Abandoning his first wife and letting go of Zhang Xinyi Wang Zhifei once publicly stated that he couldn't sleep when he saw Jiang Shan and had a crush on her for twenty years. But these are just jokes between old friends and are not true. However, Wang Zhifei's real emotional exp

abandoned his married wife and let go Zhang Xinyi

Wang Zhifei once publicly stated that he couldn't sleep when he saw Jiang Shan and had a crush on her for twenty years. But these are just jokes between old friends and are not true. However, Wang Zhifei's real emotional experience is indeed very exciting.

In 1992, Wang Zhifei, who had not yet made any achievements in his career, met his first wife Li Jian. Two years later, Li Jian gave birth to Wang Zhifei's son Wang Ye.

Li Jian and Wang Zhifei

Jian and his son brought Wang Zhifei a lot of good luck. After that, Wang Zhifei's career went smoothly, but many couples often share the joys and sorrows. After Wang Zhifei was busy with his career and had no time to take care of his family, he There was a rift in the relationship with Li Jian.

In 2005, the two people who had been in love for 13 years chose to break up. It is said that Li Jian cherished this relationship very much and the small family he worked hard to maintain, but Wang Zhifei no longer had feelings for her, so she finally chose to let go.

Li Jian, Wang Zhifei and Wang Ye’s family

had rumors about their divorce at that time. There was a saying in the circle that it was in 2004 when Wang Zhifei and Zhang Xinyi were filming " The Wind Moves, the Clouds Move, the Stars Don't Move ", a few months later The feelings gradually warmed up during the contact.

Wang Zhifei, who was already well-known at that time, took good care of this newcomer who had just graduated from college. However, there was a big age gap between the two, so no one felt that they had a sense of friendship at first.

Stills from "The Wind Moves the Clouds and the Stars Stay Still"

But the mature charm of the uncle deeply attracted Zhang Xinyi, who was new to the world. She was young and lively and quickly captured Wang Zhifei's heart.

Shortly after the divorce, it was revealed that Wang Zhifei was living with Zhang Xinyi, so some people claimed that Zhang Xinyi was the mistress involved. And Wang Zhifei is a scumbag who does not abide by male ethics, and his ex-wife Li Jian and son Wang Ye are the most pitiable.

The media broke the news

but this is just a rumor and whether it is true or not remains to be discussed.

However, although Zhang Xinyi defeated Li Jian, she failed to completely win Wang Zhifei's heart. After seven years of dating, Wang Zhifei broke up with her. This relationship was a huge blow to Zhang Xinyi.

had been in love for seven years, but the other party didn't give her any status. It wasn't until Wang Zhifei unilaterally announced his breakup with her that everyone knew they were really together.

Zhang Xinyi and Wang Zhifei

Later, whenever the relationship between the two was mentioned, Zhang Xinyi would burst into tears.

There are rumors that the two broke up because when Zhang Xinyi was filming " Beijing Love Story ", there were frequent ambiguous scandals with Li Chen who was on the same crew. Under the interference of rumors, Wang Zhifei had to choose to be with

She breaks up.

Although we have no way of knowing the truth, this relationship that ended without a problem seems to have allowed Wang Zhifei to see the nature of love clearly.

Flash marriageZhang Dinghan

Flash marriage after only three days of knowing each other. How brave is Wang Zhifei? After

broke up with Zhang Xinyi, Wang Zhifei was silent for a while, and then received news from him again, which was the good news of his marriage to his second wife Zhang Dinghan.

Wang Zhifei interview

Zhang Dinghan was born in 1980, which is 15 years younger than Wang Zhifei, who was born in 1965. What is more surprising than the age difference is the rocket-like speed of the two getting married.

In an interview, Zhang Dinghan revealed that he had never thought about marrying him because it was too fast. It only took three days from the time they met to get married.

Zhang 1 Dinghan interview

When we met for the third time, Wang Zhifei said to Zhang Dinghan, I will take you to buy a ring. If you can buy the right one, we will be together. As a result, under the urging of a magical force, Wang Zhifei actually bought it. After getting the right ring, the two decided to get married.

Although their union is bizarre and special, Wang Zhifei's feelings for Zhang Dinghan over the years can be learned from each other. Facing this little loli who is 15 years younger than him, his uncle Wang Zhifei dotes on her to the heavens.

Wang Zhifei and Zhang Dinghan’s wedding photos

One time, the refrigerator at home had a power outage, and all the thousands of milliliters of breast milk that Zhang Dinghan had frozen in the refrigerator went bad. When talking about this matter, Wang Zhifei’s eyes were filled with distress. This shows how much he cherishes his wife's dedication. At the wedding of

and two other people, Zhang Dinghan gave Wang Zhifei a hand-painted painting. This painting was a still from when Wang Zhifei played General Cai E. Zhang Dinghan secretly painted it for a month in order to prepare for this surprise.

Interviews with Wang Zhifei and Zhang Dinghan

The gift Wang Zhifei brought her was even more touching. He said that he didn’t know what to give her, so he re-walked all the places Zhang Dinghan had walked and experienced. , and made a video for Zhang Dinghan, which shows his meticulous care for Zhang Dinghan.

In fact, the fact that he can be so considerate has something to do with his childhood.

Two people get married video

Wang Zhifei, who is all-powerful on the screen, had a lamentable childhood.

His parents are deaf-mute. His father was treated for eye disease, and his mother was treated for encephalitis . Both of them were deaf-mute due to the wrong medicine.

Wang Zhifei’s family

Since it is not a congenital disease, Wang Zhifei is not affected by heredity. However, the prejudice and indifference towards deaf-mute people in life always surround him at a young age, which makes him very sensitive and he has learned to take care of his family since he was a child.

Wang Zhifei’s love for his wife is also reflected in his treatment of his children. But there is a world of difference between his eldest son Wang Ye, born to his ex-wife, and his daughter to Zhang Dinghan.

It stands to reason that as Wang Ye is the eldest son, Wang Zhifei should love him very much, but this is not the case.

Wang Ye and Wang Zhifei

treat their two children differently. Why?

"Consumer, I am so promising!"

Have you ever seen such a cruel father? On the first episode of

" I'm not a star ", Wang Zhifei's son Wang Ye made his debut on stage and sang a song for the audience.

VCR recorded by Wang Zhifei

But through the VCR, we can learn that his father strongly opposed his participation in this program, feeling that he was consuming himself and had no future at all. Even this VCR interview was only agreed to be recorded by Wang Zhifei after the reporter's various entanglements.

After watching the video, Wang also expressed that he felt quite disappointed:

"I feel that he doesn't understand me well enough. He doesn't know what I like in my heart. Just like when he was young, he had the dream of being an actor. My dream now is "Singing."

Wang Ye spoke

Wang Ye then said that he and his father had too few opportunities to communicate. They could chat for at most half a month of the year, but the content of the chats was also about the pettiness of some parents and they rarely talked about themselves. dream.

At that time, everyone thought that Wang Zhifei would not come. But what the king didn't expect was that his father was actually at the scene. However, it was different from what the audience imagined of the father and son bursting into tears. Wang Zhifei was very resistant to appearing in front of the camera.

Wang Zhifei was not happy to go on stage.

After being pushed to the stage by the director and host, Wang Zhifei still said with a cold face: "Didn't you agree not to go on stage?"

In fact, Wang Zhifei is not against his son's dream, but he just doesn't want to eat it himself. He had to endure the hardships of his life all over again. The resources he had could pave a bright road for him, but he was not obedient at all.

After Wang Zhifei spoke

Wang Zhifei also said that he admitted that he had made mistakes in education:

"Who taught me how to educate children? By the time I understood what educating children was about, the children had grown up."

Wang Zhifei spoke

Later, the two quarreled because of a previous incident, and the atmosphere was very awkward.Afterwards, Wang Zhifei even said:

"I have a flight ticket for 10:00 tomorrow morning. Do you want to go home with me? Let's discuss it slowly when we get back, okay?"

Wang Zhifei

Even if the host stood up to mediate, Wang Zhifei was still Saying "there's no point in being a peacemaker".

But Wang Ye finally said:

"I don't want to go back. Since I'm on stage, I have to complete my performance."

Wang Ye

When he said these words, Wang Zhifei did not show any mercy to his son. He turned around and left.

But in Wang Ye's second performance, Wang Zhifei sat in the audience again. This time, his attitude was much gentler than last time.

I saw him first go on stage to apologize to the audience, feeling ashamed for having left the table rashly last time, and then admitted that he had indeed done something wrong.

Wang Zhifei took the stage to apologize.

But what the audience did not expect was that as soon as his son finished singing, the father Wang Zhifei left the table again.

I don’t know whether it’s to express dissatisfaction and doubt about his son’s singing ability, or whether he can’t stand his son’s rebellious character. In short, Wang Zhifei treats this son as if he is not even his own son.

But looking back at his attitude towards his daughter, the difference is obvious.

Wang Zhifei, his daughter, and Zhang Dinghan’s family

Wang Zhifei, who is busy with work, did not miss his daughter’s growth. When his daughter was young, he did all the trivial chores himself, including feeding her, burping, and taking care of her daily life.

On weekdays, Wang Zhifei calls his daughter his little lover, and his words and demeanor are full of doting.

Wang Zhifei with his daughter and wife Zhang Dinghan

A tough guy who is usually serious and cold, but when his daughter says "Daddy", his expression instantly becomes gentle. There was even a time when he turned down a movie in order to spend time with his daughter Wang Zhifei. It's enough to show that he treats the two children really differently.

Wang Zhifei, who is now over fifty years old, has a happy family and has made great achievements in his career.

Wang Zhifei

The role of Gao Mingyuan in " Anti-Crime Storm " has been praised by countless audiences. After watching his performance, everyone can't help but sigh that an old actor is an old actor.

A single movement can send shivers down one's spine, and a single sneer can make one's hair stand on end. Some viewers were even frightened and had psychological shadows because of Wang Zhifei's too realistic acting. Wang Zhifei also apologized to the audience for this. Although

has a successful career, he will always feel pain for his son and the relationship he failed to keep.