"Twenty Do Not Confused" Zhou Xun likes Jiang Xiaoguo, why refused her confession, it turned out to be because of Rebecca!

"Twenty Do Not Confused" Zhou Xun likes Jiang Xiaoguo, why he refused her confession, it turned out to be Rebecca! "Twenty Do Not Confused" is a growth drama starring Guan Xiaotong, Bu Guanjin, Li Gengxi, and Dong Siyi. The drama unfolds from the perspective of four girls who are about to graduate from college and enter society. It tells the story of youth troubles and growth puzzles. Twenty is a very special age. Standing at the crossroads of life, I don't know what the future will be like, and I am confused and longing for it. Jiang Xiaoguo and her roommate are such twenty-year-old girls!

In the latest plot, Jiang Xiaoguo has been keeping a distance with Zhou Xun because he was refused to confess his confession. Any information that needs to be handed over to Zhou Xun will be submitted by colleagues. Zhou Xun found that Jiang Xiaoguo was getting colder with herself, and felt very uncomfortable. He would always go to see her involuntarily, and even miss the intersection because of thinking of her while driving.

Later, in order not to let his mood affect his work, while waiting for the results of the project, he went back to his hometown to help his father take care of the hotel business. And Jiang Xiaoguo saw Zhou Xun not going to work for so many days, thinking that something had happened to him, and was very worried that he would go to his house to find him, and said that he was traveling. At first, Zhou Xun also believed that she was out to play, not to see herself, but when she heard her boasting that she would do housework, she suddenly felt a little happy, but he still proudly told her that there was no room. Despite this, Zhou Xun carefully asked her to sit down and drink a glass of water before leaving, but met Zhou Xun's father and asked her to stay in Zhou Xun's room.

Zhou Xun likes Jiang Xiaoguo, and he is also very happy to face his father’s proposal. He took the sheets and ran to make her bed. He said that he disliked Jiang Xiaoguo. In fact, she was worried that she would not be used to her quilt. Seeing that she would laugh happily because of the photos of her youth, Zhou Xun's eyes were full of her. It is petting. While sleeping, Zhou Xun’s father asked him if he didn’t like people touching his things. How could he be willing to give up the house to Jiang Xiaoguo, but Zhou Xun's answer was really too sweet, "She is not someone else", and then he was afraid that Dad would mistakenly add, "She is my subordinate"!

Even when eating, he would be concerned about the habit of eating or not eating Jiang Xiaoguo because his father cooked the rice too hard. Zhou Xun’s father couldn’t stand it anymore, and asked him if he’s not used to eating self-made meals over the years? However, Zhou Xun accidentally said in his heart, "My colleague is not used to eating." He called Jiang Xiaoguo his subordinate the day before. Not long after that, his name changed from subordinate to colleague. At that moment, Zhou Xun Dad understood in an instant, whether the meal is hard or not, it is true that he wants to care about his colleagues. Since Zhou Xun likes Jiang Xiaoguo, why did he refuse her confession in the first place? It turned out to be Rebecca!

Zhou Xun’s father said that he was not popular since childhood, and Rebecca was his only girlfriend, but Zhou Xun would fall in love. After being together, they rarely met for their respective careers, and Zhou Xun broke up with her. Zhou Xun rejected Jiang Xiaoguo's confession. In addition to the unsuitable occasion at the time, more importantly, he did not want Jiang Xiaoguo to be the second Rebecca. He really liked Jiang Xiaoguo, but he didn't know how to express his feelings!

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