Teacher Li Liqun finally lived the life he had been looking forward to for a long time. Early yesterday morning, Mrs. Li drove to pick him up from the city and returned to the mountains. Uncle Li seemed very excited to see his long-awaited hometown. At around 10 o'clock in the ni

Teacher Li Liqun finally lived the life he had been looking forward to for a long time. Early yesterday morning, Mrs. Li drove him from the city to pick him up and returned to the mountains. Uncle Li seemed very excited to see his long-awaited hometown. It was more than 10 o'clock in the night. , and also posted the 8th video to introduce to everyone the structure of his house in the mountains.

According to him, this house is a two-and-a-half-story building. The first floor has a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and master bedroom. The second floor has three bedrooms, mainly for the three children to live at home. This house is built at an altitude of about 400 meters. For safety, the main structure of the house is designed according to 6 floors, so the walls are very thick and cost more. However, it keeps warm in winter and insulates in summer. When building the house, it is self-contained. I am filming in mainland China, so my wife here has put in a lot of effort, and I am very grateful.

Since Teacher Li Liqun and his wife got together, their work and rest schedules have returned to normal. Before, whether in the mainland or in urban Taiwan, he often suffered from insomnia and couldn't sleep, and even needed to drink some "high alcohol" to fall asleep.

Back in the mountains of Taiwan, Teacher Li got up at around 7 o'clock in the morning. He praised that the mountains are cooler than urban Taiwan, and the air is fresh. The air conditioner only needs to be turned on at noon, so it is very comfortable to live here.

With his wife taking care of him, Uncle Li does not need to go to the kitchen to cook. His wife prepared a bowl of steaming seafood noodles with an egg for him. The nutritional combination is very reasonable and makes people very appetizing.

After achieving financial freedom, Li Liqun's life is really enviable. Yesterday afternoon, my wife drove dozens of kilometers to buy fresh beef at a very famous local market in Taiwan. Since I went there quite late, I didn't buy fresh beef, but only bought a can of beef and meat floss rolls.

Many netizens saw Li Liqun living in the mountains of Taiwan and lamented, "Old Li Tou has lived a pastoral life that is not like the fireworks of the world. It is really enviable." He has three cats at home, all of which have been neutered. Because there are many snakes in the mountains, with the protection of cats, it is very safe to live there.

In addition, teacher Li Liqun also introduced the layout of the home environment. Some of the ceramic calligraphy and paintings purchased for filming in the Mainland in the early years were used for decoration, but they have been worth a lot of money for 30 to 40 years. Some of them were friends. Gifts given when moving, such as the long wooden square table at home, which my wife uses for painting.

From the video, it can be seen that Li Liqun and his wife live in a very good environment in the mountains, but some clutter has not been sorted out. For some people with mysophobia, it seems a bit messy. However, most netizens said: This is the atmosphere of ordinary people's lives. I am almost 80 years old, so I can do whatever makes me feel comfortable.

Seeing Teacher Li Liqun return to his hometown after a long absence, many people discovered that since "Old Li Tou has been accompanied by his wife, his whole face has become red and full of energy." More people expect to be like Mr. Li Liqun when they get old. Through hard work, they can buy an apartment in Shanghai, have independent children, live with their wives in a few small houses in the countryside, raise a few cats and dogs, and sit in the front room of the house every day. Let's chat later and stay together until we grow old together. Life like this is really pleasant.