01. In the past two years, Deyun Club has been in a lot of troubles! The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, especially when a team is in adversity and under various pressures, employees can easily do things that subvert everyone's outlook! Take Deyun Club as an examp


In the past two years, Deyunshe has been in a lot of trouble!

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, especially when a team is in adversity and under various pressures, employees can easily do things that subvert everyone's outlook!

Take Deyun Club as an example. In the past few years, netizens have paid attention not to the small theater, nor to the roles that Guo Degang and made famous, but to the negative news of Deyun Club!


Guo Degang’s disciples, those who cheat, those who cheat, those who do domestic violence, those who talk nonsense, those who have private connections with fans, those with private connections. Not long ago, Guo Degang’s beloved disciple Chen Xiaohua was suspected of drunkenly breaking into a house and attempting to molest a female neighbor. , this incident was shocking. It continued to be a hot search for several days. Millions of people followed the trend and discussed it. Even the official media announced that Guo Degang was going to rectify it. For a while, many people lamented that Deyun Society was full of five poisons!

But if you think that after the Chen Xiaohua incident, the young and old men of Deyun Club will keep a low profile, you are totally wrong!

Recently, Wang Nan, Guo Degang’s assistant for more than ten years, openly mocked fans in the live broadcast room, mocking fans for being poor and unworthy of being parents. He even called out, "You are not even worthy of being a human being!" It can be seen from the content of this live broadcast: Wang Nan does not regard fans as food and clothing parents at all, but divides people into three, six or nine grades. Those who give themselves gifts are called grandpa, and those who do not give money or give less are directly insulted!

Although Deyun Club fired Wang Nan immediately, the anger of netizens has not dissipated!


Seeing so many scandals in Deyun Club, many netizens thought of the "August Storm" in 2010

In 2010, Deyun Club encountered an existential crisis. Guo Degang's residence was suspected of illegal land enclosure, and his apprentice Li Hebiao was beaten Reporter, during that time, Deyun Club became the target of media siege. Many people thought that Deyun Club was going to be finished!

In August of the same year, Cao Yunjin, He Yunwei, Liu Yuntian, Li Jing proposed to leave Deyun Society. Among them, Cao Yunjin and He Yunwei were Guo Degang's disciples and the pillars of Deyun Society at that time. At a time when the team's survival is at stake, the pillar is about to leave. The pressure this brings to Guo Degang is self-evident, right?

In other words, if Guo Degang's character was a little weaker, Deyun Club might have disappeared in 2010!


exceeded everyone’s imagination. Guo Degang boldly enabled Yue Yunpeng , Zhang Helun and others. The latter lived up to expectations and successfully assumed the important task of revitalizing Deyun Society. After several years of development, Deyun Society not only monopolized It has participated in domestic commercial performances and developed the cross talk business abroad, becoming the largest cross talk group in the country!

Looking at it now, we can characterize the August turmoil in Deyun Club as: peers looking for trouble, media hype, and a disciple who bullies his master and destroys his ancestors! Although important members within the organization have left, fans' hearts are with Guo Degang and Deyun Club. The rise of Deyun Club is also related to the support of the majority of fans!


On the other hand, as for the current Deyun Club, for them, whether it is Chen Xiaohua or assistant Wang Nan, their departure will not have a big impact on the performance of Deyun Club, but in terms of reputation, these people's Menstruation arouses public anger. Once you lose the support of the people, you can imagine the consequences!

From the perspective of passers-by, we understand Guo Degang, because Deyun Club is too big and famous, and it is normal for a few "bugs" to appear, but from the perspective of cross talk enthusiasts, or netizens who are always paying attention to the development of cross talk? The current problems in Deyun Club go beyond the August storm. They are caused by the bad atmosphere within the club and Guo Degang’s lax management!

Therefore, after the Wang Nan incident broke out, Guo Degang really needs to reflect on it. Whether he is a person or an artist, if he does not have the correct three views, the greater his ability, the greater the harm!