We often say that love has nothing to do with others or the world, only you and me. However, when all the beautiful words related to love are placed on a 17-year-old underage girl and a 57-year-old man, most people find it unacceptable.


We often say that love has nothing to do with others or the world, only you and me. However, when all the beautiful words related to love are placed on a 17-year-old underage girl and a 57-year-old man, most people find it unacceptable.

We may be heartbroken by the ignorant choice of a young girl, and we may be angry by the irresponsible promise of a 57-year-old man. But no matter what, the ending of the matter is that they are together.

It has been nine years now.

They managed to live a willful and free life regardless of the ridicule of the world and the opposition of their families.

So, will the "grandfather and grandson love" who are 40 years apart really be happy?

【A bad person to trust】

In 2013, an explosive news instantly occupied the front page headlines: the relationship between 57-year-old musician Li Kuncheng and 17-year-old female high school student Lin Jingen was exposed.

This incident aroused great public enthusiasm for discussion. People left messages on Weibo, "What's the picture? The picture just happened to be posted, but the person disappeared the next year." "What did she like about Li Kuncheng?" "Don't parents care? ? Isn’t this nonsense?”

Although many netizens said that they were shocked, Li Kuncheng and Lin Jing’en did so, and they posted photos on the Internet to show their affection. .

With the exposure of this relationship, the background of the two people was also dug out.

The man’s name is Li Kuncheng. He was born in 1956 and is 66 years old. Li Kuncheng is a musician who has also composed songs for well-known singers such as Luo Dayou and Feng Feifei.

Out of his hobby as a musician, he collected a lot of vinyl records , and was therefore known as the "Godfather of Vinyl".

It can be seen that his status in the music circle is also unusual.

And at 66 years old, how could he have no love history?

According to the Internet, Li Kuncheng was once married and had two sons with his ex-wife.

Unfortunately, his youngest son passed away in an accident in 2004. In order to commemorate his son, Li Kuncheng composed the song "Beloved", which was later sung by Luo Dayou and became popular.

But this marriage only lasted five years. His ex-wife said that Li Kuncheng had an extramarital affair with a female student from Tainan Girls' High School during the marriage, so he chose to divorce and live with his son.

The love between Lin Jingen and Li Kuncheng was revealed from Li Kuncheng's next relationship. Because, after his first marriage ended, Li Kuncheng fell in love with a girl 20 years younger than him.

Even though there is a 20-year age difference, Li Kuncheng's relationship lasted for seven years.

As for the reason why this relationship ended, some say that Li Kuncheng fell in love with Lin Jingen and chose to break up; there are also rumors that during Li Kuncheng's car accident, he thought that his girlfriend did not take good care of him and chose to break up. No matter what the reason is,

seems to be not so easy to accept.

Then, something even more shocking happened: Li Kuncheng fell in love with Lin Jingen, who was 40 years his junior.

Judging from Li Kuncheng's emotional experience, he is not an infatuated man. Over the years, every one of his relationships seemed to end with him cheating on her. The only thing that remains unchanged is that the girls he pursues are getting younger and younger.

Compared with Li Kuncheng, Lin Jingen's experience is extremely simple. He is just a minor who has not graduated from high school and is not deeply involved in the world.

The beginning of the two of them has something to do with Lin Jingen’s father.

Lin Jingen's father once helped Li Kuncheng when he was lonely, so the two became friends, and Li Kuncheng often visited Lin's house. It can be said that Li Kuncheng grew up watching Lin Jingen.

Lin Jingen has loved music since she was a child, especially listening to vinyl records. At that time, the relationship between Lin Jing'en and her father was not good. By various coincidences, Lin's father chose to ask Li Kuncheng to help his daughter learn music and enlighten her at the same time.

never thought that he would lead a wolf into the house and let Li Kuncheng seduce his underage daughter away.

Lin's father was furious when he found out. Seeing that the two had no intention of separating, Lin's father was anxious and sued Li Kuncheng for deception. But no one expected that 17-year-old Lin Jingen would appear in court to testify for Li Kuncheng, indicating that he and Li Kuncheng had spiritual communication and consensual consent. In this way, Lin's father had no choice but to lose the lawsuit.

After that, Lin Jingen broke off all contact with the Lin family, and the Lin family also stated that they no longer recognized this daughter. After

left home, Lin Jing'en moved to live with Li Kuncheng. After living together, the two ignored outsiders' comments and let themselves go even more. They showed off their affection, posted photos, went on dates together, and even appeared on a Taiwanese variety show together in 2004.

On the show, the two made a high-profile statement that they would get married in the future. They had a very good relationship, kissed in public, and even simulated getting married on the show.

These operations would not seem strange to any normal couple, but seeing an almost 60-year-old man kissing a 17-year-old girl with a smile on his face always felt very inconsistent.

In the following years, this "grandfather-grandson love" inevitably became the focus of the media. Every year, news breaks out that Lin Jingen is pregnant, Li Kuncheng is ill, and their relationship has broken down.

Regarding these news, Li Kuncheng said:

"The two have met every day for four years and will take a shower together."

"My love for her has only increased, and I can only describe it as 100%." ​​

Fine By the way, this is the ninth year the two have been together. There was no wedding promised by Li Kuncheng, and no blessings from relatives and friends. The two just lived together like this.

So, why does a 17-year-old girl fall in love with a man 40 years older than herself?

All this starts with Lin Jingen’s family.

[The origin of the story is the tragedy of the original family]

Father Lin and Mother Lin gave birth to two daughters, Lin Jingen is the younger daughter.

But before Lin Jingen was born, the two divorced, so the mother gave birth to her alone, and Lin's father asked for custody after Lin Jingen grew up. Therefore, it is natural that Lin Jingen loves his mother very much.

After living with her father, Lin Jingen discovered that her father always slandered her mother in front of her. As time passed, a gap developed between the two. Lin Jingen also bluntly said that his father is a traditional and old-fashioned person. As long as he disobeys his father's wishes, he will be beaten severely. His father also firmly believes that under the stick, a filial son will emerge.

For this reason, Lin Jingen is surprisingly rebellious, has many strange ideas in his mind, and likes unusual music.

Just like that, when his father chose to let Li Kuncheng help Lin Jingen, Lin Jingen readily agreed. In the beginning, the two were friends, and Li Kuncheng acted as Lin Jingen's "encyclopedia" and solved various problems for her. But as time passed, the two developed feelings for each other.

In Lin Jingen's eyes, her father would never respect her wishes or listen to her concerns. Li Kuncheng, on the other hand, is just the opposite. He takes care of himself and is considerate of himself, which makes 17-year-old Lin Jing'en feel love like never before.

And Lin Jingen wants very little. When she first got together with Li Kuncheng, she would not be willful and pretentious. Only occasionally will I make some small requests, such as: I want an electric toothbrush, or I want to see small animals in the zoo.

And Li Kuncheng helped her realize every little wish she had.

Father Lin saw all this. He once said that he owed Lin Jingen her childhood, but he never took any actual action to make up for his daughter. With completely different lifestyles and incompatible personalities, the two grew farther and farther apart.

After the incident between Lin Jingen and Li Kuncheng was exposed, the father's choice was to directly resort to law instead of providing psychological enlightenment and communication with his daughter. In this way, things got out of hand.

In response, Lin’s father directly stated that he would never recognize his daughter again.

When his own child has a problem, he does not immediately ask for concern and reflect on his own problems. Instead, he blames, beats and scolds him, and complains that his friends are too good to his daughter. Father Lin's reaction was really shocking and shocking.

Obviously, behind this unacceptable "grandfather-grandson love" lies the indifference and violence of the original family.

Some people use their childhood to heal their whole lives, while some people spend their whole lives to heal their childhood. Lin Jing'en directly chose to give up on healing, abandoning a family that was worthless in her eyes.

Some netizens pointed out that Lin Jingen's love for Li Kuncheng is just the "Electra complex" of a 17-year-old girl, not real love. In this regard, Li Kuncheng said frankly that his girlfriend does have an Electra complex, but the two of them are not only father and daughter, but also teachers and students, and even lovers.

Li Kuncheng treats Lin Jing'en like a father, a friend, and a lover, satisfying all the fantasies of a 17-year-old girl about the opposite sex.

Behind every thing we strongly criticize, there is hidden sadness and pain that is unknown to others.

In order to prevent more such incidents from happening, what we need to do is not only pay attention to the stories of others, but also project those tragedies into our own lives, reflect and make progress, and avoid our own tragedies.

[There are so many "old husbands and young wives", why are they not blessed]

There are many old husbands and young wives in the entertainment industry. For example, actor Xu Shaoqiang and his wife are 30 years apart, director Zhang Jizhong and his wife Du Xinglin are 31 years apart. Xie Xian and his girlfriend CoCo are even 49 years apart.

But most of them are just for everyone to talk about after dinner. Only the pair of Lin Jingen and Li Kuncheng make people want to rush up and pull them apart. There are many reasons for this.

First of all, Lin Jingen was still underage when the two were together. Although 18 years old does not represent a person's true mental maturity, 17 years old certainly represents youthfulness, ignorance, ignorance and impulsiveness. 57-year-old Li Kuncheng has been married once and in love twice. Compared with him who has been in love for a long time, what does a 17-year-old girl know?

The two of them lived together, with firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea everywhere. As for 17-year-old Lin Jing'en, her mind is filled with music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea. She thought that as long as two people loved each other, they could withstand all wind and rain, but she still failed to understand that the triviality of life was the reason why most relationships could not be maintained.

Secondly, judging from Li Kuncheng's past emotional experience, everyone does not believe that he can continue to be devoted to Lin Jingen. Is such a person really worthy of being entrusted to a 17-year-old girl for a lifetime by having multiple affairs and dating younger and younger girls?

According to Lin’s father, Li Kuncheng was actually preparing to attack his eldest daughter at the beginning.

Once Li Kuncheng got drunk at Lin's house, and it was his eldest daughter who took care of him. However, the eldest daughter already had a boyfriend at the time and the relationship was stable. In addition, Lin's father reminded the eldest daughter, so he reached out to the underage daughter. Claws.

If this is really the case, then Lin Jingen is just Li Kuncheng's target after he likes the new and dislikes the old, so how can he be sincere?

Finally, although there are so many couples with big age differences in the entertainment industry, they all have one thing in common, which is that they have enough material foundation to be able to take responsibility for their choices.

Lin Jingen was only 17 years old and dropped out of high school before graduating. Although Li Kuncheng is a musician, he actually doesn't create much, and he just relies on copyright fees to survive. Even though Lin Jingen said that she didn't care about material foundations such as money, she stayed at home without a job, and her financial resources obviously came from Li Kuncheng.

Dropping out of high school and relying solely on men to support herself, is this really the way out for a young girl in her 20s?

[Like a person drinking water, he knows whether it is warm or cold]

Now nine years have passed, Li Kuncheng is 66 years old, nearly 70, and Lin Jingen is only 26 years old this year.

It is said that they are a pair of lovers, but it looks like the granddaughter is taking care of her grandfather in old age; it is said that they are a couple, but they are not married yet.

According to reports, Li Kuncheng can't get any performances now. He has had no income for almost a year and is still burdened with mortgage and car loans. The financial pressure is huge. He said that he has started to receive retirement benefits and will sell the vinyl records he has collected for many years. In addition, he still has some savings, which is enough to support the lives of the two of them.

There were photos of Li Kuncheng using a cane. There were rumors that Li Kuncheng was critically ill, which scared Li Kuncheng's friends and came to see him. The rumors became more and more true. The reporter took the initiative to contact Li Kuncheng himself, but it turned out to be an own mistake.

Li Kuncheng said that he and his wife had just received the third dose of vaccine. In order to stay with Lin Jingen for a longer period of time, he worked out hard every day, and he didn't even have three highs.

Moreover, he said that his relationship with Lin Jingen is very stable. He and Lin Jingen currently live in a house of about 70 square meters in Taiwan, and have also moved his studio to his home.

If everyone is paying attention to Li Kuncheng's physical condition, for Lin Jingen, they are paying attention to her belly and her mental outlook.

Not long ago, Lin Jingen was photographed on the bus.

She is still very thin, wearing glasses and a ponytail, but her face no longer looks youthful, but looks tired. She is only 26, but she looks much older than her peers.

There were reports that Lin Jingen was suspected of being pregnant. In the photos taken by reporters, Lin Jingen's belly had a very obvious bulge. There are rumors that Lin Jingen is pregnant every year, but whether it is true or not this time, we have to wait for the response of the person involved.

There is more news that Li Kuncheng asked Lin Jingen to go back to her parents' home for help due to financial constraints. Regarding Lin Jingen's suspected pregnancy, reporters also asked Lin Jingen's family for their opinions. However, her family's attitude is still very firm, saying that they will never recognize Lin Jingen as their daughter again, and it has nothing to do with them even if she is pregnant and has no one to take care of her.

As Li Kuncheng gets older, the shortcomings of the "grandfather-grandson relationship" become more and more obvious. There are not enough financial resources, there is not enough labor force support, there is no health protection, and there is no company for his children.

In a few years, when Li Kuncheng reaches old age, Lin Jing'en will have to take care of him until his death. After that, Lin Jingen will be alone and without his family around him. Lin Jingen's future life is really worrying.


all say that love is respect, not possession.

Although Lin Jingen’s father never learned how to respect Lin Jingen’s wishes, which added fuel to the fire of this relationship with such a big age difference, Li Kuncheng’s choice to be with Lin Jingen, who is 40 years younger than him, is not selfish possession. ?

Knowing that after his death, Lin Jing'en would be alone and without support from relatives and friends, he still insisted on going his own way. It’s said to be true love, but isn’t it actually another form of selfish desire?

If you really love the other person, you should sincerely consider the other person. A 17-year-old girl dropped out of school to start her own family life instead of continuing to study and grow. This means that after Li Kuncheng's death, Lin Jingen will most likely have no place in society.

Looking at it from this perspective, are they an enviable couple of gods and immortals, or are they irresponsible to both parties and going their own way?

is just like a person who knows whether drinking water is hot or cold. Maybe when the two of them are together, they really don't want to do anything as they said, they just love each other. We are always just spectators, and our comments have little impact on their lives.

It’s just that no matter what decision we make for our lives, we must be prepared to bear the final results.

We must be responsible for our own lives, which is always what we need to remember.