that as soon as he was out of confinement, he took the baby into the crew to film.

took the child out to work just after he was out of confinement, maybe Reizha wanted to do what he liked. After all, good scripts are hard to come by. Z3z

, who was just out of confinement after giving birth to Reyza, went directly to filming. There was no transition period. From this incident, we can also see that Reyza is really a very hard woman.

However, some netizens speculated why Reiza hurried out to make a film right after she was out of confinement, and brought such a small child by herself. Everyone is very curious about what kind of person the child's father is.

It is puzzling that Reyza's remarks on social platforms are all around the child, and there is no information about the father of the child. This has aroused the curiosity of netizens. When some netizens left a message directly in the comment area and asked whether the child's father is Sai Li, the protagonist denied it. Reiza bluntly said that Sai Li is the child's uncle.

In terms of feelings, Reyza did not have any scandals in the circle, and only broke up after two years with his ex-boyfriend. So everyone is also curious about who is Reiza's husband?

Regarding this question, maybe Reizha doesn't want to share it with us yet. It can also be seen that Reiza should also protect her husband and children. If her husband is an outsider, perhaps Reiza does not want him to be known to the public.

It seems that the protection of the man’s identity is still very tight, and he does not want to disclose the identity of the other party. Perhaps it is because the man is not a member of the circle, or it is because of the other party's career, and he does not want the man to receive the attention of the media and fans. In short, it must be for the man's consideration, and we can understand.

Reyza is a very low-key female artist in the entertainment industry. Although fans are very curious about her private life, Reyza knows how to give herself enough private space.

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