"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" actor Bruce Horak accepted an exclusive interview with "THR" and talked about his thoughts on "Star Trek". Horak's requirements for "Star Trek" are relatively high. He believes that this work can reach the level of "Star Wars" because Disney attach

"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" actor Bruce Horak accepted an exclusive interview with "THR" and talked about his thoughts on "Star Trek". Horak's requirements for "Star Trek" are relatively high. He believes that this work can reach the level of "Star Wars" because Disney attaches great importance to the attributes of supporting characters and Paramount also needs to work hard on "marginal characters." It turns out that Paramount did not pay attention to the value of supporting roles. Horak played Highmore in "Strange New Worlds" and he did not have many scenes. If the film had been shot by Disney, Horak believes his role would have played an important role. However, in "Star Trek", Highmore disappeared halfway through the episode. Obviously the actor's requirements for the work were relatively high. Paramount did not meet the requirements of the mainstream market, and the actor was also a little disappointed.

In Horak's view, "Wandering" is one of the more outstanding episodes of "Strange New Worlds". The protagonist unknowingly saves his opponent. This setting is very subtle. Obviously Alex Kurtzman adopts modules from other works. Horak gave his own opinion: "Wandering" uses the module of " Obi-Wan". These details illustrate that the creative team of " Star Trek" intends to imitate Disney, because Disney Channel episodes are streaming The media age is pretty hot. As spin-offs of "Star Wars", "Obi-Wan" and "The Book of Boba Fett" actually don't have a very good reputation, and there are many professional film critics who "badmouth" these series. However, no matter how the outside world evaluates these works, Disney can always guarantee their ratings . Horak believes that the module of "Obi-Wan" is very special, which makes the film popular regardless of its quality. It is normal for "Wandering" to use this module.

Fans who are familiar with science fiction films know that among the Star Wars movies or series (including spin-off series) that can be continuously updated in the new century, only "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" can continue to shoot sequels. In the field of comic book movies, Marvel and DC have formed a situation where two powers are competing for hegemony. Among Star Wars works, Disney and Paramount have become the two strongest. MUC and DC are equally powerful, but Paramount is far away from Disney in all aspects. This is another reason why some people have higher requirements for Paramount's works - everyone also thinks that Paramount was in the golden age of the last century. In the 1990s, this film studio should be very creative, including Horak, who also thinks so, and he will naturally have higher requirements for "Star Trek". However, these people overestimated Paramount's capabilities. Since the old studio sold the "Avengers" IP, they have been getting worse day by day.

The author (watching movies complacently) believes that Paramount actually only has two series left that can stably make money: the "Mission: Impossible" series and "Star Trek". Since science fiction films have entered a new field in the 21st century, after Disney acquired Lucasfilm , the "Star Wars" side stories became more and more popular, and Paramount naturally wanted to copy Disney's successful model. This has led to the actors in "Strange New Worlds" also having high requirements for their works. People like Horak, who plays supporting roles, believe that they have a chance to become famous with this series. Unfortunately, he overestimates this series. series. Judging from the current situation, although "Star Trek" can still maintain its ratings, the sequel of the feature film has not become a popular series. Ethan Pike It is difficult for protagonists to gain attention, let alone Huo Hua. A supporting role like Lark.

Therefore, Horak's requirements for "Star Trek" are relatively high. This situation mainly comes from the confidence brought by other science fiction films. Obviously, this confidence is somewhat blind. In addition to Paramount's creative capabilities being greatly reduced, the carriers of streaming media in the era are also very different.The person in charge of the Netflix platform said: If " WandaVision " premieres on the Netflix platform, the ratings of this series are likely to be overwhelming, because the Disney Channel's own users are very I love movies and TV series, but most users of the Netflix platform don’t like watching movies. You must know that the Paramount Channel is not as good as the Netflix platform. Netflix's user base does not meet the market for film and television dramas. At least they still have users, while Paramount Channel is in the early stages of establishment and they basically do not have many users.

Obviously, Horak miscalculated the carrier and spread of "Strange New Worlds", and it is difficult for actors to find personal value in this series. Regarding the particularity of the episode "Wandering", this episode also has a name "All Wanderers". Obviously, the latter name can better explain the module of "Wandering", and the overall effect is very prominent. This is also a useful module for "Obi-Wan" - almost every plot of this series can have an impact on the direction of the entire work. If the directing team had changed some of the details, the ending of the series might have been different. So Horak believes that "Wanderer" adopts the module of "Obi-Wan".