Nostalgia: A funny old movie "Seven Princesses Martial Arts"

The Seven Princesses of Martial Arts

1993 Hong Kong, there were hundreds of flowers blooming in the film world. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fight between the gods. The classic hands and feet produced this year are not counted. Among them, the "Seven Princesses Martial Arts" directed by Wang Jing is not conspicuous in it. However, its lead cast is strong enough, and now it seems that each of them is a big man who can hold up a drama. Zhang Weijian, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Min, Wu Junru, Maggie Cheung, Guan Yonghe, Chen Jialing, Zheng Yuling, Ren Dahua, Wu Mengda, Liu Songren...This lineup can only be given to Wang Jing.

Four beauties

In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates continued to harass the southeast coast, and the Dongying Liusheng clan assisted Tokugawa Ieyasu to sweep the Central Plains martial arts. As a result, the "Dongying Badao" Liusheng Killing God (Ren Dahua) entered the martial arts and was invincible. He also had to challenge the Central Plains martial arts master "Heaven Sword" Shangguan Wuji (Liu Songren).

What did you find?

Shangguan Wuji was about to marry his newlywed wife Meng Qingsi (Michelle Yeoh), but he had to delay the matter. He asked the "Ghost Doctor" (Wu Mengda) for help, and used poison to increase his skill several times. On the day of the martial arts competition, Shangguan did not fight Liu Sheng as hard as he could to drive him away, but he was confused by the poisonous gas in his body, so that he was confused and killed countless friends in the villa, and angered his fiancee Qingsi (Yu Michelle).

is beautiful?

thought that the Heavenly Sword was heartbroken, took the key to the swordsmanship mechanism, and used the pseudonym Du Guzhen. In the past three years, she appeared as a men's clothing "killing the world's heartless people", killing the prostitutes and prodigal sons.

is missing...

ghost doctor disciple Wu Tong (Zhang Weijian) fled to this town in order to escape his untimed wife Niuwa (Zheng Yuling) who was seven years older than him. Dong Niang (Wu Junru), Dong Niang's personal bodyguard, was used as a toy by Dong Niang, and Duguzhen came out to make a relief.

But at this time, the town is rumored that Meng Qingsi is in a brothel to show a fascinating array and call the sages. The surprised Duguzhen went to find out with Wu Tong, and found that the disciple of the sword (Zhang Min) and the spider Butterfly (Chen Jialing).

cannot be described...

finally under the leadership of Tianjian Wuji, Wu Tong (Zhang Weijian), Princess Tianxiang (Zhang Manyu), Dong Niang (Wu Junru), Qingsi (Michelle Yeoh), Spider (Zhang Min), Butterfly (Chen Jialing), Guimei (Guan Yonghe) practiced the "Xuantian Jade Girl Sword Technique" and defeated the Tyrant Sword. Happy ending.

Beauty is like a cloud, Hong Kong-style comedy. Enough for us to have eye addiction. The beauties are highly recognizable and each has its own characteristics. Zhang Weijian was still a small piece of fresh meat at the time, with an online appearance and excellent acting skills. Also because of this nonsensical comedy, it has become a guarantee of ratings.

family portrait

old movie, even if I have watched it N times and watched it again, I can still laugh happily. Nowadays, the beautiful and handsome guys in the film can't escape the knife of time. Borrowing the movie to see their happy time in the Mood for Love is also a nostalgia for our past lush years! Miss our lost youth.