Recently, Thai movie queen Ploy Bang Yasook announced that in an interview with the media, she admitted to the media that she came out as an actress 17 years younger than herself! Thai drama fans are in an uproar. There is indeed a reason for not getting married! Fans of Thai dra

Recently, Thai actress Ploy Bang Yasuk announced that in an interview with the media, she admitted to the media that she was an actress 17 years younger than herself! Thai drama fans are in an uproar. There is indeed a reason for not getting married!

Fans of Thai dramas all know that Bang Yasook is a movie queen-level actress in Thailand.

After disclosing her coming out this time, she may face fans and passers-by turning into negative fans and verbal attacks. Her acting career may also be ruined by this disclosure. However, Bang Yashu still has no hesitation and she wants to give her girlfriend enough safety. feel! I actually hit the sweet spot...

Bang Yashu said that she and her girlfriend have been dating for more than a year

Since she met her girlfriend, falling in love has always been a matter of course. The two are attracted to each other. Now she only has her little girlfriend Claudine in her eyes. Reg!

Because my girlfriend is young, being with her makes me feel young and energetic. I will also use my experience as an experienced person to help my girlfriend, who is also an actor.

wanted to make a promise to her girlfriend, so she brought her home. When her mother saw her little girlfriend, she actually accepted the two of them being together, and she liked her little girlfriend very much and loved her very much!

The two of them also frequently post sweet photos together to satisfy the hearts of the masses.

I have to say that Bang Yashu is really capable of both taking and loving her. She will risk everything for true love, and her mother is also a rare generosity.

What do you think of such a movie queen-level actress who dares to admit her own orientation?