Why is Yang Shuo not "red" suddenly? It’s not surprising to see what he did after being cheated

He is the "Yu Hualong" in ", the woman of the Swordsman Family",

he is also " Lei Dongbao" and "Director Shao" in " Dajiang Dahe",

The "forward" in " we all have to be good ",

is still the " package manager Bao Yifan" in " ode to joy ".

Who is he? He is Yang Shuo . A "fool" who strikes out because he is unwilling to lower his pay,

He thinks this is his bottom line, but in the end it became the final announcement to ruin his future.

Some people say that the image he shows is all false.

His deep affection in marriage is fake, and what he sells in front of the audience is also a persona.

So what made Yang Shuo, who has always been praised,

was criticized by the public so quickly, and even ruined his own future?

On the second day of 1983, Yang Shuo was born in a small town in Heilongjiang in the northeast.

Yang Shuo's rebellious personality seems to have been since childhood.

When he was young, he was a typical lively and troublesome child.

Especially in the rebellious period, Yang Shuo's parents have almost begun to control him.

His parents told him to go east, but he wanted to go west, and his temper was even more terrible. Ten cows couldn't pull it back.

, who is in the rebellious period, does not like to listen to the nagging of his parents. He always has his own set of ideas.

Stubbornly, he had a big fight with his father.

After the quarrel, Yang Shuo felt more and more aggrieved, and wanted to prove his ability with action.

Then he took his few luggage and left home resolutely.

At that time, he was in high school, and he decided to run away from home. Naturally, he couldn’t go on with his studies.

so he didn’t even go to school, he just went to Beijing. ,

wants to make a breakthrough in this new city.

Dreams are always so beautiful, and those who are disillusioned are always caught off guard.

Yang Shuo didn’t bring much when he came to Beijing.

I didn't even bring much money. I almost spent my money when I arrived in Beijing.

At this time, Yang Shuo's stubborn temper still doesn't go down. He doesn't want to go back to his parents now.

In order to live here, Yang Shuo began to find work and earn money to eat.

But his age is too young, he is not an adult at the age of 16, and he is unwilling to ask him for many jobs.

He can only find some less money-making jobs.

He used to find a waiter, and he also set up a small stall by himself. Seeing that there was no profit, he changed to selling barbecue.

When the printing plant needs workers, he will also sign up,

Because he has a good image since he was a child, he even worked part-time as a model because of his age. The prices given are very low,

Yang Shuo will not pay him too much even if he works harder than others.

This also led to Yang Shuo often eating poorly and not getting enough to eat.

sometimes even see the biscuits dropped clean on the ground by others, 0p _p1span Pick it up hesitantly and eat.

Even so, Yang Shuo still did not bow to his parents.

He wanted to leave his own footprint in Beijing even more urgently.

The beginning of the dream is to bow to life first, luck will also come to those who work hard,

In this way, Yang Shuo is busy earning his own living expenses every day.

By chance, Yang Shuo met the noble man in his life, the singer Dai Lao .

Dai Yao is very unfamiliar to many people,

But many people have heard her songs, that is the ending song of "Ji Xiaolan" and "Liu Luoguo".

At one of Dai Lao’s concerts, Yang Shuo was on duty as a staff member.

When the concert ended, Dai Lao noticed this in a glimpse of the crowd. The boy,

came forward and chatted with him for a while.

In this chat, Dai Lao learned that Yang Shuo had an actor dream.

She took a look at Yang Shuo’s appearance, and through the chat with Yang Shuo, she briefly understood his inner life.

thinks Yang Shuo is a good seedling for acting.

After that, Dai Lao took Yang Shuo to the various crews to observe and study when he was free.

Not only that, she knew that Yang Shuo came to the background alone and lived a bad life,

To give Yang Shuo life relief.

As Yang Shuo's observation time on the crew grows, he has a rough idea of ​​what acting is like.

The rest is to find someone to teach himself, and Dai Luo starts to teach himself again. Shuo introduced suitable training classes for Yang Shuo to learn.

Yang Shuo, who has been naughty and hasn't learned well, knows that this may be his only chance to succeed in this city,

so the study here is very hard for _pspan2 p0, Almost all the living expenses of Yang Shuo during his studies were given by Dai Lao, but Yang Shuo did not let himself and Dai Lao down.

After two years of study, Yang Shuo was admitted to the Chinese opera ,

and , and they became classmates of .

Maxima also needs to be recognized by Bole,For Yang Shuo, Dai Lao is his bole,

Even if he is just starting out now, one day he will prove himself.

After entering university, Shuo Yang found that he still only exists on the surface of acting. The more he learns, the more he feels that he is really bad,

, especially after a stage play, even bigger Shocked my self-confidence.

This stage play is the first time Yang Shuo has acted in such a large public place with so many people.

but he is very weak. Every time he plays, he can’t do it every time. Let yourself take the role,

and the mouth is like being sealed, it is difficult to speak on the stage, and the face is flushed.

tried many times on stage, until I almost broke my self-confidence. When

returned to the dormitory, he recalled his performance on the stage.

But soon Yang Shuo figured it out. He felt that since it had already started, if he gave up now,

then the persistence over the past two years has become a joke.

He started to practice more diligently,

At this time, some of Yang Shuo's classmates have already begun to venture into the entertainment circle.

is very busy shooting movies and commercials.

and Yang Shuo practiced basic skills in the dormitory silently.

The basic skills can be improved through later training,

But some things can not be improved no matter what method is used,

comes with


Anyone who has heard Yang Shuo speak knows that Yang Shuo has a natural husky voice.

As he said in the interview:

"It turns out that I am in school, my voice is the most disgusted student, the student who came out of 1span2span central drama. They are all clean and bright, like me, there will always be impurities."

Because this voice makes Yang Shuo unable to lift his head among his classmates, _p3sp

span _p3sp From the outside world, his voice is a mysterious voice, but it is like a fatal flaw in the entertainment industry.

But what can Yang Shuo do,This is what I am born with and cannot be changed.

Therefore, Yang Shuo brought some inferiority complex from time to time, and spent the four years of college safely and steadily.

After graduating, Yang Shuo also began to look for a way to act,

However, it seemed that he couldn't get used to him. His acting road was really bumpy.

Yang Shuo almost didn't have any scenes to film at the beginning, and the scenes he could receive were not as good as those that were superficial.

Slowly Yang Shuo felt that he could no longer stand alone like this,

he began to look for crews one by one, and audition for each role.

But it is still not very useful, perhaps because of talent, many crews did not match him.

finally one of the crew agreed to let him enter the play,

just when he was ready and happy to wait for the crew to start filming again when _pspan2 p0 started. It was changed mercilessly on the day of the filming.

And Yang Shuo’s "tragic road" is not over yet,

Yang Shuo also took a lot of effort after graduation.Only then did I have a film and television company,

. Unfortunately, when Yang Shuo was very unhappy, his film and television company went bankrupt and left him.

At this time, Yang Shuo is like a "hairy kid" who has been discarded. ,

As long as there is a play that can play himself, he will take it no matter what role it is.

This kind of life has lasted for 4 years,

until the anti-Japanese drama " life and death line" in 2008, let Yang Shuo walk into the real In view.

In this drama, the "Four Winds" played by Yang Shuo is a person with a very distinct personality.

has a very strong sense of rebellion.

may also be due to the similarity to Yang Shuo's own rebellious personality,

Yang Shuo performed very well in this drama, which also made Yang Shuo accumulate some popularity.

With popularity, everything is easy, and soon Yang Shuo ushered in his first starring drama.

But unfortunately, this play did not let Yang Shuo go any further.

But Yang Shuo was not discouraged, he started the crazy play mode again,

ancient and modern, decent villains, and even personality disorders, he has tried various roles, he has tried various roles .

is still a pity, none of these aroused any splashes,

and Yang Shuo only regarded these as honing his acting skills.

Yang Shuo once again entered the audience's field of vision because of "The Woman of the Swordsman Family",

he played Yu Hualong in it.

even won the "Most Media Concern Award" for this role.

then won the "Top Ten Actor Award" in the second year.

And what really makes Yang Shuo hot is the image of "Small Package General" in "Ode to Joy".

Yang Shuo is just a supporting role in "Ode to Joy" and there are not many shots.

Even these few shots made Yang Shuo put in a lot of effort when he played.

In order to fit the role, Yang Shuo lost more than ten catties of "meat" in a week.

Not only is the president he plays, but he fits life more closely.

is not as domineering and cold as the previous president, but rather warm and funny.

"Xiao Bao Zong" Yang Shuo was quickly remembered by the audience, and it was liked by many people.

Yang Shuo even made several hot searches for this role.

The success of this role brought Yang Shuo to the pinnacle of his career,

has been in the ups and downs of the entertainment industry for 10 years and finally turned into the sun.

It is said that there are many popular people. In the modern entertainment circle, it is not easy to be "stared" when people become popular!

soon someone broke out that Yang Shuo was suspected of derailing.

At this time, Yang Shuo has been married for 7 or 8 years, and his wife is Wang Liwen , and there is also a son and a daughter,

said that the marriage is also not correct. Because the two did not receive a marriage certificate and did not hold a wedding.

Yang Shuo was just a little transparent in the entertainment industry before,

Who did he marry and have children,No one cares if you don't get a marriage certificate or don't hold a wedding.

But it will be different if it is on fire. If it is still the same as before, it is estimated that it will be drowned by the spit star.

Whenever the outside world asks Yang Shuo about these things,

Yang Shuo will be very positive in answering the evidence, and will make up the wedding for his wife.

In fact, he did this too, but what he did was not as expected.

In 18 years, Yang Shuo fulfilled his promise to make up the wedding, but it was complained by many netizens.

Judging from the wedding scene pictures released by Yang Shuo, the wedding was very big and very warm.

However, his Weibo posts revealed the nature of the wedding.

In Yang Shuo’s Weibo post about weddings,

not only did Aite’s wife Wang Liwen, he also owned several businesses.

Afterwards, some netizens took a look at the wedding scene and discovered that

The layout on the scene seemed to be sponsored by these merchants, _p1span p0 Became Yang Shuo's personal endorsement meeting.

The storm of this wedding is just a few small ripples,

The real turmoil was when Yang Shuo and his wife had just received their marriage certificate in 19 years.

Not long after receiving the marriage certificate, someone broke the news that Yang Shuo had derailed.

The evidence is the chat history between Yang Shuo and the woman.

In the chat history, Yang Shuo transferred 10,000 yuan to the woman.

The two people also discussed whether they slept well.

As soon as the news came out, netizens started the mode of eating melon.

are all talking about Yang Shuo and his wife Wang Liwen's wedding in seven or eight years. , Can't wait to go out and do it?

Just as netizens talked about this incident and discussed the direction of the matter,

showed another part of evidence of Yang Shuo's derailment.


"Yang Shuo attended the event in Xi'an on May 18, 2018. At 0:49 in the morning, Yang Shuo made an appointment with a Miss Huang and asked her to come to a certain room."

One after another broke the news that Yang Shuo finally accumulated a decline in popularity.

Many people can't help but think of the scene when Yang Shuo and his wife had a wedding.

He can give the lady 10,000 happily, but he gave his wife a sponsored wedding,

Comparing , netizens think Yang Shuo is too mean to his wife.

But no matter what the outside world says, Yang Shuo and his wife never responded,

and Yang Shuo’s studio directly helped Yang Shuo respond: _blockspanquotp block0p _p3quote block0p 426 Also use your brain, okay? Hold a few p-pictures and squirt with a long mouth. Are you not afraid of being condemned? The heavens are good for reincarnation, and the sky forgives anyone. All the screenshots are retained. Wait for the lawyer's letter!"

and warned these whistleblowers that they must let them know what the law is.

However, because there was not enough evidence to prove that Yang Shuo really cheated on it, it slowly stopped.

The legal method mentioned by Yang Shuo Studio,

, after experiencing the "pure hell wind" that has recently occurred in the entertainment industry, is believed to have no credibility.

After things subsided, Yang Shuo’s career in acting has also been greatly affected.

Since there are still a certain number of fans, it is not possible to have no movies to film,

So Yang Shuo still has a lot of movies to be filmed.

But when Yang Shuo was filming " Strangers ", there was another moth.

This happened not long after the Yang Shuo scandal appeared.

Just at this time the country began to implement the salary limit order ,

began to rectify those film stars who received high salaries.

pay limit order, even if many celebrities are not reconciled, they dare not commit crimes,

Yang Shuo has become the "stab".

When Yang Shuo signed a contract with "Strangers", there was no salary limit.

The contract promised that Yang Shuo will star in this play as .

and paid a total of 87.5 million yuan to Yang Shuo as remuneration.

But when this drama was filmed, the country began to rectify the problem of high-paying chaos in the entertainment industry.

Yang Shuo and the crew of "Strangers" had conflicts over the issue of salary cuts.

Also because of the salary cut, "Strangers" issued a shutdown notice in the middle of filming.

This notice describes the conflict between Yang Shuo and the crew very clearly.

clearly stated that the contract with Yang Shuo was signed before the salary limit order,

, the salary limit order As the contract violated the regulations of relevant state departments,

was not counted, and Yang Shuo was asked to reduce his salary.

When this incident happened, from the perspective of Yang Shuo's unwillingness to cut his salary,

If the facts are true, Yang Shuo is indefatigable.

But during the event, Yang Shuo was as silent as the original scandal,

and his studio did not make any statement this time.

This incident has also made headlines on various platforms,

After all, after the salary limit, the first artist to be rectified, it is impossible not to be concerned.

The tone that appeared on the Internet is also very consistent,

praised the "Strangers" crew for their courage to expose artists who were unwilling to lower their salary,

was reluctant to verbally criticize Yang Shuo.

After this, Yang Shuo's reputation has declined all the way,

His acting path seems to have returned to the state before the explosion, _

almost did not appear in the audience In front of.

It seems that this person evaporates directly from the world and disappeared.

Imagine if the Yang Shuo incident happened now,

probably said goodbye to the audience.

But even in the first two years, Yang Shuo was silent for a while,

didn’t see Yang Shuo again in " Dajiang Dahe 2 " two years later. Figure,

And this year, Yang Shuo also has two TV series released,

, one of which is still in the chapter of "Yu Min" in the current hit drama "Mercience".

Perhaps Yang Shuo has been silent for two years because he wants time to use the brush,

to wash away the stains on his body.

but people tend to forget,The Internet has memories,

can find all the bad traces at the beginning.

Therefore, as a public figure who has received wide attention, every word and deed will be enlarged infinitely,

, especially the entertainment circle that has become messy and unreasonable.

I am afraid that only by achieving true self-discipline and self-discipline,

can not be caught by those who are staring at you.

But people are not sages and sages can do nothing, bad people lay down butcher swords and stand to become Buddhas,

What's more, people who are not sages can do nothing, knowing that there is nothing wrong.

Finally, I hope Yang Shuo will come back after the silence, instead of being stubborn and presumptuous as before.

A good life will be what it wants.
