Beijing Huaying Wanxiang issued an obituary yesterday, saying that actor Liu Boxun passed away on July 1, 2022, at the age of 41. Red Star News reporters discovered that Liu Boxun has a happy family and even shared photos of the family together during the Spring Festival.

Beijing Huaying Wanxiang issued an obituary yesterday, saying that actor Liu Boxun passed away on July 1, 2022, at the age of 41. Liu Boxun's friend Wang Qianhua also posted on Weibo, "It's so sudden! All words can't express the pain in my heart at this moment... I believe that in another world you will continue your beloved career and better display your acting talents!" I just feel...too young..." Friend Liu Tianzuo revealed that Liu Boxun died due to myocardial infarction after rescue efforts failed.

Liu Boxun

Red Star News Reporters discovered that Liu Boxun has a happy family and even shared photos of the family together during the Spring Festival. He likes sports on weekdays. Last year, he was hired as the vice president of the Liaoning Provincial Free Fighting Association. He often posts photos and videos of sports and fitness on his social platform.

Liu Boxun's social account was last updated on June 20. On that day, he shared two videos of him taking his young son camping and eating hot pot with tourists. In the video, Liu Boxun looked very happy and captioned "Nothing." It’s a good age to be carefree. Cherish every second with your children. It’s time for your mother to take care of it.” “My son had a blast today. Let’s go camping and enjoy the beauty of nature together.” What people didn't expect was that Liu Boxun died suddenly just 10 days later.

Liu Boxun was an actor in the Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Shenyang Military Region. His main works include the drama "Red Plastic Bucket Under the Green Shade", the film and television dramas " Women Enter the City ", " Women as Officials " and "The Moon Is Hometown Bright". After the news of his death was released, netizens lamented that it was too regrettable, "too young" and "your son is still so young, why did you just leave!"...

Liu Boxun's social account was last updated

took away Liu Boxun's "myocardial infarction" " has frequently appeared in reports on "celebrity death" in recent years. Famous cross talk actor Hou Yaowen, famous cross talk actor Ma Ji, "I Love My Family" screenwriter Liang Zuo, comedian Gao Xiumin, etc. all lost their lives to myocardial infarction.

According to CCTV News , there are 600,000 new cases of myocardial infarction in my country every year, of which only 30,000 can receive timely treatment, and the death rate is more than 30%. Excessive smoking, overeating, overwork, and excessive stress can easily cause myocardial infarction.

Mao Yuchuan Red Star News reporter Jiang Qing

editor Duan Xueying

Original title: Actor Liu Boxun passed away due to myocardial infarction at the age of 41. He had a happy family and loved sports and fitness

Source: Red Star News