In an interview, Venus revealed that she and her husband Hans never had a "normal" life. Lu Yu asked Jin Xing: May I ask how you solved your husband's life problems? This is undoubtedly a sharp and sensitive topic. Jin Xing did not speak, but gracefully stretched out her hand, in

In an interview, Venus revealed that she and her husband Hans never had a "normal" life.

Lu Yu Ask Jin Xing: How did you solve your husband's life problems?

This is undoubtedly a sharp and sensitive topic.

Jin Xing did not speak, but gracefully stretched out her hand, interlocking her fingers, and then made a "love" gesture. Hans on the side looked at Jin Xing, his eyes were full of tenderness and said : "I love her very much."

" What if your husband can't stand loneliness and cheats?" I'm very confident, Hans loves me. If he cheats, we can still get along like friends ."

Jin Xing's status as a "transgender" person has already made some traditional and dark people secretly criticize , and the combination of her and a foreigner, Hans, made some Internet trolls ready to move, even swearing at each other, making them extremely dirty.

and Jin Xing has never been a person who lives in other people's ideas. She is as tenacious as pines and cypresses on a high mountain. Well, because it can’t hurt me.”

Yes, her sharp gaze was like a sharp sword, stabbing fiercely at those dirty and dark reptiles, making them tremble; she held her neck high like a swan, slowly Turning her head slowly, people with a guilty conscience never dare to look at her, for fear that in the next second, they will show their true colors in her "venomous tongue".

She clearly knows what she wants. The union between her and Hans is an emotional love and a union of souls. They are a pair of soul mates.

In my opinion, they are much cleaner and happier than those couples who marry for money and marry for lust.

Jin Xing is the first person in China's modern dance , "stage" and "transgender" have always been the hottest topics around her.

She is a legendary "woman". Speaking of transgender , she often said that God must have made a mistake and put a female soul in a male body.

Yes, in Venus' consciousness, she has always felt more like a woman. For the happiness of her soul and her own pursuit, she resolutely chose to undergo sex reassignment surgery regardless of the worldly vision. The idea of ​​

, not to mention the past, is absolutely incomprehensible even now, but she still did it. Fortunately, she was born in an enlightened family with a pair of enlightened parents.

Jin Xing called her father before undergoing sex reassignment surgery, saying that he was in the hospital. After hearing her thoughts, his father was stunned for a moment, and then calmly said: "Finally, the number is right."

Jin Xing said: "No Things that are out of reach, as long as you move forward, those things will naturally come to you."

Jin Xing always exudes dazzling light. She dares to love and hate, defies power, speaks out, is brave and resolute, and is desperate for her dream ...

Everyone has their own pursuits, some behaviors, you don’t have to agree with them, you can also oppose them, but please put away your malice and be a kind person.