China Economic Weekly-Economic Network News (Reporter Wu Suwen) Liang Junyi is 43 years old and has settled in the mainland for 11 years. Since 2003, Liang Junyi left Hong Kong, China, and began a decade of hard work in Beijing. He was one of the earlier Hong Kong artists to go n

China Economic Weekly-Economic Network News (Reporter Wu Suwen) Liang Junyi is 43 years old and has settled in the mainland for 11 years. Since 2003, Leung Jun-yi left Hong Kong, China, and began a decade of hard work in Beijing. He was one of the earlier Hong Kong artists to go north. During this period, Liang Junyi participated in many mainland TV series and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for "Hong Kong Rescue".

This year, Liang Junyi decided to stay in Guangzhou for development, and while filming, he also entered the field of live streaming. He said that this is a new attempt. The live broadcast room can accommodate all products on the market. The market scope is wider than acting work, but it is also "much harder than filming."

"They all like my Hong Kong Pu"

In 1998, Liang Junyi signed a three-year contract with TVB after graduating from the TVB training class. When the contract expired in 2001, Liang Junyi continued to film films in Hong Kong Cinema Film Company for 9 years. In 2003, he was filming " Kung Fu Football " in Guangzhou and became famous for his role as "Hua Nong Ying". From then on, he began to work in the mainland and Hong Kong.

In 2011, Liang Junyi received an olive branch from a film and television company in Beijing and decided to settle in the mainland for a long time. "Beijing is a must-visit place for actors. It is the center of Chinese film and television culture. Basically all large-scale TV series and large-investment film and television films will be prepared in Beijing, and actors will also be held in Beijing." He said.

As a young Hong Kong actor who took root in the Mainland earlier, "I can count on all ten fingers" the number of Hong Kong actors of his age who returned to the Mainland to develop. Liang Junyi regards this as a new attempt. He needs to adapt to different local cultural environments. However, as an actor, the work mode is basically the same: follow the crew to settle in the hotel, receive the script and do homework, go to the scene to complete the filming and then return hotel.

When the crew is filming, Liang Junyi's Hong Kong character is often the atmosphere harmonizer. "At that time, my Mandarin was very poor, especially when I made mistakes, everyone liked it very much. This turned me into a more comedic and cute persona. Everyone accepted and tolerated me. I feel very lucky."

Comparison of the two places Regarding the difference in filming, he said: "Generally speaking, the filming speed in Hong Kong is very fast. If there are more scenes, there may be less time to sleep. The filming speed in the Mainland is much slower, and there will be more time for the actors to figure out the characters and film them. The results will be better. Of course, the remuneration for filming in the Mainland will be higher than in Hong Kong."

He also admitted that the development opportunities in the Mainland are greater: "In fact, many Hong Kong actors, directors, production teams, producers, etc. I hope to develop in the mainland. Because there are many shooting places in the mainland, and the team is becoming more and more professional, the quality of the filming will be much better. On the other hand, it is also a big market for actors to invest in filming. There are only a few companies producing relatively few works. The mainland is completely different. There may be thousands of production companies in Beijing and Guangzhou alone, and actors have more opportunities to get access to good scripts."

At the same time, he also pointed out: "Now there are probably 90. There will be a small number of Hong Kong actors born in the post-2000s, but not many. The first is because of their youth, the second is because of the local language environment, and the third is that it will take a long time for new Hong Kong actors to develop in the mainland. Only then can we have better development opportunities."

Last year, under the arrangement of the company, Liang Junyi went to Foshan to participate in "The Story Under the Lion Rock", which was recently broadcast on CCTV. The span of nearly 40 years in the play, and the changes in the two places before and after Hong Kong's return to , are exactly the years that Liang Junyi experienced in reality. He combined his own living conditions, psychological state and other real conditions at the time and reflected them in film and television works. "Every little bit of life is also an important part of enriching the character connotation of my film and television works." He said.

The end of Hong Kong Star's journey north is live streaming?

This year, Liang Junyi decided to move to Guangzhou for development.

Like many of his peers, Liang Junyi joined the trend of live streaming. Now, in addition to filming, live broadcasting accounts for about 70% of his work. “It’s beyond my imagination,” Liang Junyi said, “it takes much more time and energy than filming."

According to him, since he started, he has basically had to do live broadcast-related work every day, which is equivalent to being his own boss. Before each live broadcast, he needs to spend a lot of time contacting manufacturers and products, doing quality inspections, trials, etc. At work, he needs to cooperate with fans of different ages to select products that he thinks are cost-effective, and then recommend them in the live broadcast room.

Some netizens said that the final destination of every Hong Kong star who returns to mainland China is to bring goods through live broadcasts. In fact, you can try in many aspects. The scope of filming is generally stage plays, theater movies and TV series, and more are advertising. However, the dimension of live broadcast work will be much larger. All product live broadcast rooms on the market can accommodate it, and the market scope is wider than filming. More broadly.

"I think the market in this area is huge, and it is also a new attempt for me. It means that I am starting a new project here. To become the boss of this project, I have to invest a lot of time in learning how to operate it. Very good learning opportunity. Moreover,

I think this is a very good opportunity and platform. In the past, when filming a movie or TV series, only a small number of people would be invited to interact and communicate with each other at the premiere. Now, you can chat with fans and get to know each other directly in the live broadcast room. "Liang Junyi said.

However, he also said that his acting career will not be interrupted. Recently, he will join a new crew to prepare for the next drama. For him, filming and selling products are completely synchronized. .

Outside of work, Liang Junyi claims that his life is very simple, with only two or three types of entertainment, such as fitness, watching movies, and traveling to surrounding cities. The rest of his life is still based on filming-related work, which is the same as his life in Hong Kong. After coming to the mainland, I might go back to Hong Kong once or twice a year to visit my parents for more than ten years.

Liang Junyi recalled his first impression of filming in the mainland in 2003: "In 2003, I went to Guangzhou to shoot Kung Fu Football, which gave me my impressions of the mainland. It's so strange. Looking back now, Guangzhou is developing very fast in all aspects. Whether it is the economy or the market, it is completely different from 10 years ago. As long as you are willing to come back and develop, there is actually room for development. The reason why so many Hong Kong people, actors, and production teams go to the mainland to develop is because everyone hopes to seek a better environment, a better market, and produce more good works. "

When friends from Hong Kong want to return to mainland cities, Liang Junyi will actively analyze the market environment with them and support their return. As for him, who has just been in Guangzhou for three months, he hopes to have the opportunity to work in University after paying full social security in the future. city real estate in the Bay Area makes up for the missed opportunity to buy a house.

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