When he was eighteen years old, he thought his life had come to an end. Ji Chunhua has determined to be a martial arts athlete since he was a child. He started practicing martial arts at the age of eight and practiced martial arts for ten years. Even if his muscles and bones were

When he was eighteen years old, he thought his life had come to an end

He was the "Vulture" in "Shaolin Temple",

was Ma Ning'er in " New Shaolin Five Ancestors", and he was Ma Ning'er in "Red Sorghum" The bandit Tu Sanpao in "Fang Shiyu",

is Yu Zhenhai in "Fang Shiyu",

is the blood knife ancestor in "Liancheng Jue".

His name is Ji Chunhua . On the way to playing villain roles, he has achieved great success, and the "vicious" image he created has left a profound impact on many viewers.

People only think that his appearance is needed for character design. No one knows what kind of low life is hidden behind this "evil" appearance.

As he said, he became an actor purely by chance.

When he was eighteen years old, he felt that his life had come to an end.

The national martial arts competition was coming soon, and the coach called him to the office.

He thought that the opportunity had come.

Ji Chunhua has determined to be a martial arts athlete since he was a child. He started practicing martial arts at the age of eight and practiced martial arts for ten years. Even if his muscles and bones were injured, he did not dare to slack off in training.

He has a strong build and thick eyebrows. He is a martial arts wizard in the eyes of the coach. He has always been trained as a key player to participate in the national competition. If the coach asks others to score seven points, he will ask him to score ten points.

But this time, he never expected that the coach who always valued him would persuade him to quit because of his image.

An illness caused him to permanently lose his eyebrows, hair and even eyelashes. His strange appearance not only prevented him from becoming a martial arts athlete, but also affected his daily travels.

A hat that covers most of his forehead has become his standard accessory.

's dream failed, and he had no choice but to quit the team at the age of 19.

For more than ten years, his life was only about martial arts. Now that he has quit the team, he not only doesn’t want to do anything, but also doesn’t know what he can do.

As a result, he began to stay at home, became decadent, and began to be in a daze all day long.

It’s not that he didn’t see his parents’ worries, he thought, he had to find something to do.

But he is as weird as a braised egg, and no one dares to ask for it.

's growing inferiority complex made him feel: He was finished.

But it seemed that he was not finished yet. He did not want to give up on himself. When the martial arts coach persuaded him to go back to practice Sanda , he stood up again.

Perhaps, as long as those who have hit rock bottom take action, every step forward will only be an uphill road.

By chance, I met Yan Xinyan, who was casting for "Shaolin Temple". Ji Chunhua, who was hiding in a corner because of his low self-esteem, was spotted at a glance because of his outstanding figure. Later, he saw his solid martial arts skills and "ferocious" appearance. Director Zhang was even more satisfied and considered the role of "Vulture" on the spot.

Ji Chunhua, who was not from a major but was selected for the role, relies entirely on his energy to act and his lines and movements are all based on learning and selling, but he works harder than anyone else.

Although his martial arts dream was shattered, he unexpectedly discovered that there seemed to be opportunities to expand his martial arts career in movies.

Since then, famous directors have come to visit him one after another, and he has become the favorite villain among many directors.

Those desperate waits with no way out, finally bought him a new life of his own.

Martial arts athletes are not the only path to martial arts, and the college entrance examination is not the only path to life.

Because becoming a martial arts athlete is the goal he has always pursued, Ji Chunhua felt that his life was over when his dream was shattered.

Nowadays, many students regard the college entrance examination as their life goal. Once they fail the college entrance examination, they often become destitute and even do some extreme things.

I failed the college entrance examination, my inner world collapsed, and I didn’t even want the outer world anymore.

In our more than ten years of life, it seems that there is really nothing left except study.

Parents often say:

"You only need to take care of your own studies, and don't worry about anything else.""

"You don't have to think about anything but studying now"

"The college entrance examination is your only goal now"

From ancient times to the present, families' sacrifices for scholars have not changed, and their expectations of honoring their ancestors have not changed. They hold banquets and banquets. The tradition of celebration has not changed.

Some children have become a container for their parents' ideals.

Some children have become a tool for comparison between parents.

It seems that everyone lives a "pretty" life. Growing up with such full expectations and obsession with grades, you never know which straw will break your child's life.

Some people may say that children who go to extremes because of the college entrance examination will have nothing to do even if they leave the society. Prospects.

Or, today’s children’s ability to withstand stress is too poor.

Yes, you have been saying it, so when can you listen to them about their opinions on the college entrance examination? attitude, talk to them about things other than the college entrance examination, and care about their hobbies.

Or, tell them that the college entrance examination is not the only way, and life will not collapse if this road is broken. If you take one step, you will not be at the bottom.

If you feel that you have failed in the college entrance examination and your life has hit the bottom, you will never see the sun.

Then, I would like to congratulate you. You have obtained a "pot bottom rule" experience card in life.

From now on, no matter where you go in life, it will only be an uphill road.

It is already at the bottom. Things will turn upside down if they fall. Otherwise, things will change and everything will change.

18-year-old . Jay Chou was criticized for being worthless on the stage; 18-year-old Li Ziqi was worried about his livelihood and grandma's medicine money in the bar; 18-year-old Yue Yunpeng was not only scolded by customers but also lost his job... ...

18In that year, they were also in despair and could not imagine what it would be like after turning 18.

I don’t advise you to be strong, but in short, live and see.

The sun is still far away, but there must be a sun. . Life is a marathon, don’t worry too much about short-term results.

No matter you are a child or a parent.