Sohu Entertainment Special Article (Zhuang Zixiu/Written) The contemporary rural drama "Happiness to Ten Thousand Households" is currently on the air. The combination of Zheng Xiaolong + Zhao Dongling + Zhao Liying has raised the audience's expectations. According to Maoyan data,

Sohu Entertainment Special Article (Zhuang Self-Study/Written) The contemporary rural drama "Happiness to Ten Thousand Households" is currently on the air. The combination of Zheng Xiaolong + Zhao Dongling + Zhao Liying has raised the audience's expectations.

Maoyan data shows that the show has reached the first place in popularity after its first six episodes.

The audience was surprised that Zhao Liying played a rural girl. Screenwriter Zhao Dongling was also surprised - Zhao Liying was born in a rural area. Not only did she not shy away from this identity, she was also willing to play a rural girl again. This kind of courage is very worthy of encouragement.

"The final decision of a traffic star on how far he will go on the road of art depends on whether he is willing to transform from a traffic star into a real actor."

"Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes " is adapted from the novel "The Legend of Qiu Ju" ", Zhao Dongling believed that Zhao Liying performed a different temperament from the Gong Li version of Qiu Ju. The former is traditional and simple, while the latter is more up-to-date. "I think she performed quite well."

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Dongling is also the screenwriter of "Police Honor". This drama just concluded not long ago, and many viewers urged "Police Honor 2" to be updated. Zhao Dongling revealed that the material is currently being collected and conceptualized. What is certain is that , the second part will continue the entire story of Balihe Police Station, and most of the actors in the first drama will also be there.

Whether it is "Happiness to Ten Thousands" or "Police Honor", the audience praised Zhao Dongling as a screenwriter with a "poor person's perspective". Her works are real and down-to-earth, without the "suspension" that is often criticized in domestic dramas.

Talking about this point, Zhao Dongling said bluntly that the reason why some works are written in a suspended manner is largely caused by the creators' unwillingness to make efforts to understand real life and blindly please the audience.

"People who write wholeheartedly about the lives of the rich may not have enough food and clothing for themselves, so they just imagine how the rich live. If a person is truly financially independent and spiritually rich, he will not discriminate against such a social group."

I was very surprised. Zhao Liying can play "He Xingfu"

She performed a different "Qiu Ju"

Sohu Entertainment: Have you ever thought about what kind of actress will play the character "He Xingfu"?

Zhao Dongling: We didn’t dare to think about Zhao Liying at first, but we were very surprised that Zhao Liying appeared in the end. Because the appeal of the actor is there, I think Zhao Liying deserves recognition for making this choice. Young actors all started out as traffic stars, but the artistic life of being a traffic star is limited, and they are facing transformation. Zhao Liying was able to choose such a realistic work as her transformation work. I think she took this step very well.

A traffic star’s final decision on how far he will go on the road of art depends on whether he is willing to transform from a traffic star into a real actor. I hope that this drama can increase Zhao Liying’s confidence in realistic creation and be able to have Greater achievements.

Sohu Entertainment: Zhao Liying also revealed in an interview that this drama is a great challenge for her. She needs to abandon what she has accumulated over the years and find her original mentality. Many viewers felt that she performed the role of a rural daughter-in-law. What do you think of her performance?

Zhao Dongling: I think Zhao Liying is amazing. She grew up in a rural area. Many actors may avoid this thing and hope to play very fashionable roles. But she can regain her original intention and play a girl from the countryside. This courage I think it is very worthy of encouragement.

I also think her acting is pretty good. "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses" is adapted from "The Legend of Qiu Ju". Zhao Liying and Gong Li played two different Qiu Ju. Gong Li played a very traditional and simple one. Zhao Liying plays the rural girl very well. The two have different temperaments, which I think is pretty good.

Sohu Entertainment: "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" will be broadcast soon. How are you feeling?

Zhao Dongling: I’m not particularly excited.When I finished writing the script "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses", people around me said it was the best script I had written. The breadth and depth of the social reality it reflected were very good, but in the process of its completion, , considering that there may be a lot of changes in order to broadcast smoothly, I am also very nervous. It is indeed a script that I like very much. If it was deleted or weakened in the middle, I can understand it, because for several years, everyone has never given up and made great efforts to push it out.

Including my previous work on "Police Honor", some people also asked why you wrote it so boldly. What you created is not the kind of police hero in the traditional sense. "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses" also has a lot of social content. You write with an edge, and in order to broadcast smoothly, you will make more compromises.

Sohu Entertainment: Some netizens have positioned this drama as a "super heroine drama". Do you agree?

Zhao Dongling: I don’t think so. This is a work that pays great attention to realism and is powerful. Cool dramas often mean that the protagonist meets and kills Buddha. This is not the case for this heroine. She encountered many, very tangled and painful things on the way to growth, and of course she finally completed her own growth. Because I haven’t seen the finished film, I can’t speak to the script. But the original intention of creating the drama was not to be a so-called enjoyable drama, but it can be regarded as a leading heroine. However, there are many characters in our drama, and each character’s The images are very good.

Sohu Entertainment: Female independence has been a hot topic in recent years, and it is often shown in movies and TV series. In your mind, what is true female independence?

Zhao Dongling: First of all, I don’t agree with often using women’s independence to provoke gender conflicts. Female independence should be their own masters and do things according to their own will. Everything I do will ultimately make my personal will more complete, not that I must be stronger than men.

"Police Honor" is currently collecting materials and concepts.

continues the story of the entire Balihe Police Station.

Sohu Entertainment: "Police Honor", which you wrote some time ago, has a very good reputation. Everyone said that it is very down-to-earth. In the past, audiences always complained about domestic productions. Workplace dramas are very suspended. What kind of misunderstanding do you think the creators have made?

Zhao Dongling: The suspension of workplace dramas is largely caused by blindly pleasing the audience. Imagine which part of the audience will like what type of drama, and then do what they like. In this case, it may violate the laws of artistic creation, and in the end This causes the script to float.

For example, if you think that young people must like falling in love, you will have a lot of sweet pet dramas, or if you think that the audience likes bloody plots, you will sprinkle all kinds of bloody dramas. In fact, life is not like this. You don't fall in love in the whole drama like "Police Honor", and the audience doesn't feel that there is anything missing. In life, we have all kinds of interpersonal and social relationships. The relationship between men and women is just one of them, and it definitely cannot cover the vast majority of relationships in life. If you respect this reality, you will have a deeper understanding of all kinds of life. After observing it, you may not write so suspendedly.

Sohu Entertainment: No matter what drama you write, it seems that you will do a lot of interviews in the early stage. For example, in "Fox Hunt", you learned a lot about stock trading, and most of the cases in "Police Honor" came from real life?

Zhao Dongling: Except for Yue Wei’s series of murder cases, everything in "Police Honor" comes from real life. Like we haven't decided what "Police Honor 2" will be like, we immediately started to delve into life and chat with all kinds of people. We chatted until very late last night, and we are also looking for people to chat with this morning. , we have to continue tomorrow.

I think this is a creative attitude. Until now, when I write about any subject, I will understand it on the spot. When I was creating "Red Sorghum", I went to high-density to stay for a few days. When I got to that place, it was like I had found my roots.

Sohu Entertainment: Understanding real life may be something that many screenwriters currently lack.

Zhao Dongling: What is your pursuit as a creator? If you just want to be recognized in the market and want to use this thing to exchange money, then of course you have to find a short and fast way of creation. If you are determined to write good things, then you may make bigger bets in other areas. effort.

Sohu Entertainment: You mentioned before that "Police Honor 2" is under consideration. How far has it progressed now?

Zhao Dongling: "Police Honor 2" is in the material collection and conception stage. There is no fixed idea yet, but most of the actors must be included. Basically, the story of Balihe Police Station will continue.

Sohu Entertainment: Do you plan to continue telling stories about young people this time, or will you write a prequel about some police officers?

Zhao Dongling: That’s not the case. It will definitely not be a spin-off drama. I first thought about writing a personal spin-off drama about Cao Jianjun, but I quickly gave up the idea because in our new story, I think Cao Jianjun’s story can be fully included, so it will definitely be the story of the entire police station in the future. , I haven’t thought about the rest yet.

Sohu Entertainment: Many netizens are looking forward to a dream linkage between "Police Honor 2" and the documentary "Guarding the Liberated West". Do you have such thoughts?

Zhao Dongling: No, I think documentary and artistic creation are not the same thing.

The creator who loves to write about the rich

may not have enough food and clothing for himself

Sohu Entertainment: Many viewers complained that there are no poor people in domestic dramas, but whether it is Zhao Jiwei in "Police Honor" or "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses" Happy Couple, many viewers praised you for having a "poor person's perspective" and the characters you wrote resonated with everyone. How did you manage to look at the poor characters as equals?

Zhao Dongling: I really have never thought about this kind of perspective of the poor. I think it is just a perspective of equality for all living beings. Seeing everyone with a compassionate and kind look, if you also have such a look, you will naturally The poor will not be left behind.

I think the perspective of the rich just mentioned is often a misunderstanding between the creator and the audience. They think that the audience may like to see the protagonist living in a villa, nominating brand-name bags, and having a romantic love affair. I even think that people who focus on writing about the rich may not have enough food and clothing for themselves, so they just imagine how the rich live. If a person is truly financially independent and spiritually rich, he will not discriminate against such a social group.

Sohu Entertainment: According to insiders, realistic dramas such as "人世" and "Police Honor" were broadcast very well this year, which gave the platform confidence. In the future, there will be more and more such works. Do you feel it? This change?

Zhao Dongling: I have. At that time, "Human World" was broadcasting so well. On the one hand, I didn't expect it. On the other hand, I felt quite encouraged. Because for a long time, everyone has been doing ancient puppet dramas, costume dramas, and sweet pet dramas, which always felt realistic. Audiences will not like socialist-themed dramas, but this year's "Human World" aired well, which is also an inspiration to the creators. hopes that this type of subject matter will become better and better. This matter requires the joint efforts of everyone.

Sohu Entertainment: Some time ago, you interacted with the audience on Weibo about "Police Honor". Some of your words caused misunderstandings among fans. Will this "fandom mentality" affect you?

Zhao Dongling: The impact is not big, but I will pay attention when I speak publicly in the future, because I really don’t understand this kind of fandom thinking, and it will hurt fans unintentionally. Why should I offend others? I think it is a good thing for a person to have his or her favorite idol. For example, I like Zhang Ruoyun . His sunny image in "Police Honor" is so good. I like him too.

I hurt people, so I just apologize, but I must have been careless if I hurt them, so I have a fully understanding attitude towards this fandom culture. I didn’t catch up with it when I was young. This thing, I think it is a good thing for people nowadays to have an idol of their own.

Sohu Entertainment: I feel like you are a very young screenwriter, and you are very active in social platforms such as Douban and Weibo?

Zhao Dongling: Douban, Weibo, , Zhihu, will often go there to take a look. I rarely speak on Zhihu, I mainly use it as a tool. For example, if I want to create a drama with a certain theme, I will look up similar topics, and I will often be very fruitful.