Adam Driver to star in Michael Mann's 20-year biopic 'Ferrari'

Michael Mann Director's work

Adam Driver's Ferrari_span1 in Enzo Ferrari.

The script is adapted from the autobiography "Enzo Ferrari: The Hurricane Machine", focusing on Ferrari's eventful 1950s, beginning with the crisis of the summer of 1957. At the time, Enzo Ferrari, played by Driver, was in crisis. Laura (Cruz) grieves the death of her son Dino in 1956, which leads to Ferrari's affair with Lina Cady (Woodley).

The film also tells how Ferrari rebuilt Ferrari through racing.

Ferrari's 1957

A heartbreaking accident at the 1957 race, a Ferrari 290MM lost control, killing driver Marquis Alfonso de Portago, assistant Edmond Nelson and twelve spectators, The Mille Miglia car was forced to stop.

Enzo Ferrari, founder of Scuderia Ferrari, said of the Mille Miglia: "Whenever I think of the Mille Miglia,I am always moved because it has played such an important role in my life. I've always looked at the event as a driver, a leader and a maker, with all the respect for all the champions. In fact, the Mille Miglia has not only made a significant contribution to the craftsmanship and technology of car manufacturing, it is an arena that truly nurtures racing champions. I have raced in every one of the 24 Mille Miglia races, and even though the tragedy of the death of Alfonso de Portago in our car in 1957 shocked me, I still think the Mille Miglia is an epoch-making innovation in racing history. , telling the most romantic and beautiful stories of our time. For Ferrari, the Mille Miglia gave birth to the Ferrari car and contributed to the boom in the Italian auto industry. Our GT (Grand Touring) was born out of the Mille Miglia and is now our mainstay in the world. We've learned invaluable knowledge on everything from braking, transmission, clutch, engine, electronics, and even lighting by driving over a thousand miles of open road in the Mille Miglia.

Kylo Ren played by De Vry in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
