Another new drama of Dilireba is about to be aired. She is partnered with a popular male idol born in the 90s. It is clear that the male co-star stayed up late to catch up. Speaking of Dilireba, everyone should be very familiar with it. It gives people a very special feeling and

Another new drama of Dilireba is about to be broadcast. She is partnered with a popular male idol born in the 90s. It is clear that the male partner stays up late to catch up.

Speaking of Dilireba, everyone should be very familiar with it. It gives people a very special feeling. , and the acting skills are also good, and the costumes are very good-looking. For example, "Acquaintance with Jun" starring Ren Jialun , both acting skills and appearance are very good. Nowadays, Di Lieba's resources are really good, and good dramas are being aired one after another, such as " Anle Zhuan " that everyone is looking forward to.

The play is adapted from Xingling 's novel "The Emperor's Book". It mainly tells the sadistic and touching love story between Ren Anle, the head of the Anle village in southern Shanxi, and the prince Han Ye.

"The Legend of Anle" is also a costume drama, and the plot is also quite exciting. This time Dilraba plays the heroine, and she is really beautiful in red.

What is more surprising this time is the casting of the male protagonist, that is the ancient costume male god Gong Jun. Gong Jun has been in the industry for many years and has become more and more popular in recent years. According to Reuters, he is really in great shape. Yes, he looks really handsome in white costume.

Gong Jun and Dilraba are also a good match. Although they are working together for the first time, they look full of CP and I believe they will give everyone different surprises.

What is very surprising this time is the male supporting role, which is played by Liu Yuning . Liu Yuning is tall and handsome, and his acting skills are also good. Moreover, he and Dilraba collaborated again after " Long Song Xing ". The audience was all I’m looking forward to it and I believe the performance will get better and better.

Overall, "The Legend of Anle" is still worth looking forward to. The plot is exciting and the cast is strong. I believe it will give everyone different surprises. Are you looking forward to it? Welcome to share with everyone in the comment box below.