The most popular theme in recent years is the theme theme. Film and television dramas are in line with the current social theme, and the history and real life are truly restored in the film and television dramas. In the past, most audiences did not pay attention to works with thi

The most popular theme in recent years is the theme theme. Film and television dramas are in line with the current social theme, and history and real life are truly restored in film and television dramas. In the past, most audiences did not pay attention to works with this type of theme. However, in recent years, as more and better works with theme themes have been produced, people have slowly begun to like this type of theme. Among the main theme themes, the most popular ones are anti-crime dramas. Since the current society is also carrying out anti-gang and evil operations, this type of film and television dramas are not only in line with mainstream values, but also thrilling enough that many viewers can't put it down.

Next, the new drama I want to introduce to you is "Operation Dawn". "Operation Dawn" can be said to be another anti-gang masterpiece. This work attracted the attention of many netizens after the news that it was about to meet the audience. From the starring cast, the production team and the plot of the work, the whole work is full of highlights. It can be said to be another new hit.

This work tells the story of the four brothers of the Niu family, headed by Niu Er, who do all kinds of evil in the county. They rely on their large number of people and their prestige in the local area, so they interfere in everything in the local area. If they cannot obey their wishes, they will retaliate against them, which makes the local people miserable. However, due to their local power, they did not dare to report them rashly. Because this gang of black forces has a very long hand, some people are worried that they are alone and unable to fight, so they can only swallow their anger. After learning the news, the frontline police officers convened a group of police officers to set up a task force and decided to crack down on this Niu Erhei gang.

There are still some differences between this anti-gang drama and previous anti-gang dramas. In the past, the anti-gang dramas may have focused more on combating gangster groups, but this work incorporates more There are more elements, so the themes presented will be richer. In addition to elements such as criminal investigation and suspense, it also incorporates love and family, so it will feel more real when watching it.

After talking about the plot, it’s time to talk about the luxurious starring role of this work. A masterpiece with a main melody like this must have an experienced actor in charge. Because when these veteran actors take on such challenging roles, they are able to present the characters more comprehensively and meticulously. The leading star of this work is Huang Zhizhong . Huang Zhizhong can be said to be a solid veteran actor. He himself has had many excellent masterpieces, such as " meritorious service " and " breakthrough ". The performances are all very impressive.

In addition to him, Jiang Wu, as a senior drama actor, also joined the filming of this work. Although Jiang Wu himself, known as a tough guy on the screen, has not participated in many works, the characters he has portrayed are as strong as ever. The production team of this work is also very strong, and the famous director Liu Xuesong in the industry is personally in charge. Director Liu Xuesong's masterpiece must have been heard by many viewers. The quality of these two works, such as " Next Stop Marriage " and "Emergency Department Storm", are very good. From the current point of view, the quality of this work is very high in all aspects, and it will definitely gain a good reputation after it is broadcast.