Because he was abandoned by his parents since childhood, separated from his lover and turned against his wife, Wang Jie has experienced all the hardships in life. He became famous overnight when he was at his most high-spirited age. He became so popular that only the four kings o

Some people say that if you understand Wang Jie , then you can understand life.

Wang Jie, who was abandoned by his parents when he was young, separated from his lover, and turned against his wife, has experienced the pain of life.

became famous overnight when he was the most energetic. He was so popular that only the four kings of Hong Kong could compete with him. Gao Xiaosong, Tsai Chin, Yang Kun were all his fans. Wang Jie was once unmatched. legend.

was rumored to be "poisoned and retired" just as he was becoming famous. His throat was poisoned, and his experience can be described as confusing.

After experiencing the pain of childhood, the glory of adulthood, the desolation of middle age, and the frustration of his later years, Wang Jie has become the memory of a generation. In the past, the moon was admired by many stars, but now no one cares about it.

Everything is just like the lyrics in Wang Jie's famous song " A game, a dream ":

"Although I don't have you now, I am still myself."

Abandoned by his parents since childhood, his wife and children separated

Wang Jie was born Bufan is a standard second-generation star. His father Wang Xia and mother Xu Yu are both actors in Shaw Brothers. Wang Jie moved to Hong Kong with his parents from Taiwan Province when he was 3 years old.

Influenced by his parents being film workers, Wang Jie was often taken to the set to play by his parents when he was a child. After that, he naturally began to make guest appearances in some movies.

html At the age of 16, Wang Jie was already a well-known movie child star. He has participated in many movies such as "Desire", "I'm in Love", " Killing ", " Hong Xiguan ", "Ghost Horse Little Angel" and so on.

The highest salary can even be more than 400 yuan a day. The salary is higher than that of his parents who have worked hard in the film industry for many years. The young Wang Jie has become the cash cow of the family.

However, although Wang Jie can make money for the family, he is the most unpopular child in the family. Whenever his father Wang Xia gets drunk, he always takes it out on him and takes out his belt and beats him severely.

So that when the young Wang Jie saw his father drunk, he couldn't help but kneel on the ground and beg his father not to beat him.

His mother Xu Yu was also not good to him. Every time, he would give young Wang Jie a nosebleed, and then pour the nosebleed down his throat into his stomach.

In 1973, her mother Xu Yu starred in a large-scale movie in order to get paid. The two people, who had been quarreling for a long time, eventually divorced. The mother returned to Taiwan with her other children, while her father took Xu Yu to continue filming.

When his parents divorced, the young Wang Jie even secretly rejoiced, because it meant that he would no longer have to be beaten in the future.

Father Wang Xia was devastated by the double blow of career and marriage. After sending Wang Jie to boarding school, he disappeared, leaving the young Wang Jie to fend for himself.

During the five years he was in school, Wang Jie did not receive a penny of living expenses from his parents. He could only rely on work-study and the help of teachers to barely avoid being kicked out of school.

It is precisely for this reason that when he grew up, Wang Jie called himself "an orphan whose parents are still alive."

html When he was 117 years old, Wang Jie met his love. At that time, he was still working part-time jobs and met a girl who was being bullied on his way to get off work. After the hero saved the girl, the two naturally hugged each other for warmth.

html When he was 119 years old, Wang Jie married a girl, and his wife gave birth to a daughter for Wang Jie. The thoughtfulness of his wife and daughter finally made Wang Jie feel the warmth of family.

However, in order to apply for a household registration for his daughter and live a more stable life, Wang Jie had no choice but to choose to serve in the military. Before leaving, he entrusted his wife and daughter to his uncle and mother.

Unexpectedly, after Wang Jie returned from military service, his wife was so angry that her mother-in-law Xu Yu left her. It turned out that the mother-in-law Xu Yu not only ignored her pregnant daughter-in-law, but also forced her to drink and dance with her martial arts friends in the middle of the night with her pregnant belly.

During this period, these mother-in-law's guests were still rude to her. Fortunately, Wang Jie's uncle showed up to stop them.

In short, the frustrated wife left a letter and left without saying goodbye. Wang Jie could only depend on each other with his young daughter.

In order to support his daughter, Wang Jie worked as a painter, factory worker, teahouse boy, taxi driver, resident singer, stuntman and other professions during that time. He did whatever he wanted to make money, just to give his daughter the best life.

became famous overnight, and he became the most popular singer.

The pain of childhood, his wife leaving without saying goodbye, the complaints against his parents, and the expectations for his daughter. The young Wang Jie had too many emotions that he wanted to express, so he was not kind. While talking, he began to write songs and submitted his songs to major record companies.

In 1987, the 25-year-old Wang Jie finally ushered in a turning point in his life. After being refused to sign a contract with the singing giant Li Zongsheng, the famous Taiwanese music producer Li Shouquan took a fancy to Wang Jie and personally created for him " The character of "The Prodigal Son of the Music Circle".

Under Li Shouquan's recommendation, Wang Jie also successfully signed with UFO Records, the second largest record company in Taiwan, and soon released his first album "A Game, a Dream".

When he was just preparing for the album, a familiar staff member asked him with a smile: "How much do you think this record of yours can sell?"

Wang Jie replied seriously: "At least 300,000."

heard Wang Jie's When he answered, all the people around him burst out laughing and said he was crazy for money.

Because according to Taiwan's record market, sales of 25,000 copies are considered gold records, and sales of 30,000 copies are considered platinum records . At that time, the best-selling records in Taiwan did not sell for 300,000.

Wang Jie, a mere newcomer, boasted like this in Haikou. It was inevitable that the staff around him would regard his words as a laughing stock.

However, no one expected that this record would be a huge hit as soon as it was released, causing a sensation all over Taiwan. This song was sung in every street and alley. In just three months, this album sold 700,000 copies, dominating the Taiwan album charts for a year, creating an album myth in the Taiwanese music scene.

As of 2015, the total sales of the "One Game, One Dream" album were 18 million. The emergence of Wang Jie even directly filled the vacancy of superstars when Teresa Teng, Liu Wenzheng and Feng Feifei faded out.

Wang Jie became famous overnight, and his past misfortunes were swept away, and his career in Taiwan's music scene was booming.

Since then, Wang Jie has launched a series of excellent works such as " Forgot You Forgot Me ", " Do I Really Have Nothing ", "Lonely Heart", " Story Characters ", " Who Knows the Prodigal's Heart ", etc. Become a frequent guest at major award ceremonies. After

reached the top in Taiwan, Wang Jie came to Hong Kong alone to develop. He also became the first Taiwanese singer to hold a concert in the Coliseum . After

became famous, Wang Jie naturally gained both fame and fortune, with a house, a car and money. He finally realized his wish: to let his daughter live a life without worries about food and clothing.

It will take a lifetime to heal the scars of childhood.

Wang Jie is famous, but as his career takes off, his health is deteriorating, and the huge work pressure makes him breathless.

Just as he was struggling to support himself, the last straw that overwhelmed Wang Jie appeared. His mother Xu Yu, who had disappeared for several years, suddenly came to his door.

What followed Xu Yu was the huge debt she owed. The debtor's family knelt in front of Wang Jie in front of the media. Wang Jie, who was just now famous, had to pay back the money for his mother.

In fact, Wang Jie was delighted that his mother came to visit him. Even though his parents had not treated him well since childhood, he had always longed for their parents' love. Therefore, in order to be filial to his mother, Wang Jie spent a lot of money to purchase real estate and even provided his mother with a driver and a nanny.

However, his mother, Xu Yu, was addicted to gambling at this time. Every time Wang Jie returned home, the luxury house he purchased had to be sold by his mother to pay off the debt.

In just a few years, his mother squandered all the dozen or so villas owned by Wang Jie. After Wang Jie stopped giving money, his mother Xu Yu cursed and cursed Wang Jie.

Wang Jie cried and said: "Please leave me a way to live. If I die, who will support you?"

Unexpectedly, Xu Yu replied shamelessly: "It would be better if you died, then your property will be all Mine."

At this time, his father Wang Xia was still hanging around various women's houses every day. Although he didn't cause any big trouble to Wang Jie, he didn't care about the existence of his son Wang Jie.

The pressure of work and the disappointing family brought Wang Jie to the brink of collapse, and also caused him to suffer from anorexia and light phobia. At his lowest weight, he only weighed 92 pounds.

As a result, Wang Jie, who was physically overloaded, had to quit the music scene and went to Canada for medical treatment. During the five most popular years, he could only fade out of the public eye.

By the time Wang Jie made his comeback, the music scene had been changing for many years, with the four great kings becoming popular and younger generations emerging in endlessly.

In 1999, Wang Jie joined Emperor . The persona the company created for him was still the image of a prodigal son. The 37-year-old had the same long hair, wore the same jacket, and had the same ear piercing as the 19-year-old Nicholas Tse. Hole.

There is an age difference of 18 years, but they still have the same positioning. At that time, media reporters almost compared Wang Jie and Nicholas Tse in all aspects, and took the trouble to ask Wang Jie: "Why do you want to imitate Nicholas Tse."

All of this made Wang Jie Jie took the trouble. He was originally a sensitive person and even had low self-esteem. In addition, there was a big age difference between him and Nicholas Tse. As a result, Wang Jie completely declined during his ten years at the Emperor. He had no outstanding masterpieces and negative news emerged one after another.

Ten years later, Wang Jie was 47 years old. He finally left Emperor and turned to enter the mainland market.

I know I am a singer who has expired

In 2009, the year when Wang Jie regained his freedom, he wrote the song " I know I am a singer who has expired ".

He wrote in the song: Until the glorious years slowly dim, you also began to despise me...

The era belonging to Wang Jie has passed after all, and the four kings he once dismissed have become immortals. legend, but he is still on variety show announcements.

Tragedy seems to have become the main theme of his story in the second half of his life. He complained more than once on the show that someone poisoned his drink, causing his throat to be destroyed and unable to make a sound.

He said that he knew who the murderer was, but could not tell him. The details of the various "poisoning" stories in different programs were different, and the poisoning character changed from an assistant to a young singer.

He said that he did not dare to release an album because people from the black society would stop him.

There are more and more "self-contradictions" in him. Some people say that this is just Wang Jie's hype. Some people say that Wang Jie has persecution delusion and always thinks the worst about things.

As Zhang Xiaoyan said: " Most of a person's destiny is caused by his own personality."

His parents' divorce and his family's tragedy made Wang Jie extremely eager for attention. After becoming famous overnight, Wang Jie briefly got this kind of attention. focus on.

However, the influence of his native family created Wang Jie's arrogant and conceited character, which prevented him from creating an immortal legend in the entertainment industry.

Perhaps now Wang Jie is taking the trouble to tell the public about his childhood experience and the reasons for his failed marriage over and over again.

Perhaps it is just because he does not want to be forgotten.