Follow Xingguang Weijian to bring more exciting content every day! When it comes to the Phoenix Legend, it can be said that no one knows it. Although their works have been complained about not being trendy enough, every song is catchy, and many of their works have become square d

Follow Xingguang Weijian and bring more exciting content every day!

When it comes to the Phoenix Legend, it can be said that no one knows it.

Although their works have been criticized for not being trendy enough, every song is catchy, and many of their works have become square dance hits. It has been 24 years since

debuted. During this period, similar groups appeared, such as Nine Moon Miracle , Chopstick Brothers , etc., but they all disbanded due to some reasons.

On the other hand, Phoenix Legend, who has been criticized since their debut, even though Zeng Yi is a praised character in every song, they still split the score 50-50.

There has never been any conflict over this in the past 24 years, and they have even become close friends with each other. Why is this?


In 1998, Zeng Yi went to Shenzhen Friends' Golden Age Dance Hall and served as the music director.

At this time, Linghua was also working hard in Shenzhen, but she encountered obstacles everywhere and failed the literary and art group examination.

From being ambitious at the beginning to being hit black and blue by reality, Linghua was confused.

By chance, she saw the recruitment information of the Golden Age Dance Hall.

Maybe everything is an arrangement of fate. The person who interviewed Linghua was Zeng Yi.

But the first impression when the two met was that they disliked each other. Zeng Yi thinks Linghua's voice is too loud, while Linghua thinks Zeng Yi is too ugly.

But Linghua shocked everyone, including Zeng Yi, as soon as she opened her mouth, and the two hit it off.

Because the Korean Cool Dragon group was very popular at the time, Zeng Yi decided to imitate them and named the group Cool Fire Group.

Zeng Yi can not only sing and dance, but also choreograph. He also does other overall coordination. He can be said to be the backbone of this group.

At this time, Linghua's presence on the stage is relatively low, just an embellishment.

Zeng Yi, who was contracted to do the lead vocals, planning and other work, felt sorry for this girl who worked hard alone. Every time she earned money, she would give half of it to Linghua.

Once Linghua asked Zeng Yi directly: "Is this fair to you?"

Zeng Yi said firmly: "My rule is 50-50 split." "

This moved Linghua greatly, and her gratitude to Zeng Yi has always been engraved in her heart.


Facts have proved that their decision to imitate the Cool Dragon Group was very correct.

Their exaggerated shape and loud and clear voice made them popular in the song and dance hall It was a hit.

The two of them have gradually become famous in Shenzhen, and their salaries have increased several times.

When SARS struck in 2003, the country faced an unprecedented disaster, and everyone wanted to contribute.

Musician He Muyang . He composed a charity song " Above the Moon " and gave it to Linghua and Zeng Yi to sing.

He Muyang also specially added morinouqin accompaniment to the song. The style is full of flavor.

As soon as the song was released, it immediately spread throughout the streets.

But they suddenly discovered that no one knew who sang the song. Typical singers are not popular, so the two were greatly criticized. A blow.


In 2004, Zeng Yi took Linghua to start again and participated in the CCTV Young Singer TV Competition.

However, in the finals, Linghua made a mistake because of her nervousness.

Linghua felt guilty. Responsible.

Zeng Yi smiled and comforted her and said: "In the worst case, we will go back to the dance hall. "

Hearing these words, Linghua was once again moved by this friendly partner.

Fortunately, God is always kind to those who work hard.

They did not enter the finals, but their strength was impressed by Chen Rentai, the chairman of Peacock Records Seeing it.

So after the show, Chen Rentai approached them and hoped to sign a contract with them

But he had one condition: only Linghua.

This made Zeng Yi's toes drop to the ground in embarrassment, but Linghua instantly became angry: "If you don't want Zeng Yi, then I won't come. "

Zeng Yi was so kind to her, how could she be a ruthless person?

After saying this, Linghua left without looking back.

Chen Rentai was helpless and came up with a compromise: Linghua became the lead singer.

Since then, the two men's status on the stage has undergone completely opposite changes.

Gradually, people began to realize that Zeng Yi had so few lyrics, and many of them were modal particles, so they jokingly called him Peng Ke.


At that time, they were newbies who had just joined the company and had very few resources.

Zeng Yi and Linghua's lives are in straits, and they live on their meager wages.

When he was at his lowest, he needed to borrow money to survive, but Zeng Yi basically borrowed it.

But no matter how much money he had, Zeng Yi insisted on giving half of his pocket money.

The two of them just supported each other, holding back their energy, waiting for the day when it would break out.

finally got his chance. In 2005, they appeared on the stage of " Avenue of Stars " and finally showed their strength perfectly and won the runner-up.

This also became a turning point in their career.

In 2008, Phoenix Legend received an invitation from the Spring Festival Gala to sing a song "Above the Moon".

After this, they finally entered the hearts of the audience and opened the era of the Phoenix Legend. Songs such as

" the most dazzling national style " and " fly freely " spread throughout the streets.

Nowadays, they have become the most popular combination in the country, but they have long been relatives like brothers and sisters.

In recent years, Zeng Yi has taken the initiative to discuss salary redistribution with Linghua many times.

After all, Linghua now bears more responsibilities, but Linghua firmly refused.

"You were kind and loving to me when I was down and out, but now that I am successful and famous, how can I burn bridges?"

The career of two loving and kind people will definitely be successful!

From an unknown dancehall singer to his current achievements, the two of them know the ups and downs best.

can still stick to his true intentions even after becoming famous. This quality is indeed rare in the entertainment industry.