Sun Xiuwen | Xu Xia If you haven't officially started a relationship, can you accept the concern of the person you like for the female friend next to you? If you haven't officially started a relationship and face someone who likes you, even though you don't like them, can you say

Sun Xiu

text | Xu Xia

If you have not officially started a relationship, can you accept the concern of the person you like for the female friend next to you?

If you haven't officially started a relationship and face someone who likes you, even though you don't like the other person, can you say a polite word of thanks for his kindness?

Both of these behaviors were shown by Sun Xiu. Everyone has different attitudes and opinions about her behavior. Of course, most of them scolded her for having low emotional intelligence. Let’s take a look at what happened?

Sun Xiu performed a confusing behavior, revealing her emotional intelligence

Sun Xiu's emotional line has always been between the two twin brothers. Of course, her favorite is her younger brother Li Zhihao.

In order to go out on a date with Li Zhihao, she inquired about his whereabouts in advance.

But fate is so wonderful. There is a new friend in this tennis court - Bai Xuejian, everyone calls him Xiaobai.

Bai Xuejian

Xiaobai's personality is lively, cheerful and generous, and he is not formal when getting along. From the personality of the three of them, Xiaobai is the best person to get along with.

Both Li Zhihao and Sun Xiu are introverts, especially Li Zhihao who likes to be quiet. Faced with the sudden appearance of an extra girl, something will happen to the three of them.

At this time, Xiaobai accidentally let the ball hit his eye. Li Zhihao quickly stopped his movements to care. This is the most basic concern and greeting as a friend.

At this time, Sun Xiu's performance was really disappointing. She pretended not to notice and continued to play with herself, but the expression on her face showed discomfort. It was impossible to know where she felt uncomfortable.

Putting aside Li Zhihao, just as a friend, if she/he next to you is injured, shouldn't you step forward and care? Even if they are not friends because they are not acquainted with each other yet, shouldn't they show polite concern when someone is hurt?

Maybe it was Li Zhihao's concern for other girls that made Sun Xiu jealous? But Li Zhihao is not a boyfriend yet. Even if he is a boyfriend, shouldn't he care about the new guests at the same time?

Because there were three people playing, one of them would always be left out, so Li Zhihao played a few more rounds with Xiaobai, which made Sun Xiu unhappy again.

After all, because he was young, everything showed on his face. When Li Zhihao saw that Sun Xiu seemed unhappy, he thought she was tired and suggested that everyone take a rest if they were tired.

Li Zhihao thought he understood Sun Xiu. He looked at Sun Xiu with a smile and said, "You can tell from her expression that Sun Xiu must be tired." But Sun Xiu didn't give him face and said directly, "I don't feel tired."

This is very embarrassing, and the awkward atmosphere makes us all feel uncomfortable outside the screen.

Everyone is puzzled by Sun Xiu's confusing behavior here, and it also shocks the majority of netizens, who all say that her emotional intelligence is too low.

thanked his brother for the cake, but he did not thank his brother.

His brother Li Zhipeng and his brother Li Zhihao are twin brothers. Unexpectedly, they also like the same type.

The younger brother likes Sun Xiu, and the elder brother also likes Sun Xiu. Faced with the two brothers' love, Sun Xiu is not very clear about her feelings, so her brother also thinks that she also has a chance.

Sun Xiu and his brother Li Zhihao had some misunderstandings before. The two had a long talk. The misunderstanding was resolved. The two decided to face each other's feelings and be honest. Of course, this was a private decision between them, and the brother did not know.

It’s time for everyone to eat in the evening, and it’s time to get into the metaphysics of choosing seats.

The elder brother took the opportunity to sit next to Sun Xiu, and the younger brother sat opposite him. At this time, Sun Xiu had made up his mind, and it was a bit awkward to sit next to him facing his elder brother.

In the middle of the meal, everyone wanted to give Sun Xiu a birthday surprise. The younger brother played the guitar and sang happy birthday to her, and the older brother walked out from behind carrying a big cake.

Sun Xiu happily thanked them one by one. She thanked both Shuangshuang and Li Zhihao, but Li Zhipeng, who was standing next to her and was holding a cake recently, did not thank her. This confusing behavior once again made netizens uneasy.

She committed the most basic polite behavior again. From this, it can be seen that she is really a love brain.

For the sake of love, she only has eyes for the other person. When it comes to other behaviors of the other person or others around her, she ignores them or pretends to be indifferent.

She may have been jealous of Li Zhihao when she faced Xiaobai's injury at first, but that was not the time to be jealous. It was the most basic courtesy and care, and it was not a deliberate greeting out of selfishness;

When facing her brother Li Zhipeng celebrating her birthday, Maybe Sun Xiu may want to refuse deliberately, but it is not the right time to refuse. They are celebrating you as friends with everyone, not dating you alone;

Therefore, when facing love, I still advise everyone to treat it rationally, and don’t forget the most important thing in life because of love. Basic polite behavior really demonstrates "a woman in love has zero IQ"!

Sun Xiu may not be aware of the impact of his actions, and he also handles these small details improperly. I hope Sun Xiu will realize some of his mistakes after seeing his videos later and correct them. .

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