Last year, a film called "The Age of Awakening" and "The Age of Awakening" focused on characterization. "Numerous Romantic Figures" focuses on. "Number of Famous People" focuses on 13 people.

Last year, the drama " The Age of Awakening "

pushed the domestic theme drama to a climax

Recently, Fujian Radio and Television Network High-definition interactive cloud TV

TV series - hot drama

A major revolutionary historical drama was launched

"Number of Romantic Figures"

Every frame is a masterpiece of conscience.

Once again, everyone's blood is boiling.

Unlike "The Age of Awakening" which focuses on the stories of

Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao and other characters,

"Number of Romantic Figures" focuses on

young figures such as

Mao Zedong, Yang Kaihui and Zhou Enlai. The story of growth and transformation

focuses on "people" and is more warm

Under the premise of strictly adhering to historical truth

"Number of Famous Figures" focuses on 13

representatives of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China

and the revolution that made outstanding contributions to the founding of the Communist Party of China


selected the most affecting historical fragments

and used vivid details

to restore historical figures into

ordinary people full of fireworks

The plot begins with the "May Fourth Movement" in 1919

Paris Peace Conference

China News of the failure of diplomacy came

Peking University students were furious

A vigorous

anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement broke out

and quickly received support from all over the country

The new democratic revolution began

At the time of national salvation

A batch of advanced knowledge The molecules

began an arduous road of exploration.

Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao met to found the party.

The revolutionary center also moved from Beijing to Shanghai. Without hesitation, we embarked on the road to save the country.

What is the international and domestic situation before and after the Congress of the Communist Party of China?

What is the international and domestic situation?

What kind of twists and turns will this conference, which profoundly changed the development direction of the Chinese nation and the historical process of

in modern times, experience?

Extremely polished, more texture

In order to be loyal to history and truly restore

The crew mobilized more than 30,000 special guests and extras

There are more than 400 characters with only names and lines

More than 650 large scenes were set up in the whole drama

And more than 2,000 small scenes

have been reproduced one-to-one. Important scenes such as

Shaoshan Chong, Anyuan Coal Mine

Qingshuitang, Yan'an Cave House

The number of scenes is three times that of ordinary TV dramas

In addition, "A Number of Romantic Figures"

has been repeatedly polished in the research of historical details, character lines

stunt presentation, music and other aspects,

striving for excellence

ultimate presentation

ace production, quality assurance

in order to create a high-level

high-quality masterpiece.

"A Number of Romantic Figures" brings together

a strong creative team.

The screenwriter of the play Wang Qingwei

has written "The Prosperity"

"Zhou En's Return to Yan'an" and other works.

Won the National "Five One Project" Award many times

Director Yu Ding once directed "Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky"

and was nominated for the "Best Director" award at the 23rd

Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Award

In terms of the cast, "The Numbers" brings together

Hou Jingjian (played by Hou Jingjian) Mao Zedong)

Li Naiwen (played as Chen Duxiu)

Suga Renzi (played as Yang Kaihui)

Sun Jian (played as Zhang Guotao)

Zhang Hongrui (played as Li Dazhao)

He Jianze (played as Qu Qiubai)

Xu Min (played as Zhou Enlai)

Wang Weizhi (played by Zhou Enlai) (played as Zhu De), etc.

A large number of powerful actors and veteran actors with both virtue and art

used their solid acting skills

to bring the audience back to that turbulent era

People with lofty ideals shouldered heavy responsibilities

Go to the appointment of the Chinese revolution together

Locked in Fujian Radio and Television Network HD Interactive Cloud TV

TV series - hot drama

Watch the revolutionary ancestors together

Stick to the ideal and complain about the turbulent history

Produced by Fujian Radio and Television Network Media Technology Co., Ltd.

Editor in charge | Fang Jiana

Chief editor | Wu Bin

Producer | Jiang Lai