In this era where fresh meat is the rule, male stars in the entertainment industry are becoming more and more "feminine", challenging the audience's aesthetic bottom line again and again. Let’s take a closer look at the 7 “most manly” male stars in movies and TV series. All of th

In this era of fresh meat, male stars in the entertainment industry are becoming more and more "feminine", challenging the audience's aesthetic bottom line again and again.

Compared with those feminine male stars, the "tough guys" on the screen are undoubtedly more attractive. Let’s take a closer look at the 7 “most manly” male stars in movies and TV series. All of them are very domineering.

1. Wu Jing "The Master of Tai Chi "

"The Master of Tai Chi" in 1998 can be regarded as Wu Jing's first work outside the circle.

In the play, Wu Jing plays the role of the witty, benevolent and brave internal martial arts master " Yang Yuqian". He traveled alone to learn martial arts from his teachers, and later became successful and opened a martial arts gym in the capital. When

accepted his disciples, he taught them all regardless of their identity and age, even to the disabled, without any secrets. In the end, Tai Chi was promoted and spread to every corner of the world.

Especially the scene in the play where Wu Jing challenges the seven masters is so enjoyable to watch.

At that time, Wu Jing, who was only 24 years old, seemed a little green, but he showed the character's heart and benevolence very well, creating a respectable "national hero".

Audiences who are familiar with Wu Jing know that Wu Jing played many similar roles in his early years, such as "Yang Xuewen" in "The Kung Fu Boy", "Ximen Jin Ge" in " The Blood and the Sword", etc. .

These characters are all martial, strong and brave protagonists, and they have similar personality traits.

However, this path has been almost taken by Jet Li , so Wu Jing has acted in many works but has never been able to become popular.

In 2005's " Sha Po Lang ", Wu Jing tried to transform for the first time and played a ruthless villain. This contrasting role made people shine and attracted more attention to Wu Jing.

In later dramas such as "Shaolin King of Martial Arts" and "A Chinese Ghost Story", Wu Jing has always been a tough guy, very charming.

Later, Wu Jing's acting career became wider and wider. In 2016, he also played the role of the tough guy " Leng Feng" in the work " Leng Feng" that he directed and acted in, and broke multiple box office records.

Today, Wu Jing is one of the rare "10 billion movie kings" in the industry. Not only has he achieved high success in his career, but his family life is also very satisfactory. He can be called a winner in life.

2. Li Youbin " Bright Sword "

In 2005, a "Bright Sword" refreshed the height of the Anti-Japanese War drama and became an insurmountable classic, and the male protagonist " Li Yunlong " played by Li Youbin also left a lasting impression on everyone. deep impression.

Even after many years, his classic lines in the play are still mentioned by the audience, such as the sentence "Where is my Italian cannon".

Although Li Yunlong in the play is a bit vulgar, his domineering courage and courage, regardless of life and death, are vividly demonstrated, perfectly demonstrating the temperament of an iron-blooded soldier.

Precisely because his performance in "Bright Sword" was so vivid, his image of a tough guy was deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience. Whenever Li Youbin is mentioned, he will always be associated with a tough guy.

In fact, Li Youbin has indeed created many similar tough guy images, such as "Zhu Kaishan" in "Crossing the East", "Zhao Laoga" in "中国地" and so on.

It is worth mentioning that Li Youbin played a division commander of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces in his first work "Death Certificate".

Perhaps from then on, Li Youbin's career path has been decided.

Since then, Li Youbin became popular with anti-war works such as "Bright Sword", "The Benevolent ", "Red Sun" and became a household name actor.

As a soldier, Li Youbin has a strong-willed, unflappable temperament, so he is quite comfortable playing the role of a tough guy.

To this day, 64-year-old Li Youbin is still active in the entertainment industry, and he often appears in various popular dramas. I hope he can maintain this state and bring more exciting works to the audience.

3. Zhao Wenzhuo "Once Upon a Time Series"

There are many male stars who have played the role of "Once Upon a Time" in the circle, but there are only two most classic ones, namely Jet Li and Zhao Wenzhuo.

Zhao Wenzhuo was only 21 years old when he appeared in the first "Once Upon a Time", and he still lacked experience and acting experience. In addition, Jet Li is in front of him, so this drama is a very big challenge for Zhao Wenzhuo.

However, Zhao Wenzhuo also has his own advantages. First of all, his figure and appearance are very outstanding. In addition, he is proficient in various martial arts and can punch vigorously, giving people a refreshing feeling of punching to the flesh.

Moreover, Zhao Wenzhuo and Jet Li took different paths. Jet Li focuses on being chic and handsome, while Zhao Wenzhuo prefers to be strong and tough.

Therefore, the "Once Upon a Time" played by the two people can be considered to have their own merits.

In addition to "Once Upon a Time", Zhao Wenzhuo's roles such as "Nie Feng", "Fa Hai" and "Chu Zhaonan" have all left a deep impression on the audience.

In fact, Zhao Wenzhuo's acting career has always been relatively fixed. He has focused on ancient costume martial arts dramas from the beginning. Even if he occasionally has some other types of works, he will be ignored by netizens.

After all, his performance in martial arts dramas is so eye-catching that works on other themes will inevitably seem a bit useless.

As a veteran kung fu star, Zhao Wenzhuo's development has not been smooth in recent years, and many viewers have even forgotten about him.

did not return to the public eye until 2021 when he participated in "'s overcoming brother ".

Nowadays, Zhao Wenzhuo has a relatively small number of works and spends more time participating in variety shows. In variety shows, everyone also saw a different Zhao Wenzhuo.

No one thought that a tough guy like him would also have a cute and honest side. This contrast also made the audience laugh.

4. Duan Yihong " Soldier Assault "

Speaking of the work "Soldier Assault", everyone will definitely think of Wang Baoqiang at the first time.

In fact, there are many classic images in this work, and " Yuan Lang" played by Duan Yihong is one of them.

In the play, Yuan Lang is an almost perfect soldier. Not only does he have outstanding abilities, but he also has a heart that is not afraid of difficulties and moves forward courageously.

During the training process, he never had any sympathy for the trainees and showed the tough and disciplined side of the soldiers.

At the same time, he also has a compassionate heart and a strong sense of responsibility. He doesn't want any of his companions to get hurt, and he won't give up on any of his subordinates.

Such a contradictory and complex character became vivid and vivid under the shaping of Duan Yihong, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

Duan Yihong is a very rigorous and serious actor. When he starred in the first work "The True Colors of a Detective", he practiced the action of pulling out a gun thousands of times.

It is precisely with this professionalism that Duan Yihong was able to gain recognition from more directors and thus secured some opportunities for himself.

Moreover, Duan Yihong's acting skills are also impeccable. His performance in the early "Second Brother" and "Rhinoceros in Love", and later "Scorching Sun" and "Da Qin Fu" are all remarkable.

Whether it is a costume drama or a modern drama, a good guy or a bad guy, Duan Yihong can switch between them with ease and he is very good at it.

After many years of debut, Duan Yihong has never accepted advertising endorsements or participated in variety shows. Instead, he has devoted himself to performing good works. He can be called a treasure actor in the industry.

Today, Duan Yihong is nearly 50 years old. Under the baptism of time, he has become more mature and steady, and there are some wrinkles on his face, but the only thing that remains unchanged is his love for acting.

5. Jiang Wen " Let the Bullets Fly "

Jiang Wen is recognized as the "screen tough guy", and this title originated from the 2009 "Let the Bullets Fly".

In the film, " Zhang Muzhi" played by Jiang Wen was originally a soldier. After experiencing the Beiyang War, he turned into a bandit and lived a life of robbing the rich and giving to the poor.

He is not only tall and sturdy in style, but also resourceful and calm-minded. He is a brave and strategic general.

Although Jiang Wen added many humorous elements to the film, Zhang Muzhi's tough guy character can still be seen in his performance.

In the early years, Jiang Wen starred in classic works such as "The Last Queen" and "Furong Town", and thus formed an indissoluble bond with Liu Xiaoqing.

In 1991, Jiang Wen decided to transform into a director, so he adapted Wang Shuo's "Animals Are Ferocious" and released a " Sunny Day ".

This movie won unanimous praise from both inside and outside the circle, and it also gave Jiang Wen plenty of confidence.

After that, Jiang Wen directed three commercial films, which are also known as the "Republic of China Trilogy", "Let the Bullets Fly", " One Step Away " and " Evil Can't Suppress Righteous ".

Since then, Jiang Wen's talent has been widely recognized, and he has become recognized as a "genius director".

As a director, Jiang Wen has a small number of works, but each one has profound meaning and deserves repeated scrutiny, so everyone is also looking forward to Jiang Wen's next work.

However, four years have passed and Jiang Wen has not made any news. It is not known when he will prepare a new film.

Today, 59-year-old Jiang Wen rarely appears in public. When occasionally photographed by the media, Jiang Wen is no different from an ordinary old man, looking very low-key and easy-going.

6. Wang Qianyuan " Big Shot "

"Big Shot" has been criticized by the audience as a bad movie, but Wang Qianyuan's performance in the film is very good, and the tough guy image he created is also very successful.

The "Sun Dasheng" he plays is a police officer of the criminal police team. In a case, he discovered that a seemingly simple civil dispute actually had a hidden agenda, so he decided to pursue it to the end.

Faced with the financial temptation of the villain group and the warning and dissuasion of his immediate boss, he did not flinch and was bound to bring the criminals to justice.

Although he is a small person, he does his best to do extraordinary things. With his unremitting efforts, controversy finally defeated evil.

In the film, Wang Qianyuan not only has excellent acting skills, but his image is also very consistent with the characteristics of a tough guy, so he has won praise from many viewers.

Wang Qianyuan debuted relatively early and has appeared in some classic works, such as "The Winner", "Jing Ke Assassins Qin" and so on.

Moreover, Wang Qianyuan has a wide range of dramas, and he has dabbled in various themes such as family dramas and costume dramas.

However, because he is relatively low-key and his image is not too outstanding, Wang Qianyuan has always been tepid.

But there is no doubt about Wang Qianyuan's strength. In 2010, he won multiple awards as the "Best Actor" with "Steel's Piano" and won unanimous recognition from both inside and outside the circle.

In the past two years, Wang Qianyuan has appeared in many popular works and has gradually become known to more audiences.

In addition to his outstanding acting skills, Wang Qianyuan is also very self-disciplined in life. He maintains a fitness habit all year round. Even when he is nearly 50, he is still full of tendons.

Nowadays, Wang Qianyuan has many film appointments. I hope he can maintain his best condition and conquer more audiences with his own strength.

7. Liao Fan "The Master"

In the past two years, Liao Fan has successfully made his debut with his acting skills, which has also made more audiences know him.

In 2015, Liao Fan created a tough guy image in the movie "Master".

In the film, he plays "Chen Shi", a martial arts master. In order to open a martial arts gym in Tianjin, he must abide by local rules.

So he accepted an apprentice to teach him martial arts, hoping that he would be able to successfully join a martial arts gym in the future and gain the qualifications to open a martial arts gym for himself.

At first, he just wanted to use this apprentice, but after getting along for a long time, the master and apprentice had already established a deep relationship.

Later, his apprentice was plotted against him. In order to avenge his apprentice, he did not hesitate to offend the entire Tianjin martial arts community. This shows that he is a true man who values ​​love and justice.

In the early years, Liao Fan appeared in many popular works, such as "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind", "Carry Love to the End" and so on.

However, due to his undistinguished image, he has not been able to escape the fate of being a popular actor but not popular.

Even in 2004, when he won the Singapore International Film Festival Best Actor with "Cuckold", he still failed to reverse this situation.

However, Liao Fan was not discouraged, but continued filming seriously. In the days that followed, Liao Fan successively appeared in works such as "Let the Bullets Fly" and "The Founding of the Party", and his acting skills became more and more superb.

Finally in 2014, Liao Fan accumulated a lot of experience and won the Best Actor Award at the Berlin International Film Festival with "Fireworks in the Day", becoming the first Berlin Best Actor in Mainland China.

To this day, Liao Fan's acting skills have been recognized by everyone. As long as he stars in any work, the audience is very happy to buy it.

From an unknown little actor to a well-known and powerful actor today, Liao Fan has proven himself with his strength. I hope he can go further and further on the road to acting.

In this era where "sissies" are rampant, there are fewer and fewer tough guys in the entertainment industry.

These seven male stars are like the "pure land" in the industry. They have used their actual actions to prove that there are still tough guys in the Chinese film and television industry who dare to fight.

Compared with the kind of fresh meat who complains endlessly when injured, such a tough guy is undoubtedly more attractive. They put in more sweat and persistence than others, so they can also receive more applause and praise.