Text\Witch, Jiangzuo Mei Niang Pictures\"Meng Hua Lu" Stills "Meng Hua Lu" Zhao Pan'er, played by Liu Yifei, is quite contradictory. When he helped his sister Song Yinzhang identify a scumbag, he saw through it at a glance, and he was sure and ruthless. As for me, I couldn't see

Text\Witch, Jiangzuo Mei Niang

Pictures\"Meng Hua Lu " stills

Zhao Pan'er, played by Liu Yifei in "Meng Hua Lu", is quite contradictory. When

helped his sister Song Yinzhang identify a scumbag, he saw through it at a glance. As for me, I couldn't see Ouyang Xu's inner self for three years. Ouyang Xu was the top pick in high school and wanted to get rid of her and drive her out of the capital.

When Ouyang Xu's housekeeper, Uncle De, told Pan'er that Ouyang Xu was going to marry Concubine Gao's niece and could not marry Pan'er, even Zhao Pan'er himself didn't believe that he had such a bad taste in men.

She said to Sanniang: "I just can't reconcile myself. How can I see men so badly?"

Zhao Pan'er has rich social experience. She was once a young lady from an official family. After her family was convicted, she became an official. A Chinese musician who dances to please men.

later received the opportunity of amnesty and became a good citizen. Although he had become a good citizen, he was only an inferior pariah among good people because he made a living by opening a teahouse.

Pan'er's rich life experience, coupled with his flexible mind, made him prosperous among the people, but he fell into the hands of the scumbag Ouyang Xu for two reasons.

01. You can only reveal your sinister nature when you are in trouble

During the three years that Zhao Paner and Ouyang Xu were in love, Ouyang Xu was at a disadvantage. First of all, he had no money, so he relied on Paner to open a teahouse to make money for financial support. If not for Paner to buy things for him The land property has protected the household registration, and it is estimated that he will not even be qualified to take the exam.

Moreover, scholars also need to eat. If he wants to devote himself to studying, he cannot make money. The source of his life must depend on Pan'er.

Furthermore, in life, Paner also lives his life by serving him tea and water. Another point is that it was Pan'er who saved him from falling into the water. Emotionally, he also owes her a lot of kindness.

Thinking about it this way, Ouyang Xu is a poor scholar and relies on Pan'er in all aspects, so Pan'er's identity as a former musician will not be mentioned.

But when Ouyang Xu passed the exam, Ouyang Xu's identity changed. He has an official position and social status. Compared with Pan'er, he is in a high position at this time, so he has the right to dislike Pan'er's identity, and his true nature is exposed.

Ouyang Xu is a very selfish person in nature, and he also knows how to assess the situation. He can pretend to love Gao Hui to gain the support of Gao Hui's father. Why can't he pretend not to care about Pan'er in order to get Pan'er's support? The identity of the actor?

This kind of person has never really loved any woman at all. He will love any woman who can provide him with benefits. His career must always surpass love, but he has a kind of loyalty and honesty, that is, he can Giving women the love they want will always make the women who pay for him not wary of his love at all.

Such a sinister scumbag would be hard to spot in normal life, because he is very good at pretending. If it hadn't been for the turning point in his life in high school, Zhao Pan'er probably would never be able to spot his true nature in his entire life.

02. With limited inner needs and experience, Zhao Paner was deceived by herself

Zhao Paner fell into Ouyang Xu’s hands for her own reasons. First, it was her experience that determined that she could only see comparisons like Zhou She’s. He is an obvious scumbag. Secondly, Ouyang Xu can fulfill her wishes in life, which blinds her.

Zhao Pan'er has stayed in Fengyue Place since she was a child. Most of the customers who come here often have bad conduct, so she can tell Zhou She who often frequents brothels and casinos at a glance.

Zhou She's posture of serving tea was a posture commonly used by gamblers playing dice. From the incense on his clothes, it was judged that he often frequented high-end brothels.

Pan'er's experience determined that she could only see this type of scumbag, a lecherous man who used sweet words to coax women and often went to brothels and casinos.

But Ouyang Xu is not this type. He does not have such bad habits. He only wants to get fame. He comes across as very inspiring and motivated. At first glance, he looks like a good man with responsibility and responsibility. Pan'er did not realize that this It is possible that the person who is motivated is a "Chen Shimei" who is greedy for profit and will use any means to get to the top on the shoulders of women.

Zhao Pan'er was the daughter of an official when she was a child. If her father had not been convicted, she would not have been reduced to a musician, so she always wanted to return to her previous noble status. After all, "music" is a lower-class person, and the general consensus in society is that it cannot be seen to this status.

Although Zhao Paner did not feel inferior because of this, she still cared about being a musician before. Otherwise, after Gu Qianfan revealed that she was an official prostitute, she would not cheer herself up by the river or think of her previous time in Leji. Close your eyes and don't want to think about it.

When she met Ouyang Xu, she thought it was a good opportunity to make a comeback. If she was a down-and-out student, if she was kind to him, then when Ouyang Xu went to high school, she would definitely remember her for helping him when he needed it.

Although her identity is not suitable for an official, if she is kind to this official, she will take it for granted that all people will be as affectionate and righteous as she is, and reciprocate kindness. In this way Her identity could be completely cleared, and she would never have to restore her previous status.

Just like what Zhao Pan'er thought: "Once I wear the phoenix crown and Xia Pei, I will not be able to go out or step out the second door. Who knows that I have been a musician before."

It was such obsession and fantasy that made her regard Ouyang Xu as her hope for the future, so she was deceived.

03. Mei Niang said

Some scumbags can be easily identified, for example, there are usually many women around them, but some scumbags, such as Ouyang Xu, who usually look harmless, are more difficult to identify.

First of all, don’t put yourself in a high position, let the man stand in a high position. Sometimes, we always feel that if we love each other, we must keep giving and give the best to each other.

But the more you pay, in a sense, the other person will be inferior to you. It is difficult to judge whether his kindness to you is profitable or whether he really likes you.

A man's true love can only be reflected when he is in power. Because he does not love you because of lack, but because of wealth, and the latter loves you more purely.

For example, if you have an average job and the same level of education as him, but he is willing to come to your city for you, and later finds a job that is better than yours, and then still wants to marry you, then generally speaking, he loves you more sincerely. your.

Secondly, don’t just consider your own needs, but also consider the other person’s character. Sometimes we are obsessed with what we want from our partner, which may be handsomeness, self-motivation, etc., thus neglecting character.

If your character is not up to par, what’s the use of having so many advantages? Ouyang Xu was motivated, gentle and handsome. However, when Zhao Paner failed to bring him a career advancement, he finally gave up. In the final analysis, there was something wrong with his character.

I have seen a lot of discussions about scumbag men before. Once those scumbag men with a lot of education and social experience come out, the most women will fall for them. Just because they are knowledgeable, mature and stable, they can easily attract women and make women ignore them. The scum.

Character is a man’s bottom line, and his advantages are his blessing. Without character, no matter how many advantages he has, they will all turn into fatal shortcomings at some point. Didn't Ouyang Xu's progress turn into unscrupulous means later on?

Finally, watch more of men’s actions and less of their sweet words.Not only do men speak love words, they also tell lies.

Ouyang Xu made a promise to Pan'er in front of the Buddha for three lives. He also promised that as long as he was in high school, the matchmaker would definitely marry Pan'er.

But when he really won the third prize, he immediately changed his mind because he knew that if a scholar-official married a woman who had been a member of Leji, he would be looked down upon by the officialdom.

So what was Ouyang Xu’s previous promise for? That was just a lie. He knew that winning the exam was a bit difficult, and there was a high probability that he wouldn't win. Pan'er was his next best option.

Many love words are spoken based on the mood at the moment. Words can come out as soon as you open your mouth, but actions require effort. If it is not true love, it is difficult to keep it.

So, look at a man’s actions, how he treats you, and how he takes you to heart. Without these actions, the love he talks about is not worth mentioning at all.

I sincerely hope that each of us women will encounter less scumbags. After all, every time we meet a scumbag, we lose confidence in love.

More importantly, you must improve your ability to identify, and don't sincerely agree to someone before you understand who the other person is.

If one day you are really unfortunate enough to encounter someone, I hope you can be like Pan'er and continue your wonderful life after "killing" the scumbag.