"Chinese Restaurant" is a restaurant management reality show created by Mango Channel. When the first two seasons were first aired, it could be said to have reached its peak. Both the ratings and the amount of topics remained high, and it became a popular variety show. Later, as

" Chinese Restaurant " is a restaurant management reality show created by Mango Channel. When the first two seasons were first launched, it could be said to have reached its peak. Both the ratings and the amount of topics remained high. It became a popular variety show. Later, with the many controversies caused by the show, the overall popularity began to decline in the later period, but it still maintained a certain fan base.

Immediately afterwards, due to the serious epidemic situation overseas, the environment that had always been focused on foreign filming was also restricted. Therefore, the program team had no choice but to shift its focus to the country, and invited many highly topical artists to join, but almost every year The lineup has changed. Only Huang Xiaoming has been participating and maintained the position of "store manager". Therefore, netizens call him "the iron-clad Huang Xiaoming, a regular guest of Liushui."

Currently, according to well-known entertainment bloggers The sixth season of "Chinese Restaurant" is about to begin. The permanent lineup is: Huang Xiaoming, Yin Tao , Zhang Ruoyun , Tan Songyun , Chen Linong . The combination of one old and four new is also very novel. As a well-known young actor, Yin Tao has many classic works. At the same time, this is also her variety show debut.

And Zhang Ruoyun, Tan Songyun, and Chen Linong are basically in line with the age group of last year's guests, because the three have not cooperated with each other. However, there should be different sparks in the interaction of the program. At the same time, the recording location is chosen to be in Hunan. The form in which the new season of the program will be presented is also highly anticipated.

Not only that, The flying guests participating in this season's "Chinese Restaurant" were also directly announced, namely: Zhao Liying , Yang Zi , Wang Junkai , Liu Yaowen , Song Yaxuan , Bai Lu , Li Qin , etc. As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

Among them, Zhao Liying, Yang Zi, and Wang Junkai are all old people. Their return will also become a highlight of the show, especially Zhao Liying, who will return for two consecutive years. After all, they are guests who have participated in the show before, and they are familiar with the overall process of the show.

As the current popular top idols, Liu Yaowen and Song Yaxuan are most likely to participate in the recording together. Bai Lu has been in the variety show in the past two years. His performance is very eye-catching, and the works he has participated in have also received high reputation and popularity. In addition, "Police Glory", which he collaborated with Zhang Ruoyun, has just concluded. The reunion of the two should also become a topic of discussion. One.

In addition, there is Li Qin. Although it is his first time to participate in the recording of "Chinese Restaurant" and he is not familiar with most of the guests, but because of his interaction with Zhang Ruoyun, there are usually acquaintances on the show. Next, the recording process will not be too embarrassing, and the two of them seem to be in the same frame to warm up for "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

But so far, all the recorded lists have not been confirmed, but if they are finally confirmed, the new season of "Chinese Restaurant" will also have many highlights. What do you think of this? Who are you most looking forward to?

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