Here, "Lang Jie 3" has just finished broadcasting the three episodes, and on the other side, the recording of the fifth episode was completed on the 4th. Judging from the spoilers of the live audience, this game is reasonable, unexpected, and of course controversial. Compared wit

Here, "Lang Jie 3" has just finished broadcasting the three episodes, and on the other side, the recording of the five episodes was completed on the 4th. Judging from the spoilers of the live audience, this game is reasonable, unexpected, and of course controversial.

compared to Sigong who created the "most complex competition system in history", the rules of this game are relatively simple.

The first round is three-team PK, the second round is offensive and defensive, and the third round is captain solo. In the first two rounds, you can decide whether to use three or six players.

In the first round, Tan Weiwei group took the lead. They chose Zhang Jie 's "Dragon Song", which is similar to Sangong's "Jade".

Sammi Cheng's team unexpectedly only sent Yu Wenwen, Wang Zixuan, Zhang Xinyi, which seemed a little weak.

’s last appearance was from Cyndi Wang’s group. The song they brought was “Are You Fried Noodles” originally sung by Liu Boxin and . With their superior song selection and high popularity among all members, they finally won with more than 900 votes.

In the second round, Jessica’s team was competing. They were assigned to the popular English song "senorita", which is very sexy and sultry.

Chung Gintong , Wu Jinyan , Tang Shiyi The original song "For Everyone Who Knows My Name" is very nice, but the slow song is not suitable for competition.

originally thought that the "Bump Group" had a numerical advantage, but unexpectedly met three great vocals: Tan Weiwei, Sit Kai-chi , Zhang Qiang , and unfortunately lost to "Really Love You".

The most exciting part of the game was undoubtedly the third round, where the three captains went head-to-head. Cyndi Wang brought a medley of golden songs. The three songs were "The Great Sleep", "The Quiet Sea That Summer" and "When You", which was another wave of "memory killing".

After the first stage, Tan Weiwei sang "But Please Pain" again, which shows how much she likes this new song.

At the critical moment, Jessica showed off her trump card. The song "dangerous woman" demonstrated the singing and dancing abilities of the top girl group members.

As a result, Cyndi Wang ranked first in this round, while Tan Weiwei and Zheng Xiuyan ranked second and third respectively.

After the whole game, Cyndi Wang’s team achieved two wins and one loss, Tan Weiwei’s team won one game and lost two, and Jessica Cheng’s team lost all three games.

Based on the results of the three rounds, Cyndi Wang, Charlene Choi, , Gillian Chung, Wu Jinyan, Zhang Tianai, , and Tang Shiyi of the "Chow Mein" group successfully advanced.

The worst situation was undoubtedly Jessica's group. They just lost all three games. The candidates for elimination also happened in their group, so they had to accept the fate of being disbanded.

There are currently several opinions on the Internet about who has been eliminated. Some owners revealed that one person, Zhang Xinyi, was eliminated, some said that Zhang Xinyi and Zhang Li were eliminated, and some even said that four people were eliminated. The real list I'm afraid we'll have to wait until the final groupings are announced to find out.

However, all three melons point to the same sister, that is Zhang Xinyi.

In terms of popularity alone, "Second Sister" is definitely not the lowest. It may seem like a pity to stop here, but in fact, there are warning signs.

looked back at her "personal favorite" rankings for the first three rounds of performances, ranking 20, 16, and 21 respectively, always at the bottom. Before Wu Gong's recording, many people believed that he was in a dangerous situation.

The first male eliminated Wu Mochou and Huang Xiaolei , the third male eliminated Liu Lian , Aya , Huang Yi , and the fourth male Myolie Wu and Xu Ruyun were both eliminated.

After Wu Gong's "Second Sister" returned home, netizens complained that "Sister Lang" was essentially a "fully automated talent show", and there might have been arrangements for who would leave and when.

The dust of "Sister Lang 3" has settled, and only the final finals is left. Let’s wait and see which sisters of

can join X-SISTER and who will become the C position of this season. I hope it won’t be like the second season where the group formed and then disbanded.