Now that the film market is gradually recovering, a strange flower has blossomed in the drama market, which lacks anything to show for it. The reason why it is amazing is that it seems to be unpalatable at first glance. After playing for a period of time, the sense of reality has

Now that the

movie market is gradually recovering, a strange flower has bloomed in the drama market that lacks anything to show for it. The reason why it is amazing is that it seems to be unpalatable at first glance. After playing for a period of time, the sense of reality has given the audience endless topics to discuss. Although it has not yet become a phenomenon-level drama, for such a drama with a main theme of urban and rural areas, it is already a well-known success.

This is the new drama "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" directed by Zheng Xiaolong , which is currently being broadcast on Beijing TV and Oriental TV .

"Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses", with its down-to-earth "local name" and rural drama full of local flavor, it is estimated that many young viewers will give up the drama. The ones who can save face may be the gold medal director Zheng Xiaolong and the post-85s Xiaohua Zhao Liying . After all, these two have left too many good reputations for the audience. Of course, the screenwriter Zhao Dongcen, actors Liu Wei, Luo Jin and other powerful configurations also vaguely reveal the considerable strength and ambition of this drama.

Rural life dramas are nothing more than trivial and flamboyant, and they are not very attractive. However, it is worth stopping to watch the little traffic star Zhao Liying transforming into a rural daughter-in-law to see what role she takes after she takes off her ancient clothes and becomes a peasant woman. What kind of different story did you play? It is estimated that many viewers, like the editor, started their journey of watching this drama out of curiosity and giving it a try.

This drama begins when the rural girl He Xingfu (played by Zhao Liying) marries Wang Qinglai (Tang Zeng) from a small family in Wanjiazhuang. At the lively wedding scene, after his sister He Xingxun was insulted by Wan Chuanjia, the son of the village party secretary, for arranging a marriage, he persisted in seeking an explanation from the village party secretary Wan Shantang's family.

Liang Zi, who was about to get married, asked for an explanation for his sister, which became a major event for He Xingfu after his marriage. The first few episodes of the plot are basically the TV series version of "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit". He Xingfu, a stubborn woman who pursues truth and asks for an explanation, and is not afraid of anything, instantly stands in the hearts of the audience.

If the argument is just the first round of competition between He Xuxinglai and Wanjiazhuang, then living a happy life with Wang Qinglai's family is a lasting proposition. In view of her character of daring to think and act, during the period when she was forced to leave her hometown and move to the city, this little daughter-in-law from the countryside began to open a new chapter of urban struggle with her own enterprising spirit.

He Xingfu worked his way from handyman to the front desk through continuous efforts, and won recognition one by one with his unyielding simplicity. In sharp contrast to her is her husband Wang Qinglai, who has always been incompatible with urban life. First, he wanted to rely on his connections Reaching the sky in one step, making a mess on the ground and then complaining about others. Wrapped in a sensitive and fragile glass heart, there is no motivation to learn knowledge, and then fall into an endless cycle of self-denial.

Unsatisfactory work escalated into a marriage crisis. Wang Qinglai only wanted to return to the countryside. He felt that the two were no longer on the same wavelength, so he asked He Xingfu for a divorce.

He Xingfu made the choice to return to his hometown with tears in his eyes, which really made the audience outside the screen admire this resilient woman. You can work hard for your best dreams, and you can also blossom in the most ordinary life. He Xingfu, who had broadened her horizons in the city, returned to her hometown. This time, she boldly opened B&B through crowdfunding.

In the process of opening a B&B, what ups and downs did He Xingfu encounter? The series is still going on, go and follow the series to find the answer.

The reason why this drama can arouse widespread resonance is not only that the directors and directors carefully captured the current situation of real life, but also that the actors gave appropriate performances. It is probably more that it accurately captured the pulse of current Chinese people's life and emotions.

Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, hundreds of millions of people have moved from rural areas to cities.From the high-rise buildings in the city that everyone yearns for to the pastoral life that city people envy, from He Xingfu’s new pursuit of knowledge and truth, to the capture and love of unlimited opportunities, from the trivial fireworks in the world to leading everyone to become well-off, will The simple practice of carrying the happy little life to the end is all about exploration and search through exploration, twists and turns. And aren’t these the paths we have walked or are walking?

What can touch people's hearts is the simple and sincere understanding, and a happy life is the warmth and warmth of the world that we once felt the same way. Frustration, frustration, hard work, struggle, one cycle after another, one encounter after another, troubles often occur, but as long as we have light in our hearts like He Happiness and do our best, everything will be worthy of our hearts.

I hope that this simple life drama will bring luck and happiness to everyone who works hard in life as the title suggests: happiness to thousands of families, happiness to thousands of families! !