"Seeing Wutai Mountain Again" is China's first large-scale situational drama with a Buddhist theme. It is the work of the famous stage director Wang Chaoge. Through artistic refinement of various life styles and blessing activities in Buddhist culture, it interprets the ordinary

Finally meet again after a long absence丨See Wutai Mountain Again is about to return warmly

In the early summer weather, meet you

Accompanied by the whispering Sanskrit sounds

The large-scale situational performance "See Wutai Mountain Again" kicked off at the Fengling Palace Theater

time lapse For half a year,

has been eagerly awaited by audiences across the country.

This audio-visual feast with the theme of Buddhist culture will soon return to people's horizons. The work of drama director Wang Chaoge artistically refines various aspects of life and blessing activities in Buddhist culture. Within a 90-minute performance time, it interprets the trivial matters of ordinary people's lives and reflects everyone's feelings and thoughts about life. The performance scenes are shocking and thought-provoking.

In 2022, due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the performance pressed the pause button. Although the performance was suspended, the behind-the-scenes work did not stop. All the cast and crew have never slacked off, and have not relaxed their prevention and control. They have continued to "work" even when performances are suspended. On the basis of epidemic prevention and safety, they have taken advantage of their gaps in acting to conduct course studies, rehearse in different periods and areas, and improve their roles. The characteristics of the characters are carefully studied over and over again, analyzed and studied again and again, and every rehearsal is treated as a formal performance, just to bring a better viewing experience to the audience. The young actors took advantage of their own advantages and spontaneously formed a warm-up dance rehearsal group and a video shooting group. Through their own strength, more people got to know "Meet Wutai Mountain Again".

In the days that we could not meet, See Wutai Mountain again has strong internal skills and external image, going against the trend. Every wonderful performance is inseparable from the careful preparation of the cast and crew of "See Wutai Mountain Again", and they can be seen everywhere Working figure. They are the guardians behind the performance, maintaining equipment, troubleshooting, and building an indestructible technical backing for the performance; they are the operators who promote promotion, establish channels, and patiently answer questions for the audience; they are the administrative staff who ensure logistics; The cleaning staff who spare no effort to keep every corner clean; they are the security guards who protect frontline safety 24 hours a day. In every ordinary day, we work hard to ensure the smooth progress of every performance.

See Wutaishan Again will strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control policy, carry out daily disinfection during the epidemic prevention period, conduct comprehensive disinfection of the performance theater, and strive to "arm the teeth" for epidemic prevention, so that every audience can come in and go out with confidence. The strictest measures will be taken to ensure the safety of every visitor and create a safe and comfortable viewing environment.

Visit the cool and scenic Wutai Mountain

A must-see "Seeing Wutai Mountain Again"

Traveling through two thousand five hundred years of pines and cypresses

Strolling through the long river of history

There are too many touching and unforgettable memories

The day when we meet again

is coming soon

"See you again Wutai Mountain》

invites you to listen to the voice deep in the soul

(Source: See Wutai Mountain Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. again)