Many of the plays in which Wang Qianhua plays the leading role include Liu Boxun. "The Moon Is Hometown Bright", "Every Year Is Red", "Nine-Nine", "Women's Village", etc. are all collaborations between the two. TV series.

On the first day of July, another bad news came from the entertainment industry. Actor Liu Boxun suddenly passed away. His friend Liu Tianzuo posted an article in memory of him on the social platform, and people learned about this shocking news. Heartbreaking news.

Liu Boxun was only 41 years old this year. He should not have passed away so early in his prime. Moreover, he still had the habit of exercising and often posted photos of himself running. Just the day before his death, he also posted a new photo of himself. He bought sneakers with the intention of wearing them for exercise, but he didn't expect that these shoes would no longer fit on his feet.

Liu Boxun's name is actually not familiar to many viewers, but many people have watched his TV series. Liu Boxun is a famous rural drama actor. In his career, he has participated in many rural dramas. The actor he has most partnered with is Wang Qianhua, who is known as the "First Sister of Rural Drama".

In many of the plays in which Wang Qianhua plays the leading role, Liu Boxun has appeared, such as "月是Hometownming", "every year is red every year", "Nine-Nine", "Women's Village" " and so on are all TV series in which the two collaborated. Liu Boxun contributed wonderful acting skills in the play.

After learning the news of Liu Boxun's death, Wang Qianhua also expressed her grief immediately. She recalled the past of the two and said sadly: "just felt... too young." Yes, it is really hard to believe that a person who looks very healthy suddenly suddenly says he is gone.

Liu Boxun was born in the 1980s in 1981. He was an actor in the art troupe of the Political Department of the Shenyang Military Region. I believe Liu Boxun also put in a lot of effort to become an actor in the art troupe of the military region. This is where Liu Boxun met Liu Tianzuo.

Liu Tianzuo was once his squad leader. Later Liu Tianzuo became famous before Liu Boxun and had a wonderful performance in the TV series " soldiers assault ". But Liu Boxun is not so lucky. He has always acted in obscurity, and almost no audience knows his name.

However, Liu Boxun did not complain at all because he was not famous. He still acted diligently and dedicated his life to his favorite career. has always taken acting seriously. No matter how small the role is, whether it is a positive or negative role, he will play it well with all his heart.

Liu Boxun originally had a happy family. His wife was named Ding Yifei, and she met Liu Boxun on a blind date. Because as an actor, Liu Boxun was busy with acting and never had time to fall in love, so he accepted a blind date introduced by a friend.

Liu Boxun and Ding Yifei got married in 2015, and they gave birth to a son after their marriage. Liu Boxun spends most of his time away from home filming, with his wife taking care of the children. Liu Boxun also felt that he devoted less to his family. In the video he shared, he wrote: "You must cherish the time you spend with your children."

In the video, Liu Boxun took his family camping out, with his cute and cute son beside him. The child seemed to like singing very much, so Liu Boxun sang with him and recorded these beautiful moments. Liu Boxun was very happy for his son's singing and specially posted a message saying, "My son had an explosion today." There was something in his words. It is love for his son.

Unfortunately, this became the last beautiful memory of his son and his family, because this was the last thing Liu Boxun did. After just 10 days, they were separated forever and never had the chance to enjoy the good times together.

Liu Boxun also has a daughter, who was born at the end of 2021. She is only 7 months old now. When her daughter was born, Liu Boxun also deliberately shared the good news with everyone. But now, my daughter has only felt her father's love for 7 months, and she will never see her father again.

In the obituary issued by Liu Boxun's agency, we can see that Liu Boxun died due to ineffective rescue of myocardial infarction. In the past, we all thought that myocardial infarction was a disease of the elderly and that only older people were more susceptible to it.But now, patients with myocardial infarction are getting younger and younger.

Work and life have given contemporary people too much pressure. Many people's bodies are in a sub-healthy state . They don't know where a mine is buried, and they don't know when it may explode.

Looking at Liu Boxun's daily life, we can find that his life is actually very healthy. Whether he is running or going to the gym, he is very regular. Moreover, he seems to love sports very much. He not only does some common exercises, but also I like professional sports such as boxing and Sanda . I have even participated in many Sanda competitions and won medals.

From this point of view, Liu Boxun should have been in good health and should not have suffered a myocardial infarction at such a young age. However, some friends revealed that Liu Boxun likes drinking very much on weekdays. It can be said that this is his biggest hobby besides sports.

If this is the case, it doesn't seem surprising. The actor's profession often requires staying up late, and he has to endure all kinds of hardships during filming. It is common to go without sleep for a day or two. In addition, he likes to drink. Maybe his body can no longer bear it, even if he exercises There was no way to save it. Therefore, myocardial infarction came to him.

"Tomorrow and accident, you never know which one will come first." Liu Boxun's accident came earlier than tomorrow. Those of us who are not familiar with him can only sigh in secret. But Liu Boxun's wife and children have to face the pain of losing him. The life of an orphan and a widowed mother must be full of difficulties.

Liu Boxun's death has sounded the alarm for many people. Facing the unknown future, all we can do is seize the present, meet the people we want to see, do what we want to do, and don't let every day go by. At the same time, we must also take good care of our bodies and not let diseases have a chance. Finally, I wish Liu Boxun in heaven have a good life in another world.

Thanks for watching.