"Wuyoudu", starring Ren Jialun and Song Zuer, today released a concept poster and announced the main creative lineup. "Wuyoudu" is a thriller and strange love TV series, with Lin Yufen as the chief director. The drama is adapted from the novel "Hai Ming Ban Mi" "Pinellia". Banmin

"Wuyoudu", starring Ren Jialun, Song Zuer, released a concept poster today and announced the main creative lineup

"Wuyoudu" is a thriller and strange love TV series, with Lin Yufen as the chief director. The play is adapted Yu Banming and Bansui's novel "Panasia". Banming Banmei is a well-known online author at the moment. The novel "Panellia" currently has a rating of 8.0 on Douban Reading .

Pictured above: The novel "Wuyoudu" Douban score is as high as 8.0 points

This thriller and fantasy romance drama tells the story of the mysterious monster hunter Xuan Ye who meets the girl Banxia, ​​and the two coexist with monsters in the world, and in the strange world A romantic love story is performed in the suspense case.

Today (June 29), "Wuyoudu" released a concept poster and announced the main creative lineup. One of the concept posters not only has the names of the chief director and the two leading actors, but also the names of the chief producer, supervisory producer, art director and other personnel.

Tonight, Ren Jialun, who plays the leading role, posted on his Weibo: #无码的狠拍# If you are kind and worry-free, who can cross your heart? #无愿多# , Xuanye.

Pictured above: screenshot of Ren Jialun’s Weibo

Song Zuer, who plays the heroine, also posted on Weibo: #无愿多开奖片# Meet people, meet monsters, relieve worries and spend love. #无愿多#, Pinellia ternata.

Pictured above: Screenshot of Song Zuer’s Weibo

The official Weibo of the TV series has the following text: "The moon is lost in Jinjin, and new guests come with the thought of each other. I stray into Wuyou, and the old friends return in the light and shadow in my dream."

Today the official posted two articles about "Wuyou" On Weibo, another Weibo post reads: While the night is still lingering, hundreds of demons wander astray, and those who can relieve hundreds of worries can ferry people, demons, and love.

Pictured above: Lin Yufen, chief director of "Worry-Free Crossing"

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